MTL - 1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract-Chapter 39 .【Big recommendation for the sister chapters of the finished article】

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   New books ask for support, recommendations, collections, all kinds of requests! do not give? Rolling all over the floor. . . . . . . .

   New books are updated 8 times a day, with more than 200 comments plus a new chapter! In other words, if Xiao receives 1,000 messages a day, add 5 chapters~ If you receive 2,000 messages a day, well, you win ==|||

   Do you feel that there is still more to say? Xiaokeng products are good, never abandon the pit!

  The following recommends Xiao's book, and there are four companion volumes of this book. The characters in the four books will often come out to play soy sauce!

  The same wind, coquettish, same passion and emotion, watching it makes the heart beat faster, and the appetite is greatly increased. He likes me!

  The key point is that all four books have been completed, so there is no pressure to follow up! ╮(╯▽╰)╭

  1. "A Rich Family for a Day: Kissing the Devil's Ex-Husband Goodbye" (The episode will be finished)

  See you in five years, she frowned, "Sir, please show some respect!"

   "Have you forgotten our entanglement on that rainy night?"

  The corners of his thin lips evoked a slight smile, and with his slender fingers, he unbuttoned her clothes one by one.

   "It's okay, I'll help you remember..."


  2. "Wealthy Ex-Wife: Marry me again, baby!" The episode is over)

  He is an evil and romantic young master of a wealthy family who has countless lovers, but he just disdains his real wife.

  She was his abandoned wife, unwilling to struggle in a loveless marriage, but fell in love with his rival—the object of her "one-night stand".

   When they met again, he fell in love with her who had changed her appearance. After possessing her desperately, she said, "Let's get a divorce."


  3. "Misstepping on Husband's Bottom Line: Sweethearts Can't Be Parried!" "

  That night, he crawled on top of her, calling out to another woman.

  The next day, in front of other men, he indifferently handed a contraceptive pill, and she took it with a smile.

   Three months later. "Don't be nice to him, don't forget that you are mine!"

   "I'm living alone with him in the same room these days, so I can do whatever I want. Do you want to ask about the details of being with him?" Turning around, under his astonished gaze, he left without hesitation.


  4. "Kiss a Billionaire Wife"

   "I want you!" See you in three years, she was drugged and crashed into his arms!

  The man's thin and soft lips evoked a wicked smile, and he stepped forward!

  The next day, he pinched her chin angrily: "Buy me for a night, I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

  She threw down a one million "IOU" in disdain, and left in style!

  Damn woman, do you think he is a duck? No matter the ends of the earth, I will catch you back!


  Awow, isn't it exciting and passionate to read the profile? Don't worry, Xiao also has Qingshui's version of ancient prose, which is just as exciting!

  4. "The Subjugated Princess Dressed as a Widow in the Palace: The Second Married Princess"

  Rebellious ministers usurped the throne, and the country changed hands.

  I wanted to live and die with the country, but she pretended to be the widow of the neighboring royal palace.

  The cruelty of the indifferent prince and the molestation of the evil prince forced her to die to prove her innocence.

  Fake death to escape, sneak into the palace, a cold arrogance attracted the attention of the emperor.

   Guided the country and assisted the king, but was forced to fall into conspiracy and disputes.

  —When all the dust settles, where is Guihong?

  If you can’t wait for the update, you can go up and take a look. From the author’s work list on the right, you can go directly~