MTL - A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village-Chapter 729 call the wind and call the rain

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   The next morning, all kinds of news exploded everywhere!

  There is no other reason, something big happened last night!

   All the high-level executives of the three major consortiums died violently!

   All members of the three major families went to see God. This is another big event after the Mitsui family. And the big event this time is exactly the same as that of the Mitsui family.

   In other words, the enemy must be the same.

   Anyway, people from the relevant departments were shocked and confused when they saw this situation. They really can't think of who the four major families have provoked and let them all be wiped out.

  The four major consortiums and the four major families have been covering the sky with one hand for hundreds of years. But this year, they were killed by an unknown enemy. Not even one descendant remains. What a terrible word.

   It was so miserable that it exploded.

  Tokyo Newspaper: Peerless tragedy! Since the Mitsui family encountered an accident, I did not expect that the three major families of Fuji, Mitsubishi and Sumitomo would also encounter an accident. Last night, the manors of the three major families were all set on fire. When the relevant people arrived, they saw that the entire manor was a sea of ​​fire. The fire was put out in the middle of the night. But none of them survived!

   All went to see God!

   Not only that, but the owners of dozens of villas in Tokyo were sent to see God, so miserable that they exploded!

  Island Guobao: Who did the four major families perish? Who has that ability? Anyway, no one can find any clues, and no one can find the murderer at all. How did the murderer accomplish such a difficult thing?

   Unless these enemies are not humans, but gods!

   As soon as this news came out, the whole country was in an uproar!

   Countless people are talking about this matter.

   "I didn't expect the Mitsui family to end, and the other three families to follow. I thought it was caused by the four of them fighting each other. Now it doesn't look like it!"

   "Isn't that true, but I guess it might be the Nanye family who did it!"



   "It's just a guess. Let's see who can fight the four major consortiums now? Except for the Nanye consortium, which has that ability!"

   "That's true, but we don't have any evidence."

   "It's none of my business for the gods to fight. It's true that we should hurry up and sell the stocks of the three major consortiums! The three major consortiums were destroyed, and the stock market began to plummet in the morning..."

   "Yes, yes, go to work!"

   This incident really shocked the entire island country, and it also spread abroad. Many foreign forces are paying attention to things here. But they didn't pay too much attention either. After all, things on the island country are not very important to those people. Anyway, everyone has their own business to be busy with. They also have their own enemies.

  Tokyo Business Daily: With the accident of the three major families, the stock markets of Fuji, Mitsubishi, and Sumitomo consortium have all plummeted, and they have dropped by 6 points today...

   If this continues, the three major consortiums will follow in the footsteps of the Mitsui Consortium and will disappear into history.

   Now that the three major consortiums are in crisis, domestic entrepreneurs are all restless, all wanting a piece of the pie.


Nanye Building, Nanye Xiu said to a group of high-level executives: "Now that the high-level executives of the three major consortiums are finished, it is time for our Nanye Consortium to devour the industries of the three major consortiums! First of all, we are still the same as before, first acquisition The sold shares of the three major consortiums! As for how to turn the assets of the three major consortiums into ours, you should know what to do? If you encounter problems, go directly to Taichi Minamino!"

   "Yes, Mr. Chairman!"

  The Nanye Consortium has begun to exert its efforts again to fully accept the assets of the three major consortia. If you can go through the official channel, you can go through the official channel. If you can't, let the samurai like Taichi Minano go out and use various means!

   Besides, there is also an underground force under Shuichi Minami, which can also be used.

   Anyway, no one dares to grab the assets of the three major consortiums with him now. Not even the Sanhe Group and the First Quanyin Group. If they dare? All have to see God!

   With Minami Shuuichi's current strength at the seventh level of the Foundation Establishment Realm, as long as the elders didn't come out, he would just hang and beat everything. Even those deacons and elders have to kneel when they go up together.

   One month later, the Nanye Consortium devoured seventy-eighty-eight of the assets of the three consortiums, and the rest will take time to swallow slowly. Anyway, the overall situation is set!

   Now the strength of the Nanye Consortium has reached the $300 billion mark!

   is directly at the level of a world consortium, and now his financial resources, absolutely no consortium dares to underestimate it. However, in the end, whether or not you can hold on to it is another matter. After all, don't look at the collapse of the four major financial groups, and their direct line members have not yet come out.

   Nanye Building.

   "Now report to me the assets currently owned by our Minami Consortium." Minami Shuichi sat at the head of the conference room and said to the higher-ups below.

   "It's the chairman!" said a secretary.

   "First of all, let's talk about banks. We currently have a total of 36 banks, accounting for 85% of the island nation's finance!"

   "In terms of iron ore, there are 15 iron ore companies and 52 steel plants! 90% of domestic steel products are owned by companies under our Nanye Consortium..."

   "In terms of oil, there are a total of 10 oil companies, and 91% of the domestic oil is provided by our Nanye Consortium..."

"Automobile industry…"

The thought of    was more than an hour.

   Seeing that there are so many resources and enterprises, Minamino Shuichi laughed heartily. This is the result after swallowing the four major consortia. Now in the island nation, so to speak. He can completely do the existence of calling for wind and rain.

  Do whatever you want, and make whatever you want.

   Because, the economic lifeline has been controlled by him.

   "The chairman is mighty!"

   "The chairman is invincible!"

   "The chairman is the best in the world!"

   The high-level executives in the conference room were all shouting with real arms, because they were too excited. After all, there is only one consortium in the island country right now, and that is the Nanye Consortium!

"Next, I have a total of two plans! The first one is to win the Sanhe Group and the First Persuasion Bank Group. The second one is to redefine the rules! This rule belongs to me alone." Nanye Xiuyi said solemnly.

   "Yes, Mr. Chairman!"

   Now that he has killed the four major consortiums, of course it is time to turn around and clean up the Sanhe Group and the First Persuasive Bank Group. Both groups are ambitious, and of course he cannot let each other form a consortium in the future. Here, only one consortium is needed, and that is the Nanye Consortium.

   Now the Nanye Consortium is extremely prosperous, I believe that the Sanhe Group and the First Quanyin Group can't stand it!