Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge-Chapter 27 An Evil Scheme

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[ Triple W Building ]

Cedric Morgan, an Alpha of White Claw pack under the Silvano Clan, was one of the trusted generals of Dominique Silvano, the Werewolf King.

Dominique let him manage the Triple W Security Agency here in the human world. In other words, he assigned Cedric the task to hunt down all the vampires who were trying to rebel against him.

He was currently sitting on his executive chair, having a dark expression on his face. He was moody today as he didn't get what he wanted last night.

His target escaped from his grasp because of an unknown guy who happened to be a vampire. A vampire just stole the woman whom he planned on playing that night.

His people were not able to track them down as they both vanished in an instant. A stray vampire dared to enter their territory! He was furious just thinking about that!

His men got a lot of scolding and beating last night. He took his anger out on them. They were so useless, letting one vampire escape right under their nose.

He kept on thinking about that alluring woman in a red dress. Because of that, he was not able to enjoy the first night of their mating season. He badly wanted her and it just ruined his mood to sleep with another female werewolf.

He was still thinking of the way on how to find that woman and kill that asshole vampire who took her when suddenly he heard a knock outside his office door.

His train of thoughts was interrupted by that knocking sound. Knitting his eyebrows in a deep frown, Cedric called upon the person outside, letting him in.

Cedric's expression changed the moment he saw the man who came to see him. That person was his secret messenger from Kingdom Phantasia.

The messenger greeted him respectfully by bowing his head and kneeling before him. Cedric acknowledged him by nodding his head then he waved his hand, signaling him to stand up.

"Speak." Cedric simply said with his authoritative voice. He was expecting to hear an important update from his messenger.

"Alpha Cedric, the Werewolf King is mad. He was disappointed once again by the performance of the Shadow Wolf Elite Team. They still failed to find the missing princess."

Cedric smiled inwardly upon hearing this news. He found a great opportunity despite this failure. Alpha Cedric was also searching for the missing werewolf princess for his personal reason.

Since Cedric didn't say a word, the messenger continued his report, supplying him with pieces of information that he had gathered from Kingdom Phantasia.

"Werewolf prince is coming here in the human world. He asked the king to allow him to search for his sister." 𝗳r𝗲𝙚w𝐞𝚋𝘯𝚘ѵ𝗲l.𝑐om

Cedric was both surprised and displeased with this report.

"What? He is coming over?! Did the King approve his request? How come I didn't receive a notice from the King?! The werewolf prince needs protection from Triple W as his guards."

Cedric felt alarmed because his prior plan would be ruined once the werewolf prince arrived in the human world.

"They agreed to make this a secret to everyone, including you, Alpha Cedric."

Cedric clenched his jaw, unhappy with this turn of events.

'Prince Dylan, what are you planning to do? Is the small cub ready to unleash his sharp fangs?'

"Do you know the exact date and time when the werewolf prince will come here? What portal is he going to use?" Cedric asked his messenger with a serious expression on his face.

"One week from now at midnight, Alpha. I heard that he insisted on passing through the Northern Gate Portal." fre𝙚𝓌𝒆𝚋noѵel.c𝚘m

Cedric's eyes lit up and his lips curled up into a sly smile. 'Hmm, interesting. He will be entering here… in my territory. I should give him a warm welcome.'

He just nodded his head, hiding his ill-motive in mind.

"Do you have something more to report?" Cedric closed his laptop and stood up.

His mind was now occupied by another thing. He was no longer thinking about the stray vampire and the lady in red. His attention was now focused on the werewolf prince.

"Nothing more, Alpha. This is all I got. The king and the werewolves are occupied because of the mating season. Nothing more significant happening in the kingdom aside from this."

"Okay. Go back now. Keep me updated if something important happens in the Kingdom Phantasia." Cedric dismissed his messenger.

The messenger bowed again slightly, before leaving his office. A few seconds after the messenger left, another person entered to seek Cedric's presence.

It was Vladimir, the elder of the White Claw Pack and his loyal adviser.

"Cedric, I saw your spy dropping by so I came here to see you. Is there a piece of good news from him?" Vladimir asked Cedric, his eyes filled with interest and curiosity.

Cedric invited Vladimir to sit down, offering him a glass of whiskey. He was now smiling as his gloomy mood already changed into a cheerful one.

"The werewolf prince is coming here," he informed Vladimir.

"What?! But why? What will happen to your plan now? You haven't talked to the King yet about the arranged marriage with the Zhou Family," Vladimir said exasperatedly, utterly surprised by what he had just heard from their Alpha.

"Hmm, relax Vladimir. Nothing will go wrong with my plan. I think this is a good opportunity to get rid of the werewolf prince. No one will suspect us. We can blame the rebel vampires for his death."

The marriage proposal was also a trap set by Cedric against the werewolf prince, Dylan.

Since Dominique wanted to expand his power and influence in the human world, Cedric planned on suggesting this marriage between the werewolf prince and the heiress of the Zhou Empire. Zhou was one of the powerful families in this country and they were the gatekeepers of the Northern Gate Portal.

He conspired with the Zhou Family about this arranged marriage. Ronan Zhou, Marceline's uncle, wanted to suppress her through this marriage while Cedric wanted to get rid of the werewolf prince who was next in line to inherit Dominique's throne.