MTL - 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution-Chapter 11 Symbiosis

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Lin asked the observer to swim to the heights, trying to find something to attack the acidist. Lin remembered that the pain of the fallen acidist was from below, and the attack must have come from below.

Lin found that there are many raised black stones in the rock surface under the acid injections. They are very inconspicuous in this rock area. The acidists are floating close to these stones. I feel that the attack is from the stone.

Camouflage... A creature pretends to be something common in an environment, thereby ambushing prey.

Although I have never seen this situation, Lin’s thoughts know that there is such a thing.

Therefore, Lin intends to fight back directly. The acidists immediately aimed at the stones underneath. A large amount of dissolved liquid was sprayed on the stones. The stones were shaken by the dissolved liquid, but not only one was moving. Instead, all the stones in the entire area radiated a strong shake, and the entire surface of the stone-filled ground slowly rose.

Lin didn't anticipate this situation. It quickly let the sorrowers spread out. When they were far away, the creature hidden in the ground also showed its figure.

Its whole body is black and gray, just like the color of the surrounding rocks, and the body has many protruding stones, a bit like the sawtooth of the diggers, with a lot of flagella underneath, but its shape However, there are more than 50 times the size of the diggers. After it floats up, there is a big defect in the rock below.

Rock worms.

Lynn gave this big and good-looking creature a name and decided to kill it.

Lin once again let a sour person come forward, because Lynn still does not know the attack method of the rock worm, so I dare not let all the acidists move.

When the acidifier approached the rock worm, it also reacted. Lin clearly saw that a small stone on the rock worm swayed slightly, and a tiny invisible tiny sharp object emerged from it. The sharp object stabbed in an instant. The body of this acidator.

Then Lynn felt the pain as before, and then there was no response.

It’s a terrible way of attacking, but Lin still sees it clearly. The rock-like protrusions in the rock are hidden in some kind of sharp things, and there is a liquid in the thing that can quickly destroy the body of the acid. The nucleus.


Although it is a new word, Lin feels that it represents the same meaning as the acid solution of the acidifier, and it is a liquid with extremely strong damage ability.

The rock worm moved a large body and slowly turned around and swam toward the body of the acid-sucker who was shot down.

When the rock worm turned around, Lin saw the upper end of its mouth, with a strange black protrusion. Unlike the stone, this protrusion was quite large and felt like the glittering luster of ice crystals.


Although I haven't seen it, Lin realizes what it is. It is the first time that other creatures have visions besides their own observers.


Lynn is becoming more and more curious about this rock worm, not only its eyes, but also its peculiar attack method. If Lynn's cells can also have it, it will be very interesting.

Therefore, Lin is not going to let the rock worms go.

The rock worm has now swam to the body of the sour person. It opened a large mouth like a cave and swallowed it slowly, but did not completely swallow the body, but to tear the rest of the body with flagella. Open, throw the fragments of the body to the stones that grow on the body.

Does the stone also need to eat?

Although curious, but Lin's movements did not stop, almost at the same time, Lin let the acidists again launched the offensive.

Although the rock worm has a strong attack method, Lin noticed that the number of stone particles is not many, about 20, and cannot compare with the number of its acid-fillers.

As long as there is a basic cell, Lin can grow a new acid injector infinitely, so Lin almost does not have to worry about the loss of the attack.

The acid injectors rushed up, facing a huge opponent, they sprayed a lot of dissolved liquid, and the surrounding water was suddenly dyed green.

The body of a rock worm is not only a color like a rock, but its solidity is also very strong. It is contacted by the acid solution of the acid injector, and only the surface layer is corroded with some scars.

The rock worm launched a counterattack. The stone on its body shot a lot of sharp thorns, and several sours were instantly killed.

Although acidifiers have evolved from conical cells, they have not used the body to excavate things for too long, so the hard surface shell has been degraded and cannot withstand such attacks.

However, Lynn had to attack with acidists, because apart from them, Lin estimated that other cells could not tear the outer membrane of the rockworm.

The rock worm twisted the body, as if it felt severe pain due to the dissolved liquid. It began to swing under the flagella underneath, and there was a way to escape.

But the speed of the rock worms is not fast, even with Lin's reservoir cells that are full of fat.

Not because of the huge body relationship, it seems that because of the long-term hiding and camouflage, the mobility has begun to degenerate.

At this time, Lin let the cones go forward to attack, hundreds of cones, and immediately surrounded the rock worms, Lin let them use the cone angle to stab the corroded scars on the rock worms.

The rock worm has been unable to resist this time, and the thorn on it seems to have been shot.

Lin's acid-sinker also consumes the solution, but it can easily supplement this shortcoming with the quantity, but the rockworm can't. With the cooperation of the acid-injector and the cone-shaped cells, the huge body of the rockworm is finally gone. Without moving, the outer membrane that simulates the color of the rock is torn apart by cones of cells into pieces.

Only 15 acid-sinkers were lost this time. There are many thorns on the rockworm that are shot on the same acid-sinker. Therefore, the loss is much less than that imagined by Lin. But if I eat the rock worm, Lin will split immediately. Hundreds come.

Lin can finally check the part she is curious about, first of all, the eye. It pays special attention before, so that the acid-sinker does not corrode the eyes of the rock worm.

The eyes are particularly large, probably with two times the size of Lin's cells. Lin let the cones dig them from the corpses of the worms. Because the cells are too big, the average cells can't eat them, so Lin especially lets the keeper eat. Look.

The keeper slowly swam over. This fat fat cell became very soft in order to store more food, and the body was increased to five times the size of the average cell, even if it was swallowed. The eyes are more than enough.

After the keeper swallowed the eye of the rock worm, Lynn immediately conveyed the message in his thoughts.

This information is exactly the same as when Lin first wanted to get vision. Lynn tried to get this cell to use this eye to gain vision.

But it failed, the keeper did not react at all, and the eye, like other foods that were swallowed, was slowly decomposed and digested and converted into fat for storage.

Is there no way?

Forget it...

Lin converted the next goal into a small stone that shot deadly spikes.

If you look closely at these stones, you can see that there is a small hole in it, and the highly pungent spikes are shot from the holes.

According to Lin’s previous experience, if a cell is harmed by poison and survives to split successfully, they may be resistant to poison, and then if the resistant cells eat the poison, it may be secreted. The ability to poison, although not understanding the principle, but the acidator is so evolved.

But unfortunately, none of Lyn's cells survived after being shot by a poisonous spike.

So if they let them eat directly, it is likely that only a few more cells will die. Lin feels a little worried.

At this moment, Lin suddenly saw a stone cracked open, and a small round creature was drilled from it.

The surface of the creature's body has a structure like a lid. From its transparent body, it can be seen under the lid, with a tentacle that is very long and coiled together, and the end of the tentacles is a small needle.

Was the poison needle just shot out?

Lynn looked at the creature curiously, it was obviously different from the rock worm, but another type of cell.

What is its relationship with rock worms? Is it like yourself, there are many different cells in a group?

If so, now close to the stinging cells should attack themselves, but they do not respond.

Lin thought, let a cone of cells poke the stinging cell, and the stinging cell suddenly became astonished. The lid of the body surface was opened, and the tentacles inside stood up instantly, and the tip of the tip was shot.

Although not shot, she scared Lin.

However, Lin immediately had new ideas.

This thorn cell may be useful to Lynn...

After a period of observation, Lin found that these tiny thorn cells are only about one-tenth the size of Lin's cells. They seem to collect the fragments of the rocks, gather them to surround them, and stick them to the ground. It looks like a stone, and a small hole is made at the top, which is obviously used to shoot acupuncture.

This kind of cell should be disguised as a stone ambushing other cells, but why are they related to rock worms? And their attack commands seem to be controlled by rock worms.

But no matter what, Lin can use them like a rock worm.

Lin tried to wear these stones with acupuncture cells on a digger. The digger can use the sawtooth to hold the small stones. This way, the digger has the same spur. Ability.

Maybe these thorn cells are just falling on the rock worms. They probably reached a common consciousness after the exchange, so they helped...


Lin has never tried to communicate with other creatures. It seems to promote a special relationship, that is... symbiosis.

Although Lin has not tried it, she knows that there is such a thing.

Lin is starting to wonder a bit now, why does it know so many things by nature? Shouldn't these things be discovered slowly?

Lin began to wonder about it, but it is still the same. If he can't figure it out, he won't continue thinking about it.

So, Lin turned her mind back again.

Since they have acquired thorn cells, Lynn intends to treat them like rock worms, give them food, and then use them as a means of attack.

But Lyne didn't know how to feed them, so it learned the rockworms and put some pieces of food into the stone hole of the stinging cells.

With the reaction, the stinging cells will **** in the food debris from the hole.

However, Lynn still doesn't know how to command these thorn cell attacks, so I just bring them to a few diggers.

Next, Lin let the cells eat up the huge body of the rock worm, which made its community more numerous. Then, Lin turned his vision to the various creatures in this area.

There are many cells in this rocky area. Most of them are huge, and they are species that Linde has never seen before. But Lynn has not rushed to attack, and there are so many wonderful attacks on cells. It is still careful.

Therefore, Lin intends to increase the number of communities. One of the reasons why a large number of cells are attracted here is that the cracks in the rocks occasionally produce food.

It was the kind of white soft food. Lin noticed that these foods appeared to come out from cracks in the rock. They were mostly broken. If the cells were close to the crack, they could feel weak. Water flow.

That is to say, there are many such foods hidden in the depths of this rock. For some reason, there is a stream of water that sprays them from the deep to the cracks on the surface, thus attracting a large number of cells.

Lynn began to try to dig these rocks.

However, Lynn found that this is a very difficult thing. Even if the acid-injector is dissolved first, then the cone-shaped cells are drilled with a cone angle, and only some stone fragments can be peeled off.

Lin found that it seems that no cell is trying to dig up the rock, but there are some small cells that come in and out of the gap.

Lin began to think that it needed not only huge cells to store food, but also small cells that could penetrate the gap.

However, Lin really can't figure out how to get smaller.

In short, Lin now has a new goal.

If you kill other cells, you will probably encounter a fatal danger when you encounter a strong enemy, so Lin intends to develop slowly.

Lin’s community has grown, and its thoughts are progressing step by step.

First occupy all the cracks in the surrounding food, which is equivalent to an endless supply of food.

Thinking, Lin let the cells spread out, occupying the gaps in the food around them, and driving away some small cell populations that were originally around the gap.

In a short while, Lin took up hundreds of cracks around. The strange thing is that the length of these cracks is similar, and the amount of food sprayed is similar, so there is no place worthy of special protection, so Lin’s average distribution of cells occupied Every location.

Lin’s observers have been floating high, with several cones and acid injectors as guards, looking for better targets.

Under the observer's vision, Lynn discovered something strange.

A huge crack, this crack is extremely spacious, and on a distant rocky plane in the distance, it can be filled with hundreds of Lin's cells.

This huge crack will spew a lot of food from time to time, but the strange thing is that there are no cells waiting for the food, only some gray-white cells slowly float around the huge crack, but they never Will rush forward to eat the food spewed out.

Very suspicious.

Lin asked a few diggers to try it out, and when they approached a huge crack, Lin felt the familiar feeling.

Warm... No, it's hot, the water temperature above this crack is quite high.

Moreover, this crack does not always have a fine flow of water like other small cracks, but it is intermittent, and it will stop for a while after the eruption, and then erupt again!

Lin thought of this, the digger was instantly hit by the hot stream that was sprayed out, and Lin lost the feeling of them.

Can the high temperature of the instant eruption kill the digger?

Although the loss of several diggers is not a big deal when there is enough food, Lin still feels a little pity.

At this time, I saw that the gray cells floating next to the cracks slowly floated up, swam to the digger who was killed by the heat flow, and swallowed slowly.

It turned out to be the case.

Lin knew it, and the few cells were waiting to eat other cells that had been killed by the heat.

...then, this heat flow is mine!

Those gray cells may have been accustomed to eating free food, and there is absolutely no fighting power. Lin's sour people easily kill them and then occupy their huge cracks.

Of course, Lynn also gave this name a distinctive crack, ‘hot spring mouth’.

Lynn thinks this hot spring will be very useful.

Then, continue to develop.

Lynn needs more intelligence to figure out the problems it doesn't understand.

With a stable source of food, Lin's community is constantly growing, and it also needs to occupy more food cracks. Usually, Lin is letting about ten cells guard the cracks. If you encounter strong enemies, you will let other cells. For the increase, fortunately, almost no opponents can threaten Lin.

Lin also let the cells keep drilling the rocks, trying to evolve to be able to dig up the types of hard rock, but it seems to be quite difficult. The diggers and cones that have been dug for a long time are sharp except for the sawtooth of the surface. Still can't do any effective damage to the rock.

Those symbiotic thorn cells will also split when they eat too much. When they start to split, they will swim out to the rock to make nests. Lin has to let the diggers pick them up again. After several generations, they know how to swim directly to nearby excavations. The person fixed himself.

This Lin is officially got the symbiotic relationship of the stinging cells, although it still does not understand how to order the stinging cells to launch the stinger.

In this way, Lynn gradually occupied the huge rock area where food was spewing everywhere. When the rock occupied about 20%, the community of Lin had reached 10,000.

However, it has been difficult to expand. The occupation of other areas is a huge cell community. If Lin wants to attack them, they must concentrate their forces, but in this way they have to give up a large number of crack guards.

Lin felt a little trouble, but the huge community allowed it to think more about things, and Lin quickly found a solution.