MTL - 9 Heavenly Thunder Manual-Chapter 18 Beast cub

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Brothers who have no collection, please collect it, let the flowers come more vigorously!

The speed of recovery this time is much faster than in the past, the main reason is that not all the energy has been released, leaving behind a line will be of great help to recovery.

For a little while, Lei Yu opened her eyes, quickly took a bath and changed to clean clothes, then sat in the room and looked at the books at random.

He knows that several of them will come after the end of the game, so they will no longer practice, and sure enough ...

It is true that as Nuo Hu said, the leadership of the Dragon Group is indeed a sufficient deterrent. The Lei family did not embarrass Lei Yu, and did not even see him, and this matter was left to nothing.

Xun Leiyu asked the Dragon team for two days off and drove Nuohu's car in one direction.

Driving is much faster than walking, but in a short period of time, Lei Yu reached a deserted place. Because there was no way to drive in front, he simply parked the car aside and walked inward.

I walked for about three hours, and the sky gradually faded. Lei Yu came to this familiar place. Here, Lei Yu has many memories, which were given by Lei's family two years ago.

Touch forward according to the route of memory, a representative big tree stands in front of you. This is the fruit tree. Although you do n’t know the name yet, you can have deep feelings for these fruits, Lei Yu, if not These fruits, say no, I can't live today.

Walked over, picked a chewing from the tree and put it in the mouth, the sweet taste came into the throat again, Lei Yu continued to move forward, the beast's body in the grove might now be Already turned into bones? Maybe even the bones disappeared.

The scene that surprised Lei Yu was in front of him. The body of this beast was lying intact without any decay.

"It's been a year, this ... what the **** is going on here?" Lei Yu's brain suddenly had a short circuit.

Even if there is no decay and turned into bones, some predators should pass by? But the body of this beast did not change at all except for the scars and scabs, not even a fly.

"Move ?!" Lei Yu abruptly took a few steps back, rubbing her eyes hard.


No, it's not an illusion. The beast is indeed moving, but it's not that he is moving, but that something in his body seems to be turbulent.

Xun Leiyu walked forward two steps pretending to be brave. The belly of the fierce beast was more turbulent. Lei Yu swallowed her throat and wanted to find out. This was a few naive howls in her belly.

"What's in his belly?" Lei Yu daringly pulled out the sharp spikes from the back and cut it at the beast of the beast. There was no blood flowing out, but there was a black squirming lightly.

Lei Yu was suddenly shocked, this is actually a cub!

This cub is very similar to this beast, except that there are no savage spikes on its back, its fur is smooth and shiny, and it has no horrible face. It is rather cute, with blood-red eyes blinking, " "Yi" cried twice and crawled out of the belly of the fierce beast.

As soon as the little one crawled out, the body of this beast suddenly changed dramatically and turned into a pile of gravel and scattered all over the place.

"This ..." Lei Yu thought carefully about the situation on the day, as if he had come here to hear the roar before he started fighting. It turned out that this fierce beast was just during conception and was weak. If not for this reason, Lei Yu is simply not It is impossible to overcome it, and this little guy stayed in his mother's belly for a whole year. During this period, the little beast's life was supported by the beast's own energy. It seems that it is time to run out of energy, otherwise it will not be instant Into gravel.

This scene is like a myth that makes Lei Yu unbelievable. Looking at the little guy the size of a kitten in front of him, Lei Yu feels guilty. The time when it should have been mother and child reunion has become a permanent farewell.

Lei Yu picked up this little guy with his hands. The little boy licked Lei Yu's arm lightly. "What if I leave it here for a long time, what should I do? His mother has been killed by me, and he will leave here "Lei Yu immediately fell into deep thought. If the little guy grows up this look can be scary enough, and after a while the spikes form behind it, wouldn't it become a veritable monster?" No, you can't take it back!

Xun Leiyu was fighting fiercely in her heart. On the one hand, she felt guilty and on the other, she was in a difficult position.

The little man stunned for a long time in the palm of Lei Yu, suddenly jumped down, "嗷", ran towards the deep woods, Lei Yu hurried forward to catch up.

The little guy was very fast. Lei Yu followed closely and ran a long way. The little guy stopped in front of a huge stone and looked up at the stone.

The stone was more than two meters high and was deeply buried in the soil. Lei Yu looked at this stone in the future. There were two parallel lines engraved on it. There was a certain distance between the two lines. At this time, the little guy shouted again. After a moment, the body suddenly became bright, but the light was black. Lei Yu blinked a little, the light disappeared, and the little boy disappeared.

Lei Yu looked around and found no trace of it. When his eyes fell on the boulder again, Lei Yu was completely shocked. There was actually a pattern in the space between the two parallel lines. This pattern is very Familiar, that is the beast!

"What's the matter with this?" Scratching his head hard, Lei Yu simply sat down.

Observed for most of the day, still no change, "Forget it!"

I walked to the river and washed my face. Lei Yu picked up a bag full of fruits again and sat back to the river to practice. Now that it is dark, it is impossible to go back.

At the same time that Lei Yu practiced with her eyes closed, a boulder in the deep woods shook for a while, and then calm was restored, except that the face of the sculpted beast image had one blood-red eye, and the other One eye is blind.

Xun Leiyu's main purpose this time was to pick these fruits. These fruits have greatly helped Nuohu's cultivation. If Liu Hao can successfully consolidate his true energy and success, it will also help him.

After a night of practice, Lei Yu was very happy with her modest improvement. She left this familiar place with a full bag of fruits, but there was a slight change here.

Uh ...

"These fruits have a long shelf life, so don't worry about spoiling." Lei Yu poured out the picked fruits from the backpack. Liu Hao didn't know what it was, but Nuohu was very excited. Some things are of great help to cultivation!

"Master, what is this thing? Is it delicious?" Liu Hao picked up one and looked around, UU reading asked.

"Remove the '?' And try it yourself." Lei Yu laughed.

浩 Liu Hao blinked, put the fruit in his mouth, chewing faster and faster, and his expression became more and more surprised, "I rely on it! It's delicious!" Picked up one in one hand and stuffed it into the mouth again.

"You guy! Really ..." Nuohu was a bit distressed when watching Liu Hao's actions. These things are a panacea for him, but Liu Hao in front of him eats like peanuts. How can he Make him feel bad?

"Huh? What's going on?" Liu Hao suddenly rubbed his belly, his face red and green.

"No, can this thing still eat bad stomach?" Lei Yu did not understand, but this thing has been eaten for a year and it is not sick and unscathed, why did Liu Haogang eat two?

"No, it's not a bad stomach! Master, why is there a backlash in my stomach?"

Xun Leiyu was overjoyed, "You sit down on your knees, focus on your heart, and take a closer look at what's going on. At the same time, follow the mentality I gave you to see if you can seize it."

According to Lei Yu's words, Liu Hao sat down, Lei Yu and Nuohu looked at him intently, hoping to have some effect.

After half an hour passed, Liu Hao did not respond. An hour later, Nuohu yawned, "Why so slow?"

"Master! Oops!"

This book's first release comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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