MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage-Chapter 122 The Fallen One
The last statue crumbled to bits and Ava collapsed to the ground. Her body was slightly trembling, due to lack of Mana, but she didn't plan to use Mana potions.
Looking at the broken statues covering the platform Ava sighed. Leo was correct, she wouldn't have been able to defeat them before receiving the blessings.
If normally she was a Lv. 19 Lightning Mage, now she had attributes that'd easily surpass those of Lv. 40. The most important part was that they would stay even after the mission which made Ava believe she was currently the strongest player.
Shaking her head, she focused. It was not time to compare herself to Leo, he had too many mysteries and unknown cards to account for.
Touching the cold stair railing she started ascending the tower.
Suddenly a stair beneath her foot disappeared and she was about to fall, but luckily kept her mind calm and used Lightning Step to teleport herself back on the staircase.
'That was close...'
Looking at the empty space where the stair previously was, Ava sighed. Leo had warned her that traps after the platform would be placed at random with no pattern. Within the document it was written that she just had to keep her mind calm and use her improved Attributes to ascend.
Dusting off her purple robe Ava took out a bunch of small fangs. It was an item dropped by small green creatures called goblins. They were inhabiting the forest surrounding the Elven starting point and most of the quest had to do something with their extermination.
Throwing the first tooth on the stair Ava didn't notice anything abnormal and took a step forward.
Thud... Thud... Thud...
In such a manner she avoided all the flames, disappearing stairs and even poisonous needles that would shoot out from the wall, aiming exactly where the tooth fell.
"Why was nothing mentioned about the needles..."
Ava thought that Leo knew everything, but it didn't seem to be the case, he didn't know about the needles!
"Is he trying to get me killed?"
With a frown Ava spoke while throwing another tooth.
Purple flames engulfed the fallen item, but Ava simply jumped over the stair, continuing her journey.
'I'll make sure to count that off his pay...'
Making herself a mental note Ava shook her head and glanced upwards. There was only a single staircase left!
Looking at the stairs covered with red carpet Ava squinted her eyes and lit the thing on fire.
Right before her eyes the beautiful ornaments of the carpet started turning into ashes and revealing the stairs.
'At least this much is true...'
Looking at the various Magic Circles drawn on the stairs' surface Ava channeled Mana and Lightning started dancing on her feet.
Avoiding all the stairs she found herself before a golden door with visible blood marks on its handle.
Exhaling she put her hands on the handle and pushed the doors open.
Orange clouds were surrounding the tower's summit, covering the world surrounding it. Strange voices could be heard within them, but Ava didn't mind them, she had no time to.
A creature, at least 2 meters tall, stood further away from the door.
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Ava ran around the tower, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to escape the Fallen Angel. Despite her best efforts, the towering celestial being was too fast for her, and it quickly closed the distance between them. Ava felt a sharp pain as the Fallen Angel's claws raked across her back, sending her sprawling to the ground.
But Ava was not one to give up easily. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she focused her energy and activated her 'Lightning Step' ability. In a flash, she vanished from the ground and reappeared on one of the orange clouds that surrounded the tower's summit.
From her new vantage point, Ava could see the Fallen Angel below, its wings of darkness spread wide as it searched for her. Determined to fight back, Ava began to cast her 'Lightning Spear' spell, summoning bolts of electricity that crackled through the air towards the Fallen Angel.
Despite her best efforts, Ava's spells were only able to inflict minimal damage on the powerful celestial being. The Fallen Angel snarled in anger as it counterattacked, unleashing a blast of dark hellfire.
Ava did her best to dodge the blue flame and weave, but she was no match for the Fallen Angel's power and strength.
Her body was hit, but luckily the burning status effect was not applied.
'I should've teleported...'
She thought that with the blessings she could easily kill the creature, but it was not the case.
Even though the angel was powerful, it was yet to reach its most powerful state. The being hasn't used its wings and will not sue them, until half of its HP is left.
'It should've been an easy sail...'
Drinking a Health potion Ava had to teleport on another tangible, orange cloud and make an angel search for her.
Usually clouds are like fog, they are not tangible, but these ones are different. Starting from the color to weird whispering sounds coming from them.
A Lightning Orb appeared in Ava's hand and she launched it towards the being.
- 125 Magical Damage!
It did minimal damage making Ava sigh.
'Just avoid its spells...'
Lowering her head, she barely avoided the blue fireball flying above her head.
Suddenly Ava felt a nauseous feeling wash over her and collapsed to her knees.
- 1 HP
Her HP bar was slowly depleting and making her frown. The fallen angel was using 'Soul Drain'!
Since her hair was barely visible from the cloud, the angel could see her and use its spell that was like poison.
Ava was forced to teleport onto another cloud and consume her first MP potion.
The Fallen Angel let out a roar and launched its Hellfire Blast. Ava quickly used Lightning Step to teleport out of the way, narrowly avoiding the blast of flames.
The Fallen Angel was infuriated by Ava's evasive tactics, and it let out another roar as it induced a fear into the elf attacking him. Ava felt her legs tremble and she almost fell off the cloud if not for grabbing onto its soft surface.
There was no escaping the fear, she couldn't teleport out of it. She had to endure it and continue the fight.
The Fallen Angel let out another roar of anger as Ava hid herself behind the cloud, not giving him a chance to attack.
"Where is it!?"
She finally shouted while looking in all directions, as if expecting something to happen.
Leo was comfortably sitting in his room, drinking water and cooking meat of some beasts he hunted roaming in the red forest, just a few minutes walk away from the temple.
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Looking at the system window hovering above his eyes he smirked feeling that he got closer to his goal.
For the past few days in Fragmental he did nothing, but lure demons inside the temple, sacrificing them to the altar.
Leo had everything he needed:
A Temple? Check!
A Sacrificial Altar? Check!
A Goofy Robe covering his face? Check!
Leo was a complete cult member!
Looking at the time he stood up from his comfortable chair and left the temple, summoning Fenrir and mounting him.
Moving through the desert they neared the huge tower, until Leo could somewhat see its top.
Climbing down Fenrir, he gave his pet cooked meat and gazed towards the orange clouds surrounding the summit of the spire.
'Shadow Realm!'
All the light surrounding him disappeared as if the night descended. Whilst everything was dark, only two objects shone in the colorless abyss, Leo's dark eyes.
Shadows were rippling all around him and a Shadow Blast appeared within his palm. Its size was abnormal, because of the Shadow Realm.
The dark, grey projectile shone in his palm, only illuminating half of Leo's face or rather hood, making him look like a serial killer. f𝑟e𝒆𝘄𝐞𝚋𝚗oѵ𝐞𝗹.c૦𝑚
Extending his hand forward he threw the swirling orb towards the orange clouds, aiming at the closest one.
As soon as he did, Leo clapped his hands and canceled the Shadow Realm. His job here was done.
He himself had written that he'll assist Ava to defeat the angel, but he could help her bring it to half HP.
His plan was simple: use the substance within the clouds and the Shadow Blast he threw to cause a massive explosion that would throw anybody on the tower's summit to the ground.
'Maybe she'll be able to teleport in time..,'
Even though Ava was knowledgeable of this and had no objections, it was the matter of timing. She had to teleport before the explosion hit her.
"She'll either get the item or die"
Leo thought out loud while moving through the red desert.
The chances of Ava surviving were below 10%, but Leo knew that she'd probably survive.
She was Ava after all!