Mixed Blessing System-Chapter 344 The Tailors’ Competition Final

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As Lothur set out to attack his opponent, he immediately used his speed advantage and approached the person as he wished.

He attacked that individual from the right side, delivering a strong kick toward the ribs of the level 10 young man.


Upon realizing this aggression, the Frohberg family member tried to raise his arms to defend that part of his body. But due to the difference in reaction between the two, he was at a bit of a disadvantage, and part of his defenses did not absorb the blow.

"Ouch!" He let out a grunt of pain as he took a few steps back and felt Lothur's blow on one of his arms and ribs. ƒr𝙚𝙚𝘸e𝚋𝐧૦ѵ𝒆𝒍.𝒄𝒐m

But since his clothes were unique, even a little better than Lothur's, they managed to absorb most of that blow and protect him from the worst.

However, although he hit his opponent with one blow, Lothur had not stopped. He knew he had to use his speed to his advantage, or he would have no chance of beating this opponent.

The difference in terms of the tailoring skills of the two was not significant. Lothur had already realized this through the previous matches of this opponent that he had watched.

So since he was not sure that he could beat this person with his tailoring skills alone, he was pushing his body to the maximum to overcome this 'equivalence' in the battle.

He could not use his movement technique, but his body was naturally more capable than his opponent's. Then, young Ritter was not nervous either, ready to handle this opponent with caution.

He then made a hand strike, with his fingers in the shape of claws, going towards the opponent's body as if he was trying to catch his prey, as birds would do.

That young man saw that and remembered what Lothur had done to other opponents using his gloves. 'Damn!' He thought as he tried to roll in the opposite direction of his enemy and not allow himself to be attacked by that.

The level 10 young man managed to narrowly escape Lothur's 'clutches,' with Viktoria's husband's hands hitting the ground where such a person had been standing a second before.


When Lothur's fingers hit the ground, the stone of that fighting platform immediately cracked, and small holes appeared where his fingers touched.


"That glove is impressive!" People commented similar things in the stands, wondering what would have happened if a human body had suffered from that.

'That young man has some deadly weapons in his hands...' The chief referee of the Province Conference considered in silence, barely able to understand where Lothur was getting his ideas from.

Lothur's items were very different from what cultivators typically saw worldwide. Not only that, the quality of these items was rather strange.

That is, this old man did not doubt that gloves like Lothur's could exist around the continent. But to him, something like that would certainly not be made by a 1-star professional like that young man. It would probably take a 3-star tailor to produce such a thing!

Hence, whenever he saw Lothur fighting the tailor matches in this final, this man could not help but feel that Lothur could use anything to fight.

He had the impression young Ritter could even think of something unique to turn a chicken feather into a dangerous weapon!

As the crowd admired the match of those two, Lothur's opponent broke into a cold sweat at the sight of that damage and the look of such a person in his direction.

'What's wrong with this glove? How can it have so many different properties?' He wondered, feeling that Lothur had not yet shown all that he was capable of in previous matches.

So they soon engage in a few minutes of battle—Lothur managing to use his speed to stop his opponent from attacking him. At the same time, he managed to land a few blows against the young man from the Frohberg family, gradually wearing down his defenses and hurting him.

Lothur showed no mercy against his opponents. So every blow he had dealt had been in the direction of vital organs, always to hurt his opponent as much as possible.

Because of this, the level 10 young man had spent twice as much energy as he usually would in such a situation.

Defending oneself against attacks aimed at one's vital parts was not trivial!

Even using protective items, there would always be discomfort from the party being attacked!

Someone on earth would not want to be shot in the heart while wearing a bulletproof vest. Whereas in the cultivation world, nobody would accept a blow to their heart, even if such a person wore armor!

So by the time the fight was coming to an end, Lothur and his opponents were sweaty and tired, with the second of them much worse off due to the injuries he had sustained so far.


Lothur punched his opponent, finally landing a blow to the face, something he had failed to do so far.

This strike hit the left cheek of the level 10 young man, promptly causing him to faint while his cheeks trembled with shock.

After a millisecond, his body flew backward a few meters, falling to the ground.

Seeing the trail of blood dripping from that individual's mouth and nose, the match referee realized that Lothur's opponent would not stand up and gave his verdict.

"Lothur Ritter, representing the Frost family, wins the final of the competition for tailors!" Such a person said this in a formation, making the more than 100,000 people in the Coliseum listen to him.

Hearing that, Annaliese and Viktoria celebrated for Lothur from where they stood. At the same time, Elke clapped her hands with the thousands of people in the Coliseum.

'It looks like Lothur won a small fortune in this edition of the Province Conference...' Anneke thought this from her area, smiling at Lothur's result.

The prize in coins was the same for each winner of the spiritual profession competitions at that event. But on the other hand, each profession gave indispensable study and practice materials for developing these winning professionals.

After all, they were Leopoldine's future!

So Lothur had gained significant values up to this point, and his former teacher was pleased about it all.

"Why are you laughing, Anne?" One of the relatives of this acquaintance of Lothur's asked while the two were in the VIP area of the Koch family. "You know he eliminated one of our competitors, right? Are you happy about the victory of an opponent?"

Anneke looked at the beautiful young woman next to her and said. "Lothur was my student at Morning Star Academy. So, of course, I am happy for him..."

"Oh? He was your student?" The young woman was surprised. 'He is really very dedicated to hiding himself. He even put himself in a humiliating situation like that...'


'What magnificent willpower!' She liked Lothur's personality a little more, considering that her family highly valued people who could stay on the fringes of society even when they had significant powers.
