MTL - 90s, The Cannon Fodder Wife of the Paranoid Boss is Reborn-Chapter 451 Just spoil her

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Chapter 451 Just spoil her


Li Jianfeng raised his hand and waved it in front of Bai Lu's eyes, his movements were quick and frank.

 “It was accidentally blown up while torpedoing yesterday.”

Afraid that Bai Lu wouldn’t believe it, Wu You immediately echoed: “Brother Feng developed a more powerful torpedo, but when he was inspecting the finished product, he couldn’t dodge and accidentally blew it up.”

Even though the white gauze only flashed in front of Bai Lu, the moment it was withdrawn, Bai Lu also clearly captured the area of ​​the gauze, which was basically on the little finger of Li Jianfeng's left hand.

 “Why are you so careless? Is it serious?”

Shang Chuyao was also so shocked that she stared at Li Jianfeng's hand: "Could it have been blown up?"

 “What a joke!”

Li Jianfeng ignored Shang Chuyao and only raised his hand to explain to Bai Lu: "It's just a bit of skin that was broken. It has been bandaged with medicine. It will be fine in a few days."

 Xiao Cheng raised his eyes and glanced at Li Jianfeng's flailing hands, his eyes darkened and thoughtful.

Seeing Li Jianfeng's relaxed expression, Bai Lu didn't ask any more questions: "Then you take good care of your injuries. If it's inconvenient, don't go to Xiaojiacun tomorrow..."

"Go, go, go! Of course I want to go!" Li Jianfeng took over Bai Lu's words and made the final decision.

He originally didn’t want to go, but now, he wants to go: “I also want to bring torpedoes to blow up the mountains!”

Bai Lu: “…”

  Xiao Cheng: “…”

 Shang Chuyao: “…”

Wu You wanted to cry but had no tears.

 Didn’t you agree to be more peaceful these days?

 Why are you going crazy again?

Bai Lu looked at Li Jianfeng's serious expression and twitched her lips slightly: "Are you sure you want to blow up the mountain?"

Li Jianfeng nodded vigorously: "Absolutely! The winter bamboo shoots are all on the mountain. How can I get first place without exploding them?"

Bai Lu: “…”

“It seems that your new torpedo development is very successful, and it can explode even mountains.”

 “Sister-in-law, you are so lucky!” Li Jianfeng smiled proudly, the corner of his mouth almost reaching the back of his head.

Bai Lu remembered that Xiao Cheng also had a mountain in Xiaojiacun: "A Cheng, are there any bamboo shoots on our mountain?"

Xiao Cheng was very satisfied with this sentence and gave him the privilege of mercy: "Let him blow up the ravine."

It is difficult for fir and bamboo to coexist. The mountains are full of fir, and bamboo can only be squeezed into the ravines.

 Bai Lu suddenly understood.

 Tomorrow’s game is not simple, there are also major events going on at the same time, and cheating will have an impact.

You can only temporarily grieved Jianfeng to blast the ravine, and then give him a big Zhuzhu Mountain.

"Go to Xiaojiacun at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. You don't need to bring anything. If you like to eat winter bamboo shoots, just bring a few more sacks to hold the bamboo shoots." Bai Lu asked with a chuckle.

"Okay~" Li Jianfeng put his fingers together and made a cool gesture of acceptance in front of his forehead.

“Sister-in-law, see you tomorrow!”

"See you tomorrow."

 The car drove away.

When he completely disappeared, Li Jianfeng had already leaned back to the front of the car and glanced at the gauze-wrapped area on his left hand with a gloomy look.

Putting the other hand in his pocket, he took out the cigarette case, but when he opened the lid, he found it was empty.

Li Jianfeng wanted Wu You to buy it, but when he looked up, he saw a group of young men sneaking out of the darkness opposite, like mice crossing the street.

 He frowned irritably, threw away the cigarette case, turned around and left: "That's it for today."

 “Bang!” The car door closed with a sound.

 The car sped away.

Wu You shook his head and sighed, and went to tell his brothers to put aside the half-finished work.

Stay where it’s cool, and don’t appear in front of the boss if you have nothing to do these days.

 The big boss might think that what Li Jianfeng left in the manor was loyalty, but little did he was hatred.


 When Bai Lu and Xiao Cheng arrived home, Xiao Dazhuang had already carried the fish into the yard and went to the kitchen to scrape the fish scales.

Shang Chuyao ran to see it as soon as he got off the car.

“What a big fish. How many kilograms does it weigh?”

"Ten pounds." Xiao Dazhuang was about to kill the fish, so he turned around to prevent the fish's blood from splattering on Shang Chuyao's clothes.

Last time at the barbecue, Shang Chuyao said that she didn’t like having oil, blood, soup and other things splattered on her clothes.

 The smell is strong, unpleasant and difficult to wash.

Shang Chuyao thought Xiao Dazhuang was avoiding her. Thinking of his tendency to tell the truth, Shang Chuyao asked directly: "Why didn't you turn around and show me?"

 Xiao Dazhuang did not turn around and replied very honestly: "Last time you said you didn't like your clothes to be splattered with blood."

 Speaking, he went down with a stick.

 The big fish twitched twice and died.

Shang Chuyao felt very comfortable after hearing Xiao Dazhuang's answer, and she was so happy that she didn't follow him.

“This fish is so big, what are you going to cook?”

On the way back, Bai Lu said that Xiao Dazhuang would stay for dinner tonight.

Xiao Dazhuang said matter-of-factly: "Sister-in-law said that if you like grilled fish, just make grilled fish."

 Shang Chuyao's comfort disappeared instantly.

   Bai Lu was speechless in front of the vegetable sink, and Xiao Wei was speechless.

 Can't we remove "sister-in-law"?

The honest man said he couldn't and said, "Have you received the New Year greetings? My sister-in-law asked me to send them."

  Bai Lu: “…” Who asked you?

 Xiao Wei: “…” Who asked you?

Shang Chuyao: "..." Why do you explain?

 “I sent you New Year greetings, but you didn’t reply to me.”

While disemboweling the big fish, Xiao Dazhuang explained: "I sent it again later, but you haven't replied to me yet, so have you received New Year's greetings?"

"I got it, and I've responded to you." Shang Chuyao explained expressionlessly: "I responded with a new number. When you sent the message, my phone accidentally fell into the bathtub, so I changed it to a new phone and a new number. I gave it to you. Happy New Year.”

  She confirmed: "I got two replies."

 And affirmed: “The last three digits of the mobile phone number are 999.”

 “So that number is yours!”

Xiao Dazhuang suddenly realized: "I thought it was a sales call from a stranger that my sister-in-law said before, so I blocked it."

 Shang Chuyao was blacklisted for the first time.

 I didn’t know it before I came here, but I know it now.

Bai Lu lied again and again, and she must explain: "I won't be so sensible when selling numbers, I won't send out New Year greetings on time, and I won't return the last number so pretty, so different, big When you get stronger, you have to look at it carefully!

 Xiao Dazhuang nodded matter-of-factly: "I understand. Sister-in-law is right. I listen to sister-in-law."

 Bai Lu: "!!" Vomiting blood.

  Xiao Wei: “…” Let’s continue to be a widow.

Shang Chuyao looked at Bai Lu and Xiao Wei with puzzled faces, carrying the vegetable baskets and walking out in a hurry.

 “Where are you going?”

 The earth is no longer suitable for Bai Lu and Xiao Wei to stay.

 They are going to Mars.

“Let’s go to Mars to pick vegetables...ahem! No! Let’s go to the backyard vegetable garden to pick vegetables.”

With a smile on her face, Bai Lu blocked Shang Chuyao from following him out: "Please help Da Zhuang wash some ginger. He has to kill fish and wash **** alone. He is too busy. Xiaowei and I can just pick green vegetables. The vegetable garden is not far away.”

 Xiao Dazhuang wanted to say that he had his hands full.

Before the words could be spoken, Bai Lu was slapped back in the stomach with a cold knife.

 Shocked, my sister-in-law and my eldest brother look more and more alike!

 Even the cold knives are exactly the same.

 Xiao Dazhuang stopped talking.

 Silently turn back and continue killing fish.

Shang Chuyao wanted to go pick vegetables with Bailu Xiao Wei, but when she heard that she wanted to help Xiao Dazhuang wash ginger, she had to stay. Ginger should also be added to grilled fish, otherwise it will have a fishy smell and affect the taste.

 The study room in the main building.

 Xiao Cheng is sitting at the computer desk working.

 Make forms, edit information, check accounts and make financial reports, send and receive emails, print contracts...

 Yes, he can use a computer. Bai Lu taught him how to operate it and how to transform his work.

 Teacher Lulu is very gentle and patient, teaching him step by step until he learns it.

It was very different from the girl standing in front of him now, with an angry face and bulging cheeks.

 “Who deserves a beating again?”

Xiao Cheng stopped what he was doing, hugged the girl with one hand, put her on his lap, and asked softly.

"No one deserves a beating." Bai Lu just suddenly felt that she had talked too much and was so angry that she was speechless.

 “Are you still busy?” She looked at the computer desktop in working condition.

Xiao Cheng did not deny it: "There are still some documents to sort out. Print them out and use them tomorrow."

 Tomorrow is the appointment time with Mr. Huo.

 Great cooperation must be taken seriously.

 Bai Lu got off Xiao Cheng’s lap: “Then you get busy first. I’m going to grill fish with Yaoyao. I’ll call you when the meal is ready.”

Xiao Cheng also circled her waist: "Xiao Wei can also grill fish, and Xiao Dazhuang."

Bai Lu was amused by the boss's sudden petty attitude: "Can you have some conscience? You always want to use child labor, so Xiaowei is a brother control. You torture him thousands of times, but he loves you like his first love. If it were someone else..."

"How about something else?" Xiao Cheng looked at her intently.

He was sitting on an office chair, and she was standing, raising her head slightly, her eyes looking at her from the inside out.

"Someone else..." Bai Lu suddenly held up Xiao Cheng's face and gave it a big kiss.

 After the kiss, he ran away: "Who else can you guess?"

Xiao Cheng didn't guess and wanted to catch the person back, but unfortunately there was only a trace of a beautiful silhouette at the door.

  I say fairness every day, but never give him fairness every time.

 The right side of Xiao Cheng's face was cold, while the left side was still warm. He felt unbalanced and vented it all on the keyboard.

Crackling is a violent operation.

The printer's workload increased and it began to buzz and spit out data files.

Bai Lu originally thought that if she and Xiao Wei stayed away, leaving Shang Chuyao and Xiao Dazhuang some space, the two of them could relax and chat more.

 The result is good.

 Xiao Dazhuang only loves his fish.

While answering Shang Chuyao’s questions, he was handling the fish and having an awkward conversation about grilling the fish.

 As a result, as we chatted, the topics became fewer and fewer, and the conversation was about to end abnormally.

  Bai Lu had no choice but to speak, and continued with the topic of the bamboo shoots-digging competition.

 The two of them continued their awkward conversation.

 It seems that it’s not that she talks too much, but that the awkward chat combination needs too much additives.

 If one dose is not enough, use a second dose - roasted snails.

Bai Lu and Xiao Wei specially fished five kilograms of snails from the creek in the backyard and skewered enough for brother Da Zhuang.

Yaoyao likes to eat grilled snail meat!

Then let’s eat grilled fish and grilled snails together!

A grilled fish dinner becomes a small barbecue.

 There is food and drink, as well as new products carefully brewed by the fruit factory before the holiday.

 —Low-alcohol mellow fruit wine.

Bai Lu wanted to drink it, but Xiao Cheng wouldn't give it to him.

She complained to Grandpa Hu: "Grandpa, Xiao Cheng is becoming more and more arbitrary, domineering and unreasonable. Fruit wine is just a low-alcohol drink and will not make you drunk at all. He actually refuses to let me drink it. I can't even have a drink with Yaoyao." .

 “A Cheng is unreasonable, grandpa, hurry up and educate him.”

Grandpa Hu really couldn't resist Bai Lu's rare gesture of complaining to his daughter's family.

 But the key is that he had just secretly poured two glasses of fruit wine for Bai Lu behind Xiao Cheng's back.

Although it is a low-alcohol drink, Bai Lu has a special constitution...getting drunk will cause trouble.

 Last time I had a fever and went to the hospital.

There is no guarantee what will happen this time.

 It’s better to drink less.

Grandpa Hu looked at the angry girl in front of him and couldn't bear it: "Ah Cheng, look at the alcoholic content of this fruit wine. To put it bluntly, it's just a fruit drink with some alcoholic flavor. I think Lulu should still be... There are three cups, why don’t you give her another small cup?”

 Bai Lu seemed a little heavy-minded, but she also felt that she still had three glasses of wine, so she threw a wine glass in front of Xiao Cheng: "A Cheng, grandpa agreed.

"I just want to have a taste. After all, you are going to get the fruit wine and information tomorrow to discuss cooperation with Mr. Huo. We are drinking the lowest alcohol series, and the high-purity ones are still in the storage room. Just be accommodating~ "

Xiao Cheng reached out and pushed away the wine glass that almost hit his face. He looked at the girl with peach blossoms in front of him and looked at him expectantly, and sighed helplessly.

 “Grandpa, just spoil her.”

 Speak as if you are not used to it.

Who pushed the wine glass away, then opened the bottle cap and poured wine for Lulu?

 Is it the devil?

Grandpa Hu and Xiao Wei looked at each other and didn't bother to say anything. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell who was a maniac about doting on his wife.

Shang Chuyao and Xiao Dazhuang were stunned.

“Brother Cheng often loves his wife without any bottom line, making decisions with a cold face and no doubts. Can he always change the decision he made?” Shang Chuyao asked without seeing her.

 Xiao Dazhuang honestly shook his head: "No."

“No one can change the decisions that Brother Cheng makes. We have followed him for so many years and we have never seen him change any of his decisions. In the words of my sister-in-law, he is the kind of person who cannot pull back ten cows...but my sister-in-law is an exception.”

“Sister-in-law can change Brother Cheng’s decision every time, whether it’s fighting or doing things.”

Shang Chuyao was surprised when she saw Xiao Cheng pouring wine for Bai Lu, only 50% full. After getting a fierce look from Bailu, she had to pour 60% full.

His arm was pinched by Bai Lu again, so he had to pour seven points full... which was enough indulgence.

Shang Chuyao didn't know that Bai Lu would get a fever when she was drunk. After drinking two glasses of fruit wine, she wanted to reveal the big secret.

“Xiao Dazhuang, I know a secret, do you want to hear it?”

 Xiao Dazhuang scratched his head: "Since it's a secret, don't tell it."

Shang Chuyao refused and said, "I just came back from the bathroom and passed by the storage room. I saw Lulu secretly taking a sip of red-purple wine. The bottle seemed to have a label on it, and it was called - craft wine."

The barbecue table is so big, Shang Chuyao didn't deliberately lower his voice, and the whole audience was stunned for a while.

 So quiet that you can hear a pin drop.

 “Well, it seems that you drank alcohol that makes you easily drunk.” Xiao Wei reminded him weakly.

Bai Lu has fallen on Xiao Cheng's shoulder, her cheeks are white and rosy, and her voice is soft and soft: "A Cheng, I saw grandpa and Xiaowei spinning in circles, Yaoyao and Da Zhuang dancing hand in hand..."

  Xiao Wei: “…”

 Grandpa Hu: “…”

 Shang Chuyao: “…”

 Xiao Dazhuang: “…”

Xiao Cheng raised his hand and touched Bai Lu's forehead and neck: "Do you feel any discomfort?"

Bai Lu grabbed Xiao Cheng's hand, shook her head, and whispered into his ear: "Go back to your room with me. I have something very, very important to tell you."

Since no abnormal temperature was detected between his fingers, Xiao Cheng was slightly relieved: "What's the matter?"

Bai Lu looked at him with a smile and whispered: "About my parents."

As soon as these words were said, everyone was stunned, Xiao Cheng immediately picked up Bai Lu and returned to the main building.

Didn't even say hello to them.

Only Bai Lu's drunken warning fell in the distance: "Da Zhuang, don't bully Yaoyao while others are in danger! Yaoyao go back to your room and sleep, and you are not allowed to go out tonight..."

 (End of this chapter)