MTL - 10,000 Ways To Clear Players-Chapter 346 Immortals with no weaknesses

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  Chapter 346 Immortal who lacks weakness

  【Only one who is a teacher of all can become a teacher of the world; worship everyone as a teacher and become a teacher of the world; reward: teacher's heart】

  The Way of the Teacher system gives new tasks.

  But Lin Bai just glanced at it and gave up. At first glance, this is an impossible task.

  Worshiping everyone as a teacher is too big a concept.

  With his current ability and prestige, he can force everyone to become his disciple without asking everyone to be his teacher. Why waste one more step?

  Furthermore, the task reward is the teacher's heart, maybe it is the same as the heart of the demon, a beating heart, like a tasteless thing!


  Lin Bai was stunned.

  Teacher heart?

  With the heart of a demon and the body of a **** of war, Lin Bai didn't feel much about it yet, but the teacher's way system created another teacher's heart, which made him murmur in his heart.

  Somewhere in his mind, he had an idea, the system should be resurrected by his hand, right?

  Now most of his abilities are given by the system. If the system is revived, who will control who?

   Have to guard against.

  The current ability is enough, so it’s good, some tasks don’t need to be done…


  Because there are too many people who want to ascend, more than 10,000 singing and dancing people from the support group are still on their way, and the guiding light has not dissipated for a while.

  Lin Bai was left with only his puppets, four unwilling players who were still muttering about trying to change Lin Bai's mind, and monks from the Seventh Sect and the Fifth Sect.

  Lin Bai's own strength is still at the peak of the world, and Qingyun's ascension did not cut off the sharing between them, which made him more confident that the magpie bridge can connect the world and the fairy world.

   "I have met Leader Lin."

  The monks of Zheng Qizong and Mo Wuzong hesitated for a moment, and came to salute Lin Bai.

"You don't need to be too polite." Lin Bai's eyes swept over them one after another, his eyes were gentle, "You all know the current situation, and now I am the veritable number one person in the world, and I am about to ascend to the fairy world, but this does not mean that I will lose control of the world.

  My junior brother Lin Sibai is here, you go back to your sects, inform your sects, let them join the Justice League! How about we discuss how to stabilize the situation in the world and eliminate the catastrophe invisibly? "

  All the monks looked at each other.

  The Mahayana realm of Tiandaozong glanced at Lin Bai, and said helplessly: "Respect the order of the leader."

  The situation is stronger than people. Even if Lin Bai can't make a move, relying on Phoenix Qiuhuang with one hand is enough to frighten everyone. If he can really connect the magpie bridge from the sky, it will be even more terrifying.

"Tell them, if you join the Justice League, the past will be forgotten. If you don't join the Justice League, we will settle the old and new grudges together. Although I have survived the thunder disaster, when I think of being tricked by you, I will be trapped in the thunder disaster for eighty years." For many days, my thoughts have been a little unreasonable, and my thoughts have not been clear, which will affect my understanding of the way of heaven!" Lin Bai looked up at the guiding light, shook his head and said.

  Now that Lin Bai has absolute strength to control the world, of course he will use his power to overpower others uprightly, and whoever disobeys will be destroyed, so there is no need to engage in those conspiracies and tricks.

  As for the previous hatred, it really wasn't a big deal to him, he wasn't so narrow-minded!

   "Yes." Everyone said tremblingly. They didn't know what the people in the sect thought, but facing Lin Bai now, they didn't dare to have a fighting spirit deep in their hearts.

"Sibai, I'll go to the sky to see what's going on. If there is an unexpected situation and I can't come back for a while, you will take charge of everything, and gather the high-level leaders of various countries and players to the Saint Extreme Sect to integrate everything that can be integrated. Strength."

  The world is peaceful, Lin Bai didn't bother to cover it up with the man who fell from the sky, and directly used the player to call the person in the real world.

   Finished speaking.

  Lin Bai took out Qingyu's card and handed it to Sibai, while he took Huaxi's card.

  He did not wait for the members of the Justice League in Phoenix Qiuhuang to enter the light of receiving and guiding first. Tian Jie would use the calamity of exterminating demons to overshadow him, and he might close the light of receiving and guiding, and trap him in the human world.

  Since the passage between the immortal and mortal realms has been opened, Lin Bai will naturally not allow such a thing to happen.

  The left and right are about to ascend, he doesn't want to go through another catastrophe.


   There was a blur in front of Lin Bai's eyes, and the scene in front of Lin Bai's eyes had changed.

  In front of him was a vast expanse of white mist, and the intensity of the aura was almost a hundred times that of the mortal world. With every breath, it seemed as if his cultivation was improving.

"...You fellows with insufficient cultivation base can also ascend, and so many people ascended at once, it is obvious that the guiding light has made a mistake. It is already a great kindness not to send you back to the world of reincarnation, and you are still here to challenge me Pick and choose, stop me from turning off the guiding light, if you really don't understand the rules, get out of the way quickly, otherwise you will die in vain if you kill the despicable person..."

  A mocking voice entered Lin Bai's ears. He turned to look.

  Qingyun and others gathered together to protect him in front of him. A young man in silver armor and silver armor led a group of people, holding silver guns, scolding them.

"This general, we still have an important person who hasn't come up, can we wait for him to come up before turning off the guiding light..." Qingyun said halfway, when he suddenly felt the movement behind him, he turned his head suddenly, with a look of surprise on his face, " Master, are you here?"



  Tuo Hai and the others were relieved to see Lin Bai coming up, and greeted him one by one.

  Lin Bai nodded at them and asked, "What happened?"


  He looked at the young man opposite.

  The young general's body seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and Lin Bai couldn't see through his cultivation.

  Lin Bai sighed secretly, after changing the map, everything has to start again, bad luck!

   "Immortals are masters of human beings. Dominating the mortal world does not reflect your aura of domineering. If you want to do it, be the supreme one. The Great Immortal Venerable System will help you ascend to the throne of the Three Realms and have the highest right to speak."

  【Initial task: Immortal Venerable’s fame battle, defeat the person in front of you, and build a territory of your own; Reward: Mark (you can mark any target)】


  Lin Bai was stunned, okay! The system is really afraid that the world will not be chaotic. When he first came to the fairyland, before he could gain a firm foothold, he directly defined the fairyland as his enemy!

   Sure enough, the purpose of the system is for him to conquer the world?

"Are you their master?" The young general looked at Lin Bai coldly, "Your cultivation base is enough to ascend. Now that you have come up, step aside and let me close the guiding channel. You can follow me to picket Secretary, explain to General Nan how to smuggle into the Immortal Realm..."



  Lin Bai frowned.

  This is not a good word, this guy obviously treats them as prisoners!

  However, Heavenly Tribulation hacked them for eighty-one days, and finally attacked him, don't these guys know?

has a problem!

  Lin Bai looked around, except for the young general and the ten people he brought, it was empty and there was no one else.

  He smiled slightly, the red rope flew out, and suddenly appeared on the young general's body, tied him up three times and twice, tied him into a humiliating four-horse bondage, and hung him in the air.


   Another ten refined ropes flew out, binding the heavenly soldiers behind him as well.

   In the blink of an eye, they were disarmed.

  He did this task.

  The young man was **** suddenly, as if he didn't expect Lin Bai to attack him suddenly, he was so dazed that he even forgot to struggle.

   "Qingyun, leave this little silver robe, and everyone else will restrain it." Lin Bai sent a voice transmission to Qingyun.

  Qingyun sighed, and his figure flashed, already imprisoning those heavenly soldiers.

  Looking at Lin Bai and Qing Yun, who suddenly launched an attack, Tuo Hai and the others had black lines. As expected, my master is used to lawlessness, and he doesn’t know what is low-key, what is awe...

  They are in the Tribulation Realm, and they can't even see through the cultivation of the silver-robed young general, and they want to endure it until they figure out the situation. Lin Bai is good, and **** the other party when he disagreed...

  Is the Gate of Justice so confident?

  The silver-robed general realized that something was wrong. A white light shot up from his body, and he planned to break the red rope on his body, but he couldn't break the red rope even after struggling a few times.

  His eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, he stopped struggling, and stared at Lin Bai, two rays of light shot out like sharp swords, and shot at Lin Bai.

  Lin Bai flashed to force him away.

   Flash again.

   came to the side of the silver-robed young general, and stamped his palm on his heart.


   There was a loud bang.

  A layer of silver light appeared from the armor on his body, blocking his palm power.

The young man sneered: "A mere mortal monk, how can he understand the mysteries of the magic weapon of the fairy family? Today, even if you fight for a day, you can't break the defense of my silver light armor. Let me go quickly if you know your mind." , I can still plead for you with General Nan and leave your whole body..."

   Talked halfway.

  Ye Song and the others have cast sympathetic glances at him.

Before the young general understood what was going on, Lin Bai already had an extra hammer in his hand. He looked at the young general under him, shook his head and said: "It's not good to be strong, just thinking about solving problems with force ! Sure enough, always remember that when a lion fights a rabbit, it must do its best!"


  He already raised the hammer and knocked on the helmet of the silver-robed young general.

   A hammer fell.

  The silver light on the helmet disappeared and split in two.

  The young general struggled again: "What kind of hammer is this?"

"General Bai, this hammer is called the Immortal Pouring Hammer, and it is designed to break your so-called magic weapons of the fairy family." Lin Bai smiled slightly, raised the hammer, and pointed at his neck guard, battle robe, arm guard, heart mirror, etc. The equipment was smashed all the way down, and the technique was fast.

  Where the hammer falls.

  The magic weapon shattered at the sound.

  【Resentment from Bai Feng; +1+1+1...】

"You..." Bai Feng smiled involuntarily, but felt that the magic weapon on his body was losing contact one after another, his smile was full of shock, and he jerked up suddenly, he had already disappeared from Lin Bai's hand, and when he reappeared, he was already a thousand meters away. After a pause, he looked at Lin Bai angrily, and said angrily, "Boy, you wait, you are finished..."

   Damn it!

  The fairy world is really different, anyone will flash!


  Lin Bai frowned slightly, glanced at Qingyun, and brazenly launched Feng Qiuhuang, but not only did Bai Feng not come back to show his talents, but he flashed again and ran even further.


   It doesn't look like it!

  Lin Bai was taken aback for a moment, then provocatively shouted: "Come back."

  The next moment.

  Bai Feng, who flashed out for more than ten miles, flashed three times and twice, and returned to Lin Bai. His eyes were red, and the light in his eyes shot out again: "Death."

  Lin Bai dodged again.

  Bai Feng was stunned, as if he didn't understand why he came back out of nowhere, frowned, and used flash to escape again.

   "Don't leave." Lin Bai shouted again.

  Bai Feng flashed back with anger, attacked Lin Bai, regained consciousness, and left again...

   So many times.

  Bai Feng finally stopped escaping. He glared at Lin Bai angrily: "Who the **** are you? People who have ascended from the lower realms will never have such strange magical powers as you..."

   "Be careful." Qing Yun's voice suddenly sounded.

  Lin Bai turned around.

   Slammed down behind him with a hammer.

   With a bang, the silver spear stabbing towards his back fell crookedly to the ground, losing contact with Bai Feng.

  Tuohai and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, with lingering fears, the immortals are indeed powerful, if there is no Lin Bai, this young general in white robe should be able to wipe them all out alone!


  Blood dripped from the corner of Bai Feng's mouth, and he looked at the hammer in Lin Bai's hand in horror: "What kind of hammer is that? It can even destroy Lingbao?"

"It's the Immortal Breaking Hammer. Naturally, all magic tools in the fairy world are under his control." Lin Bai looked at Bai Feng, but he couldn't see a woman in him, and the genderless words flashed in his mind. The body of the **** of war unconsciously glanced at his special position, and said, "General Bai, you can't escape from the left and right, why don't we have a good talk!"

   "You deserve it too!" Bai Feng smiled involuntarily again, but suddenly, his smile froze, "Who the **** are you? How do you know my surname is Bai?"

   "Not only do I know your surname is Bai, but I also know your name is Bai Feng." Lin Bai suddenly flashed, and while Bai Feng was distracted, another palm was printed on his heart.


  A mouthful of blood spurted out of Bai Feng's mouth, he suddenly raised his head, and said with red eyes: "Despicable, sneak attack!"

   "You stabbed me with a silver gun just now, isn't that also a sneak attack?" Lin Bai looked at Bai Feng who was still alive and kicking, and slapped him again.

  He decided to seal Bai Feng.

  A casual guy has such a strong combat power, which made him feel deeply frustrated.

  It’s the kind of frustration that finally became the number one in the world, but in a different environment, you can’t even beat a small soldier. It’s really a **** dog...

  Since crossing, he hasn't enjoyed a day of domineering!

   Slap the air with one palm.

  Bai Feng flashed out again.


  Lin Bai became even more depressed. After thinking about the skills he had mastered, he called Bai Feng back again.

this time.

  Lin Bai didn't beat him again, but pressed his palm on the top of his head, took out the kitchen knife he carried with him with the other hand, rubbed it on him a few times, patted him, and began to shave Bai Feng...

   First the eyebrows, then the hair, Lin Bai trimmed them slowly.

   Absolute suppression: You have absolute control over the ingredients.

   That's right.

  Bai Feng was not slippery, Lin Bai got impatient and chattered with him, and became cruel, and cooked him as an ingredient...

   Fortunately, the system is powerful, and absolute suppression is absolute suppression.

   "..." Ye Song and the others were stunned.

   At this time.

  People flew up one after another from below, and before they felt the aura of the fairy world, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

what's the situation?

  When did League Leader Lin change to a barber?

  Who is that guy whose head was shaved?


  Activating mana one after another, but couldn't teleport it out. Feeling the kitchen knife scratching his body, Bai Feng was really scared this time: "You...what are you going to do?"

"I told you earlier, I want to talk to you." Lin Bai didn't untie the red rope either, the kitchen knife deftly opened the armor that had lost his spiritual power, and after a while, a naked white pig was peeled off .

   After taking off his armor, Lin Bai looked at his key parts at first glance.

   Sure enough, just like his newly obtained God of War body, this guy has no gender distinction at all.

   Seeing Lin Bai peeling off the armor, Xu Longyun and others spat lightly, and looked away in shame and indignation, not daring to look this way.

  But Takumi and the others had no scruples. After seeing Bai Feng's body, everyone was stunned.

  Nan Rong asked in surprise: "Isn't the Immortal Realm formed by the ascension of those seniors of the Shimen? What's the situation with this guy who is neither male nor female?"

  Someone had already taken off the armor of the Heavenly Soldiers banned by Qingyun, and sure enough, everyone was just like Bai Feng, clean and smooth, neither male nor female.

  (end of this chapter)