MTL - 108 Maidens of Destiny-v3 Chapter 678 The cover is defeated, and the tower is closed.

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When the cover reached the Qixian Village, the breath of the two generations of the hegemons dissipated, and there were traces of fighting on the ground, but it did not look so strong. Thousands of Buddhas and mists painted in the bottom of the heart, holding the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Thousand Buddhas, the whole body is solemn, the Buddha is shining, and the mouth is reading the Nirvana scriptures.

Touch, squat, hold, awning.

The four figures suddenly fell from the sky, and the landings were different. Among them, the lightness was like feathers, and the canopy was obviously the strongest.

The fog saw four people, and the face was a change.

"Is it that the cover is right? Oh, it looks quite prestige." The woman in the Zen dress called "No Virtue", holding a Zen stick, said coldly.

"It's very strong, it's better than those women just now, it should be able to let the girl play for a while." The girl cast a sullen look, smiled and flattered, just like swallowing the lid, one Hungry.

Shu Er smiled thoughtfully: "This girl can't beat, I won't fight with you."

"Xianliang Shude! I can't think of Sui Emperor actually use the Heavenly Book to invite you out." The fog painted face did not change sè, but the beginning of the chaotic atmosphere clearly sold out the shock and tension of her heart.

Sister Xian said with a smile: "Hey, do you know us?"

"A certain month in a certain month, the four seas are home. This is the name of a certain highness of the house, who does not know the star." The fog is dark and feels hot. These four women are more troublesome than the Emperor, especially this day. A slit in the city is like a woman who conveys goodwill, but a real smile in the knife, and this knife will make the stars of the stars will be fearful.

"Knowing your Highness, that thing will be easier." Yin Sister nodded. "Since you know that you are a high-ranking priest, you should know what we mean here. This is the end of the fighting star anyway."

"The famous four of the famous sages of the sage of the famous Shude will want to intervene in the fighting star arranged by the nine-day mysterious girl?" said the cover calmly.

"Hey, you don't have to take the name of the nine-day mysterious woman to press us." Yin sister smiled and shook his head: "Yu Emperor used three volumes of heavenly books to summon us to the lower bounds, even if the nine-day mysterious woman would not care, let alone this is that The nine-day mysterious woman summoned by the female emperor."

“Can you answer a question?”

Sister Xian asked.

I know what she wants to ask.

"Shenzhendi 108 star girl is said to be the initial star of the astrology, but what does the female emperor arrange for this fight? Is it really thought that the scorpio will be reunited? Can it protect the Song Dynasty? If you answer us, your Highness will let you join us."

"You have to ask the nine-day mysterious woman about this question."

Sister Xian shook his head.

"Actually, you don't say it, and your heart is clear."

"Then you still ask?"

Sage sister Lu’s harmless smile: “Below is just a chance to give you a life, ....”


The figure of the woman swayed, and the sword light passed by. Cover the meditation lotus huā, use the lotus huā a block. Without warning, the lotus huā was smashed, and a dazzling blood directly passed over the body of the scorpion, and the smog was painted and cut. The sage sister appeared in the place where the smog painting station stood, holding a handful of iron blood sè rune in one hand, and the broad sword of the demon Luo flash.

The fog painted face sè pale, Kaiguang Baodi was split by a sword, if not her Zen heart lotus huā has a Mahayana, self-protection, just now that the fog painting can be surely seriously injured.

"That is the "劈凤" sword?" The fog painted no blood.

"Fog paintings have heard bad names. It is said that they have killed countless real martial arts generals."

"I don't know if I can kill Tianfo Star today."

Then, the other three of her immediately shot, Shuer pulled up the giant bow, shot a burning arrow light, it is the mysterious shot. The Wude woman raised her caduceus and screamed at the misty fog. The girl’s fingers were playing in the void, and the mysterious star method was followed.

The misty paintings snorted and hit the Germans.

Zen palm touch, Buddha Guangshengsheng, Luohan, King Kong, Bodhisattva and so on come out from the void. The Tiandi Xuanhuang Thousand Buddha Pagoda sacrificed Shu's shooting arrows, and then the pagoda shook the ghost and destroyed the girl's star law.

The realm of the cover is not as good as those of the hegemons.

One shot will help the three people join hands.

"Deer likes to kill the Buddha!" ​​The woman who dominated the giant ru slammed her left hand and saw her left arm chain swaying. The strange blood was brewed like a mantra.

This fist hits the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Thousand Buddhas, and I see a shock of the solemn pagoda. There are some cracks, and the cover is used to push the law. The heaven and earth Xuanhuang Thousand Buddhas have taken a piece of Buddha light to wrap the Deer, but this woman The momentum is so strong that it can't be wrapped in the thousand stupas. Only one sacrifice can be taken out.

"Broken Star!!!"

Shu Er shot the mystery again.

The arrow is off the string.

The arrows in the air immediately flashed, and the arrows were densely packed with sky, like starlight. When the arrow fell, all of them shot at one person, and the fog painted out the zen heart lotus huā, and the void rushed through the golden lotus to protect her.

Broken star and lotus huā fell.

Stars are shining everywhere, and lotus huā is dying.

The Xuanhuang Thousand Buddha Pagoda went to Shuer. Jinguang passed, but the middle of the road was blocked by the strong star of the girl's law to repel the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Qianfo.

The cover of the three people has been unable to help, and the woman who is searching for the "sage" suddenly feels dangerous. The fog was painted back, and only the sages and sisters appeared in this place, and the sword was hollowed out.

However, after the fog painting has just retreated, it will be fortunate in the future. The other party seems to have calculated it. The shadow of the sage of the sword has not disappeared. The other phoenix sword has already penetrated the cover from the back, lotus huā , Buddha light, the tip of the sword straight through the front ng.

The fog painted his eyes and couldn't believe it.

The fog painting is also powerful, and the palm of the hand is swept away. The sage sister does not dare to pick up the palm and pull back. Touch, Shu Lei's sharp arrow shot into the misty body.

"Wow, it’s shot." The girl was overjoyed.

The fog painted coldly, and the figure was blurred, getting rid of the siege of several people.

"Mother I haven't played enough yet, don't run." Niang's star method forced the fog out.

"The famous and famous Shude four will actually deal with the newly-launched star, and the appearance of a temple is not the same." The fog-painted body shows the view of the thousand Buddhas, and the blood of the mouth is clean. The girl in the world sneered.

"It’s really pitiful to use the method, but it seems that this star will be no more."

Shu Er said sympathetically.

"Can make the Emperor Supreme use such a three-volume book to summon, this generation of fighting stars who do not want to board the female Liangshan." Yin sister smiled.

"I don't think you can stop this seat." The fog painted a disdainful smile.

"Take it a try. But unfortunately, you can't see the day."

As soon as the words fell, Yan Fengjian’s sword was smashed on the fog, and the fog was not to be shown, but at the same time, the sage was defeated. "Let the poor send you to see the Buddha." Deer screamed at the misty clouds.

This stick is fierce, and the fog that is seriously injured cannot be taken. Thousands of Buddhas are still out of the majestic sè, not moving, just at this time, the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Thousand Buddhas shoot a yellow light, this light appears, there is a purple 偃 偃 刀 刀 住 禅 禅 禅 , , 德 德 德 德 德 德 德And, a cross sweep of the moon knife sweeps Deer back.

From the thousand stupas, there was a mighty woman, and there was an invincible momentum in the sky. The whole body was black and full, and it looked full of horror.

Guan Yu.

I painted a mist and did not expect that Guan Yu would rush out of the stupa.

"Heavenly Stars, how is this devil?" Deer was shocked.

"You will escape quickly and tell Su Xing. I believe that he will complete the wishes of our sisters." Guan Yu screamed and woke up.

"This seat will definitely fulfill your long-cherished wish." Thousands of Buddha Stars bite their teeth and have a double palm.

The Buddha's light is dazzling.

"Do you think you ran away?"

Deer, Shuer, and the girl three hit, and the sage is holding the cloak, ready to kill the fog. I saw the relationship between the magical spirits, the eyes completely immersed in the darkness of the sè, the sky brave star knives screamed a horrible drink, the whole body magic spread, I saw her holding a big knife, making the invincible momentum, Guan Yu struggle to go The first rush.

Under the invincible momentum, there seems to be a thousand troops behind him.

The majesty of the mountains and the sea has made it impossible for the three powerful women to stop, and they have been defeated by this invincible. Although they have blocked the horrible purple glory, they can't stop the pace.

Ground level knife method.

The tyrants are infinite!

Guan Yu shocked the offensive of the three men, and the tyrant of the tyrant who was rolled up was killed by Xianxian.

The smiling sage sister lost her smile for the first time. The woman was a little solemn, and she rushed out.

The girl who was sleeping in the gazebo didn't know that she was disturbed by the invincible momentum, or she slept for too long, and finally opened a pair of dark blue sè, the mysterious and incomprehensible squat.

"Su Xing??"

The girl whispered, chewing the name that was just mentioned by the big knife. The deep eyelids flashed a strange light.

"Su Xing!!" Pure Land Buddha Kingdom, Central Heaven, Su Xing and his party finally came to this place where they had left an indissoluble bond, and the mother-in-law still sang. "Su Xing, look, this Zen name is familiar." Shi Yuan saw a huge plaque on the central square, there is a sorghum in the open altar,

Thousands of disciples are sitting in danger, and there are hundreds of Huangmei boys in the declaration of the purpose of the Zen Gate.

"Whenever the Buddha kills the Buddha, every ancestor kills the ancestors, and Luohan kills Luohan."

"The purpose of this is actually so great that it can be established in the Buddhism, and the Buddha country is really incomprehensible." Huā婉 saw the purpose of the Buddha, and could not help but frown, and then look at the name of this sect and let Tianyingxing admire it. .

“Looking at Zen!”

At first glance, this purpose is somewhat counter-intuitive, but when I look at the Zen language carefully, I also feel that it conforms to the Three Thousand Avenues of Buddhism. I admire the sacred sacred saying: "The martial arts of Buddhism is really deep, and you can realize such a Zen. Yuzhen wants to see and see." The mind is waiting for someone to hear it is snickering.

"It’s not easy to want to see it, the sorghum is in front of your eyes.,!!