MTL - 70s: Dressed As a Villain’s Wife-Chapter 31 His identity is only Manman.

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"Thank you... Xie Mingtu?"

Who is Xie Mingtu? Liu Zhaoqiang couldn't even turn his head around. By the way, isn't Xie Mingtu his nephew and son-in-law? Xie family fifth, Xie Mingtu? ? !

How did he become like this?

Liu Zhaoqiang pointed at Xie Mingtu in front of him, his hands shaking like a sieve, he couldn't believe that the man in front of him turned out to be ... Xie Laowu!

The people who were still watching also heard the conversation between them, and immediately exploded.

"He is Xie Mingtu?!"

"Who is Xie Mingtu! I don't seem to have heard of this name..."

"Are you stupid, Xie Mingtu is the name of Xie Laowu."

"Xie Laowu? Isn't that the one from Su Xiaoman..."

"No way!"

"Look at his eyes, the bridge of the nose, it seems to be Xie Laowu."

"Look carefully, there are still similarities in the eyebrows and eyes."

"I didn't expect Xie Gouzi to look so good after just tidying up."

"It's changed too much, my mother, I can't even recognize this mother! Where is Sun Mei? Sun Mei is here, come and recognize her son!"

Sun Mei also brought her eldest daughter-in-law, Qin Xiuying, and her second daughter-in-law, Xu Yanlan, to the village to pick them up. It doesn't show off much, and it's not suitable for crowded places to squeeze.

Xu Yanlan pointed forward, "Mother, look, the car is parked there."

Sun Mei nodded and accelerated her pace to rush over. The three mother-in-law and daughter-in-law squeezed into the crowd.

At this time, Sun Mei's heart was beating like thunder, and the person full of thoughts was her poor baby son Jiang Yantang, and all the noises around her couldn't reach her ears.

After squeezing into the crowd, the first thing Sun Mei looked for was where Jiang Yantang was.

She saw him!

Sun Mei's eyes glowed with excitement, and a surging heat flow gathered in her eyes almost instantly, making her unable to help cover her mouth.

This is her biological son!

He is Jiang Zhiqing who is praised by everyone in the village!

Thinking of this, Sun Mei was even more excited. She could give birth to such an excellent son. Against the background of Jiang Yantang, Xie, who was always on the top of her heart by her in the past, was overwhelmed. The second child seems to have become dim and insignificant.

Her poor child.

If she went out to visit relatives and gave birth prematurely, the child born was yellow all over, suspected of being seriously ill at birth, and it would be impossible to save her life... I didn't expect it, I didn't expect her to be a child Blessed by the Bodhisattva, he is now growing up healthily and becoming such an outstanding young man.

Sun Mei clenched her sleeves and tried to calm herself down.

No, she can't be too excited, she must relax, she can't recognize this child for the time being, Jiang Yantang is now a child of the big courtyard, born in a cadre family, such a good background, how can she give her Xie Mingtu, that son of a **** who can't get on the stage.

When Sun Mei was thinking secretly in her heart, someone suddenly pushed her shoulder, "Sun Mei, look at your family's fifth Xie, he seems to have changed, and he doesn't know Does your mother-in-law recognize you?"

Xie Laowu?

What can happen to that sloppy Xie Gouzi?

"Look, that's your youngest son, haha, don't you recognize him?"

Following the direction the person pointed to her, Sun Mei saw the "refreshed" Xie Mingtu, the outline of the other's face, like a thunderbolt, instantly smashed on top of her head, which reminded her subconsciously A person's appearance in memory.

She was so excited just now that she was instantly chilled by ice water.

How did this **** become like this.

Sun Mei walked up to Xie Mingtu angrily, and disgusted her face to face: "Who asked you to dress up like this, go out and dress like a second-rate, bah. "

"Good peasant, who made you a second-rate!"

"It's just a scumbag. You want to forget your roots."

Can you be sloppy? Folks, look, our Mingtu looks much better than the one in front of me?”

Someone in the crowd immediately said, "It's very handsome!"

"Sun Mei has an old-fashioned look. She looks like a child in the city when she dresses like this. Where is the second-rate, is there such a good-looking second-rate?"

"She also dislikes her fifth child. I think her second child usually dresses more like a second-rate. Sure enough, this surnamed Sun is biased to every side on weekdays."

"How can anyone hate their youngest son so much..."

Sun Mei's reaction was too strange in the eyes of everyone, and a little out of line with common sense.

In the past, Xie Mingtu was inconspicuous, silent and sloppy and disgusting. Naturally, he was no match for the second Xie, the teacher of the contemporary class. Sun Mei was partial to Xie’s second, and he was cheap and Xie’s fifth. In the eyes of everyone It seems that there is a reason.

And now Xie Laowu has married a beautiful daughter-in-law, and he has also transformed himself into a handsome young man. Why is Sun Mei not happy at all, still he is a nose rather than an eye to this handsome son .

It's just too weird.

Many people couldn't help but mutter in their hearts.

"Hey, did you notice that, it seems that Xie Laowu doesn't look a lot like his brothers. The eldest, the second and the third, all have national faces, and the fifth chin, It's much thinner, before the old five had a beard on his chin, but it's a little different when you look at the bones..."

"It's a little different."

"Looking at Mr. Xie, I seem to remember something about him when he was a child. I remember that this child was young and tender, like a little Fuwa."

The subtle discussions around Sun Mei were like sharp knives. She didn't care about these words before, but now Jiang Yantang is also here, she pretended to be It's a big secret that can't be told, and it's really impossible to stay here any longer.

As long as she doesn't admit it, no one will discover Jiang Yantang's life experience. As for the Xie Gouzi, he doesn't look like the Xie family, because he became a **** halfway through, still a mud-legged seed of the seed.

Thinking of this, Sun Mei calmed down a lot, she glared at Su Xiaoman, "walk around, what are you doing here, bah, go home."

Su Xiaoman took Xie Mingtu's hand and looked up at his profile. The expression on his face was indifferent, and his eyes were lowered slightly. He seemed to be used to this kind of treatment. Looking at the sight, the corner of his mouth lifted slightly.

Since Sun Mei appeared, Su Xiaoman has been observing Sun Mei. She found that the first thing Sun Mei came here was to look for Jiang Yantang.

It seems that Sun Mei already knows that Jiang Yantang is her youngest son.

Su Xiaoman and Xie Mingtu first returned to Xie's house with their belongings.

Second sister-in-law Xie Xu Yanlan immediately surrounded them and asked questions like a cat smelling fishy smell.

"You guys came back with a lot of things."

"I just heard He Zhiqing say that the fifth child learned to run transportation over there, and made money, right?"

"I made a lot of money, do I have to hand it in?"

"Mother, come and see what the fifth and his daughter-in-law brought back."

After returning to Xie's house, Sun Mei kept her face straight. She looked at Xie Mingtu's handsome face, and could not wait to take a knife and slash it.

Sun Mei was very sensitive at this time, for fear that Xie Mingtu would hinder the future of her own son Jiang Yantang.

She thought that someone in the village would find that Jiang Yantang looked like their second son Xie, then would anyone find that Xie Mingtu looked...

No, no, no, no one knows what Jiang Yantang's family looks like, no such thing will happen.

Sun Mei was thinking about these things, thinking about how to restore Xie Mingtu to her original appearance. Even if Xu Yanlan called her, she just responded casually.

The daughter-in-law of the old family and the daughter-in-law of the third family came out. Qin Xiuying brought her two sons and a daughter, and Zhou Xiaohui was surrounded by the eldest daughter Xie Chunjuan and the youngest daughter Xie Xiajuan.

As soon as Xie Chunjuan saw the beautiful little aunt, she approached with a smile, "Little aunt, you are back!"

Su Xiaoman pinched her face, "Come back, aunt brought something for you."

Where did Su Xiaoman bring the snow cream and toothpaste and toothbrush that he brought back? The children gave a handful of fruit candies one by one. Several children ate the candy and jumped around happily.

She gave two boxes of vanishing cream to sister-in-law and sister-in-law three. Although sister-in-law kept saying, "There's no need for us country people to wipe these things...", she still happily accepted it. Under the snow cream.

"There are also these toothbrushes, which are for children, sister-in-law and sister-in-law, you let them each have one."

At this time, the people in the village did not pay much attention to children's brushing their teeth, and they were reluctant to buy toothbrushes. Several children brushed a toothbrush together. That day Su Xiaoman saw the two boys of the old family, just in There, I used a toothbrush to brush my teeth. The bristles on the toothbrush had already exploded, and it had reached the level of being scrapped, but it had not been thrown away.

It is said that this toothbrush is the old one, so it was given to the old one.

As soon as Su Xiaoman went out, thinking about a few children, she felt that she had to give them a new toothbrush, not for anything else, but for her own comfort.

Or look at the hot eyes.

"Chunjuan, here are these two toothbrushes for you and your sister."

The little girl smiled with two rows of teeth and happily thanked: "Thank you little aunt."

Xu Yanlan frowned when she saw that the eldest and the third family got things, "The fifth daughter-in-law, what about our family? Our family's Yaozu is his grandmother's precious grandson. ."

Asking for these for you is superfluous."

"Here, I picked a handkerchief for you, it suits you very well." Su Xiaoman handed the folded handkerchief to Xu Yanlan.

Although it was the one that was splashed with ink, Su Xiaoman embroidered some copy on it to block the ink, and it looked like a pretty good handkerchief on the surface.

Although she got such a handkerchief, Xu Yanlan is still the box of vanishing cream in the hands of the hot-eyed boss and the third daughter-in-law. The brand and packaging are much better than the ones she is using now.

The fifth daughter-in-law is also not good at doing things, so I prepared a handkerchief for her, can't I give her an extra box of vanishing cream.

"I bought a pencil case for my nephew." Su Xiaoman took out a small blue bag and gave it to Xie Yaozu.

"There are several other children, but there are only three, one for each family." When Su Xiaoman was at Zhou's house, he borrowed the sewing machine over there and made three with unwanted rags pencil case.

Her sewing lines are neat, and a small animal is embroidered on the pencil case, which is much more delicate and beautiful than the ones sold outside.

Xie Yaozu held the pencil case in his hand. He had always been used to enjoying the best things by himself. Now that he saw that others have them, he felt a little dissatisfied.

"This pencil case is so beautiful, brother, let me use it for you."

"Brother, I don't want it, you want it."

"You take it."

The three children of the old family have only one pencil case.

Xie Yaozu pursed his lips and saw the old family's children let go, and immediately felt that he was "superior", and he was full of superiority.

Old man Xie got a new tobacco pot and tobacco bag, touched the tobacco leaves, and chewed them in his mouth, "It's good tobacco leaves, I'm quite picky."

After having cigarettes, he is not satisfied.

It was a canned fruit for Sun Mei. Su Xiaoman glanced at Xie Mingtu. He picked the canned food. Xie Yaozu, his precious grandson.

"The second daughter-in-law said that you went to learn to run and transport. After buying these things, how much money is left."

Su Xiaoman said aside: "There's nothing left. I bought these things, and also bought a few sets of clothes for Mingtu. Mother, you can count, there's nothing left."

Sun Mei glanced at Xie Mingtu's face. In fact, she also estimated that there was not much money left on the two of them. The most expensive thing was to make clothes. She went out several times on Su Xiaoman's body. This man surnamed Su always pestered her family banquet hall to please him every day. That's fine, but now he's willing to buy these clothes for the fifth one.

The fabrics are all new, he also wears new clothes? !

Sun Mei took a closer look again, they were all good materials, they were good products from other people's clothing factories, and the shape was beautiful.

All for your second brother."

"The second one wears the clothes you are wearing better." Sun Mei now just wants to thank the fifth fifth for returning to his original appearance, with messy hair and beard, and wearing tattered and outdated clothes.

At home, although Xie Mingtu lowered his head and kept silent, Sun Mei always asked him to do something, and he would do it honestly. Sun Mei was used to bossing him around.

But this time, Xie Mingtu listened to her words, but did not act according to her words immediately.

"Here are my clothes."

"Bah! This is your clothes? You went out and your wings were hard, didn't you? Father be kind and filial, brothers and friends, have you heard of it, you are uneducated, just make a little money If you care about what you eat and wear, and you don't want to honor your brother, you have **** in your head, and you are very selfish."

Su Xiaoman wanted to laugh when she heard Sun Mei's words, but she understood the double-standard logic of a person like Sun Mei better than anyone else. Mrs. Su, who once regarded her child as her life, also treated her like this of.

With one knife, she regretted it too much.

Let her be arrogant for a few days now, and she will suffer some miserable days in the future. Su Xiaoman wants to bury her some more misfortunes.

These things she gave to the Xie family, they will know later, they are hot.

"Mother-in-law, take a closer look, Mingtu is too different from his second brother's figure, and his clothes can't be worn by the second brother, sister-in-law, sister-in-law three, are you right? "Su Xiaoman grabbed Xie Mingtu's wrist and looked at the eldest sister-in-law and the third sister-in-law.

The elder sister-in-law and the third sister-in-law help each other, "That's right, mother, Xiaoman is right, how can the second child wear the clothes of the fifth? Besides, the fifth has been picking up his brother for so many years. I have to wear the old clothes, and I finally went out for a trip, and it is also necessary to add some new clothes."

"It is."

For the first time, Xu Yanlan also came to say a word: "That's right, mother, Xiaowu is married now, so he should really add some new clothes, Weidong's clothes are enough to wear , I don't need the fifth one."

Several daughters-in-law were standing opposite, Sun Mei's breathing was blocked, so she couldn't hold on any longer, she glared at Xu Yanlan fiercely, and thought of her always preferred second child.

The second child looks somewhat similar to Jiang Yantang.

Every time she thinks of this child she has not raised, Sun Mei feels a burst of heartache. He is so good, he should have been her baby son.

Have a meal at Xie's house at night, Su Xiaoman and Xie Mingtu returned to the humble residence of Xie's house.

Su Xiaoman sorted things out, turned to look at Xie Mingtu sitting beside the bed, he took a knife and cut wood there.

After returning to Xie's house, he seemed to be quite silent.

Su Xiaoman sat beside him and hugged his thin back from behind. At this time, the one who can understand Xie Mingtu's feelings best should be her.

I was not liked by my mother since I was a child, but I watched another child being favored and favored, doubting whether I was unworthy of being loved, trying my best to please my mother, getting it most of the time, but Or her indifference and scolding.

This is a very complex feeling.

Knowing that it is not her biological mother, it seems that she finally knows the answer to the dust, but she still can't let it go, but she abandons you and can't wait for another child she has never met Show your motherly love.

Ok, then go to your biological mother, but this biological mother doesn't seem to love you either...

It is because she has experienced it that she takes care of his feelings.

"Xie Mingtu, don't be sad." Su Xiaoman didn't know whether Xie Mingtu knew that he was not the biological child of the Xie family.

She wanted to tell him the truth about Xie Mingtu's life experience, but thinking about what she saw today, she felt that it was unnecessary. Xie Mingtu's ear...

He will hear.

Better to let him hear it than she tells him.

Su Xiaoman thought to herself, maybe it was tonight, because Sun Mei was too abnormal when she saw the handsome Xie Mingtu today.

Sun Mei won't be complacent for long, she should be punished, the Xie family will fall apart sooner or later.


Two unfortunate people who share the same illness are not too unlucky, and now there is a biological mother Liu Shufeng.

Xie Mingtu was stunned, "Really?"

He actually knew that the Su family was not very satisfied with his son-in-law, and several of Su Xiaoman's brothers also looked down on him.

"Really, otherwise how could you think I could marry into your house, it's not because my mother thinks you are good."

"Before she made a bet with me that you look great when you clean up."

Xie Mingtu's beautiful peach blossom eyes lit up, looking at Su Xiaoman and smiling softly.

Sun Mei and Xie old man's room.

The two hadn't slept yet, and the old man Xie was smoking a cigarette happily. The tobacco leaves brought back by the fifth and his wife were really good cigarettes.

"Old lady, why are you so strange today."

"Don't be too mean to Xiao Wu." Old man Xie couldn't understand why Sun Mei hated his youngest son. He guessed that it was when his mother was alive that she didn't have a good relationship with Sun Mei. , but after Xiao Wu was born, his mother liked this little grandson, took him to her for a few months, and named him Mingtu.

Maybe for this reason, Sun Mei doesn't like Xie Mingtu very much.

Sun Mei pursed her lips. After seeing Jiang Yantang today, the excitement in her heart could not be restrained.

She is the only one who knows the truth now.

The incident made her panic.

"Old man, come, let me tell you something." Sun Mei told old man Xie Jiang Yantang's life experience.

The cigarette pot in Old Man Xie's hand was almost unsteady, and the fiery red soot fell on the clothes, burning several holes.

"What? What?!"

No one can take his identity away."

"" The old man Xie who learned the truth was greatly stimulated. He didn't expect that Xie Mingtu was not his biological son, but Jiang Zhiqing in the village was his and Sun Mei's youngest son .

If you say so, Xie Mingtu... He is the son of the big courtyard, his own child, who robbed him of his identity.

Old man Xie patted off the ash from his body, looked at the tobacco leaves in the cigarette bag, and said, "Wife, let's be nice to this child Mingtu in the future."

"Being a man must have a little conscience." Old man Xie felt uneasy, knowing that the excellent Jiang Zhiqing was his son, and he also felt a burst of green smoke on his ancestral grave.

His daughter-in-law is obsessed with exchanging other people's children. His family has done something wrong.

Others take care of the children."

"He has been raised with food and drink, but he is not satisfied?"

He looked blankly at the beam above his head.

Sometimes the ear is too good, it is really a painful thing, he heard the conversation between old man Xie and Sun Mei.

Stop echoing a sentence:

"If I had no conscience, I would strangle this child to death as soon as he was replaced. Why should I raise a child for someone else."


As soon as I saw her, the wind and rain in my mind calmed down in an instant.

Xie Mingtu thinks, he only needs Manman.