MTL - 10,000 Ways To Clear Players-Chapter 359 wild angel

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  Chapter 359 Wild Celestial Beings

  Lin Bai did not go directly into the city, but went around the town first. This city is called Songshi City, and its area is about the same as that of Zhencheng, and it can accommodate at least one million people.

  The Nether has existed for tens of thousands of years.

  The number of celestial beings is so large, and for tens of thousands of years, there have never been any legends about celestial beings in the lower realms. This can only explain one problem, celestial beings have no way to enter the lower realms.


   Even if there is a pigsty below, there will be curious heavenly beings going down and turning around.

   Heaven and man cannot go down, but the fairy world has a device to turn off the light of guidance. If there is no human manipulation in it, it is called a ghost.

   There is a high probability that the game company is responsible for it!


  Lin Bai Shi Shiran flew into Songshi City. There was no interrogation in the middle.

  In the city, except for the patrolling soldiers, there are no other celestial beings flying, which should be the rules in the city.

  There are various shops on both sides of the street, there are teahouses, restaurants, refining workshops, etc. Heaven and people come and go, with different looks.


  Different from the lower realm, the heavenly beings in the city not only have no gender, they can’t even see the old and the young, all young and middle-aged.

   A weird world.

  Lin Bai landed on the street, and before he could find a suitable entry point, the angels on the street cast strange glances at him.

   "A whiteboard?"

   "He doesn't even have a name, how did he come to Songshi City?"

   "Is there something wrong with the people at the distribution office?"


   The sound of discussion reached Lin Bai's ears.

what's the situation?

   was found!

  Bai Feng didn't have any identification documents on her body!

   What authentication mechanism is this?

  Before, when he traveled to Jiamu City, no one doubted his identity in strange clothes. When he came to the world of heaven and man, he was discovered as soon as he met him.

   Sure enough, the strange world is too annoying,

   No wonder Bai Feng has been urging him to explore this world, so he was waiting for him here!

  Back then, if the place I crossed was the Immortal World, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to get away with the system...

  A group of patrolling soldiers in the sky also spotted Lin Bai, descended from the sky, and surrounded him.

   "Who are you? Why don't you have an identity plate?" The team leader stood in front of Lin Bai without even showing his weapon, looking him up and down, his eyes full of suspicion.

  Maybe it is the identity of a celestial being, and the patrolling soldiers did not show hostility.

  Lin Bai looked around and decided to play dumb: "What identity plate? I don't know what's going on? I don't have any skills. After I was born, I flew all the way and came here..."

   While speaking, he used Dihua's skills.

   "Sure enough, he is a newcomer to the whiteboard. It seems that he has just been instilled in the language and then released it. He has not even instilled in the knowledge system."

   "From the mother's body to the world, so many steps, how did he escape?"

   "The nearest mother body is in Liberty City. There is no identity plate, and it is impossible to take the teleportation array. There are so many cities in the middle. He flew all the way, and no one found it?"

   "It has been rumored that there are wild celestial beings, and it turned out to be true, hahaha..."


  Lin Bai collected information from the discussions of people around him, and a bold idea sprouted in his mind.

   "Where do you come from?" The team leader noticed something was wrong and asked.

   "In the mountains over there." Lin Bai recalled the previous terrain, pointed in the direction of the continuous mountains, and said.

   "Black Rock Mountain?" The captain's expression suddenly became serious, "Are you sure?"

"What am I lying to you for?" Lin Bai continued to use Dihua, and said, "After I was born from the mother's body, I opened my eyes and was in the mountain. Apart from me, there is no second kind in the mountain forest. Those monsters The beast can't speak either. I flew all the way, searched all the way, and finally came here. Seeing so many of the same kind, I landed, and then you surrounded me. As for the identity plate you mentioned, I don't know how What's going on?"



   "How could there be a mother body in the Blackstone Mountains?"

   "But apart from the mother's body, where else can a celestial being be born? It's impossible to give birth to a celestial being like those ascended from the lower realm!"

   "You said, is it possible that a new mother body was born..."

   "A matrix corresponds to a heavenly king. Does a new matrix mean that a new heavenly king will appear?"

   "It is rumored that the first celestial being born from the matrix has unparalleled talent..."


  Under Dihua.

  Lin Bai gave some guidance, and the audience around were in an uproar, and they took the initiative to complete the plot for him.

  The team leader realized the seriousness of the matter, and his expression became more serious. He turned his head and ordered his subordinates: "Notify the city guards and strictly block the news."

  Everyone nodded.

  The team leader looked at Lin Bai again: "Follow me."

  Lin Bai nodded, followed his footsteps, and asked, "What is an identity plate?"

The team leader pointed at the top of his head and explained: "After the celestial beings are born, they will be instilled with knowledge by the mother. Then, each celestial being will choose a name for himself. This name will be suspended above the head of each celestial being, and will accompany him for a lifetime. .Click on the nameplate, and the corresponding occupation and your ability will be displayed. For example, my name is Huang Yong. As long as other celestial beings see me, they will immediately know my name..."


  Lin Bai's thoughts paused for a moment.

  The name above the head is displayed, isn't it the player and NPC?

  No male or female, no old or young, when creating a character, name it...

  Matrix is ​​the main interface when you first enter the game?

  Is Fairy World designed according to the template of the game?


  Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum…

   No wonder when he heard Bai Feng talk about the division of realms, he felt that the division of realms in the fairy world was a bit sloppy...

  From a gaming point of view, everything is normal.


  If there is no him in this world. People in the lower realm want to enter the fairyland, the only way is to ascend, the natives are, and so are the players.

According to the normal development of the game, after the immortal player conquers the lower realm, he ascends to the new map of the fairyland, and his level is cleared. From the beginning, he will face NPCs that are more difficult to deal with than the natives of the lower realm. The story line of the Ascendant…

  Lin Bai went through the plot in his mind.

  For the first time, doubts about whether this world really exists?

  If the current world is created by the game company, why can he open the channel between the game world and reality?

  What role did he play in it, and why did he get involved in this game?

  What does the system in the mind represent?

   Who is real?

  Who is fake?

  After realizing the truth of the fairy world, the doubts in Lin Bai's mind not only did not decrease, but increased. He felt that it was necessary for him to see the real matrix of the fairy world...


   "Can I have a nameplate?" Lin Bai stopped and asked.

"It should be possible!" Huang Yong also stopped and said, "I have never encountered this situation before, but if you were conceived by a new mother, you should have your own name from birth... "

   "Perhaps the mother who conceived me is not yet mature!" Lin Bai sighed.

"Maybe! The birth of a new mother body will definitely cause turmoil in the fairy world. I will take you to see General Nan in a while, and he will solve your identity problem. Before General Nan makes a decision, you were born from a new mother body." Don’t tell other people about the matter.” Huang Yong glanced at Lin Bai and told him, “A mother body corresponds to a heavenly king, and the nine heavenly kings should not allow a new mother body to appear. Your cultivation base is not enough. Target, little life is not guaranteed."

   "Will heaven and man be resurrected after death?" Lin Bai asked.

"Resurrection? What good things are you thinking about!" Huang Yong sneered, "It is said that the latest generation of Mu Tianwang has the means of resurrection, but no one has seen him use it. You can't even lose your life, let alone see him resurrected. Under the king of heaven, maybe the resilience is stronger. Resurrection is just a dream, and you only have one life, so don't lose it..."

  Huang Yong has no defense against Lin Bai, a whiteboard celestial being. In other words, he wants to appease Lin Bai, so he basically has to say something.

"You just kept saying that there are nine heavenly kings, which nine are they?" Lin Bai said, "I don't understand anything. I saw General Nan in a while, and I asked him long-windedly, but it was not beautiful. Why don't you explain some common sense? Listen to me!"

"That's good." Huang Yong thought for a while, and said, "Anyway, these common senses are known to every heavenly being, and it's the same if anyone tells you. The king of heaven corresponds to a law, and the king of heaven is high above, ruling the world, and it is the existence we look up to."


   Come on, this time Li Gui met Li Kui!

   I have fooled the world with the law for several months in the lower realm, but I did not expect to encounter the truth!

  Thinking of the weird skills rewarded to him by the system, and then thinking about the true laws of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, which sound lofty.

  Lin Bai felt guilty for a while, and had the urge to take everyone back to the lower realm, cut off the magpie bridge, and never come up again.

   The difficulty of Immortal Realm and Nether Realm has increased by not a little bit!

   After pondering for a moment, Lin Bai asked: "Captain Huang, you just said that Xingyao challenged the king of heaven, and did anyone succeed in the challenge?"

"Of course." Huang Yong said with a smile, "If the king of heaven remains unchanged, we still have no interest in practicing. Wouldn't the world become a pool of stagnant water? The king of earth was defeated three thousand years ago. Everyone can practice the way of law, as long as The comprehension of the law surpasses the king of heaven, so he can naturally defeat him and replace him.

  However, in the past three thousand years, all the Heavenly King Challenges have ended in failure. The Heavenly King changes from generation to generation, and unless newcomers understand special supernatural powers, it will become more and more difficult to replace the Heavenly King. "

   At the end, Huang Yong sighed for a while, as if lamenting the solidification of the class and the hopelessness of promotion.

   As long as it can be defeated!

  Lin Bai heaved a sigh of relief, and asked again: "Captain, do our heavenly beings have a lifespan limit?"

  Huang Yong looked at Lin Bai with pity, and said: "The mother who gave birth to you seems to be indeed a newborn, and there is no common sense that should be instilled in you!

   Heaven and man naturally have a lifespan, and the bronze mirror can live up to 500 years without falling in the middle;

  Break through the Silver Realm, and you can live for another five hundred years; if you break through to the Gold Realm, you can live for two thousand years; if you break through the Platinum Realm, you can live for up to four thousand years;

  Star Diamond has a lifespan of 8,000 years, and Xingyao started for ten thousand years. As for the King of Heaven, if he is not defeated by others, he should be able to live forever. It is said that Meng Tianwang, one of the nine heavenly kings, has lived for 100,000 years, and all Xingyao who challenged him have died, and no one has challenged Meng Tianwang's position for 10,000 years. "

  The old monsters who have been around for thousands of years have the power to master the law. How could the immortals who ascended from below beat them?

  What are the Ascenders hiding in the ruins?

   I'm afraid it is also a reality show toy stocked by heaven and man!

  Lin Bai snorted secretly: "Which one is the Heavenly King above Songshi City?"

  Huang Yong said: "The King of Thunder and Lightning."

  Lin Bai asked: "How is his cultivation among the Nine Heavenly Kings?"

Huang Yong said: "The King of Thunder and Lightning is the first to attack, and his strength can at least rank in the top four among the nine kings of heaven. However, there are very few wars between the king of heaven and the king of heaven, and the ranking between them is all guesswork. However, King Meng is No. 1 deserves its name, which is recognized.”

  Lin Bai wanted to ask again.

Huang Yong interrupted him with a smile: "What are you doing asking about so many heavenly kings, a little bronze? Do you still want to challenge the heavenly kings? If you really want to challenge, you must at least raise your level to Xingyao first." Done. Let's go, you know about the common sense of the fairy world, it's time to meet General Nan. General Nan has solved your identity problem, and you have plenty of time to understand these trivial matters."

   "Thank you Captain Huang for clarifying the confusion." Lin Bai nodded his thanks.


  Huang Yong brought Lin Bai to the General's Mansion.

  The General’s Mansion is in the very center of Songshi City. The vermilion lacquer gate is tall and majestic. There are more than a dozen guards outside the gate. Lin Bai can’t see through their cultivation. It should be either silver or gold...

  General Nan’s cultivation is at the Platinum Realm, which is two realms behind Lin Bai’s current cultivation. If you want to seal him with a card, you must complete the two realms in the middle,

   But without knowing their combat effectiveness, Lin Bai did not intend to startle the enemy.

  Huang Yong had someone notify him, and after receiving a response, he took Lin Bai all the way into the General's Mansion.

  In the general's mansion, exotic flowers and plants competed for beauty. Occasionally, attendants could be seen carrying large pieces of meat to feed the monsters locked in cages.

  A general's mansion looks even more luxurious than the palace in the lower realm.

  Lin Bai walked and observed all the way.

  In the middle of the cage where the monster was locked, he saw more than a dozen monks from the lower realm, both male and female.

  These monks don’t have a hair on their bodies, most of them sit cross-legged and meditate. Occasionally, there are one or two sober ones, whose eyes are full of hatred towards heaven and man...

Seeing that Lin Bai's eyes fell on the Ascender, Huang Yong lowered his voice and explained: "Those are mortals who ascended from the lower realms. They are divided into male and female to reproduce like wild beasts. Their cultivation speed is slow, and they are not as good as our noble heaven. People. The discovery of the new mother body is a great achievement. Once it is confirmed, you can ask General Nan to reward you with a few, play for fun, after training, send it to the Colosseum, and earn some training fees..."


  Lin Bai was silent.

  Looking at those big bosses who have ascended, I feel sad. These guys who have worked so hard to ascend are treated as ornamental objects, and they are not even as good as slaves!

   Really too much!

  Looking at the attitude of heaven and man towards the lower realm, there is a high probability that the contradiction between the two will be impossible to reconcile...

   Moreover, with the disrespectful attitude of the celestial beings, when they meet players, they will probably treat them as pets. If the players bypass him to contact the celestial beings, there is a high probability that they will not get any good fruit.

  (end of this chapter)