May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )-Chapter 85 - Chapter 85, the first property

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Chapter 85: Chapter 85, the first property

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Qin Yunting's gaze landed on the man in the silver mask. She did not know why, but she felt that he looked familiar... She shook her head, quickly dismissing the thought. No, she had never seen this man before.

"Master, I've brought Qin Yunting here." Yan Fei walked towards the man and sat beside him.

The man turned to Qin Yunting and uttered two cold words, "Come here."

Qin Yunting walked over. The man's silver mask shone with a sinister light, making him appear even colder.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The man snorted. "You don't have the right to know who I am. If you want to submit to me, you have to be my slave. And I will fulfill your wish."

At that moment, Qin Yunting actually felt that this man was a devil. This feeling was like he was consuming her soul.

"You can help me fulfill my wish? Do you have such a great ability?" she asked doubtfully.

This man was wearing a suit that was so low-key that you couldn't tell the brand, but still, she couldn't take her eyes of it.

She recognized a small brand logo embroidered on the cuff links of the suit. She realized then that the suit had been made purely by hand, and it came from the tailor who specialized in making gowns for the royal family.

It was said that apart from making gowns for royal families, he only produced four custom-made suits every year. Because it was made purely by hand, each suit took three months to make. Of course, this price would be more than a million yuan for one suit.

But even so, could his status prove that he could defeat Gong Mochen?

"That depends on what your wish is." The man shook the glass of red wine in his hand and raised his head to take a sip.

With his silver mask and red wine, it didn't look like he was drinking wine, but more like he was drinking blood.

"My wish is for Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen to die. I want to inherit the Qin family's property and be the female lead of the Qin Family!" Qin Yunting said her wish loudly.

Her brother, father, even her mother and grandmother, who she thought had loved her the most, did not care about her anymore. They'd allowed her to be chased out of the Qin family by Gong Mochen's men! They hadn't even batted an eyelid.

Therefore, she no longer trusted anyone. She wanted to become the sole heir of the Qin family. Only when she became the master of the Qin family would she not be bullied anymore.

The man laughed coldly and said, "You have a big mouth, but coincidentally, I can help you fulfill this wish."

Qin Yunting felt like she was dreaming. Has she really met a devil who could fulfill her wish?

"Really? You can make Gong Mochen die?"

"Gong Mochen only has one month to live, while Qin Sheng can have two months to live," the man said.

Qin Yunting looked at the man in astonishment, her mouth drooping that far you could probably fit an egg in it. Surely, no one could know the exact date of a person's death so accurately!

"You are an assassin?" The only thing she thought of was this profession, so she whispered it quietly.

"I am your master. My Greek name is Ta Luosi. Come, if you want to fulfill your wish, you have to be my slave first," the man said.

So he was from Greece? And his name was Ta Luosi...

When Qin Yunting thought Greece, her brain was filled with the names of the Gods in Greek mythology, like Zeus.

In Greek mythology, was it Hades that ruled a place deeper than hell, where he controlled the sinful souls of people? He represented all darkness and death... Qin Yunting shivered.

Goosebumps rose all over Qin Yunting's body, the dim light making the shadows more intense. When she looked at Ta Luosi, she felt that he was the god of the abyss, the lord of Tartarus.

"Master asked you to come over, didn't you hear?" Yan Fei scolded Qin Yunting.

Qin Yunting walked over and placed her hand in the man's hand. A coldness instantly swept over her body.

"Get out," Ta Luosi said coldly.

Yan Fei stood up. To be honest, she could not wait to leave!

When Yan Fei walked out of the room, only the man and Qin Yunting were left.

Qin Yunting's body trembled uncontrollably. The man's silver mask was getting closer and closer to her face. Suddenly, red wine was poured into her mouth.

His lips were cold, and so was the mask. She didn't know why she could not control her limbs, and her consciousness was gradually fading...

When she woke up, she found herself in a suite. The gorgeous suite was comparable to her bedroom in the Qin family's mansion.

She sat up in shock. She was the only one in the room. She found a document bag beside her pillow. She picked it up and opened it. Inside was the ownership certificate of an office building.

The name on it was... was.... her name! Qin Yunting!

She had an office building?

Instantly, she lost her composure. Even when she was the miss of the Qin family, she didn't have her own property. She only had more luxurious food and clothes than others. This was her first property!

What a wonderful turn of events! Now she believed that this Ta Luosi had the ability to kill Gong Mochen. Only such a man could be on par with Gong Mochen!

She kept the ownership certificate, washed up, and found a dress to put on from the dressing room that was filled with designer dresses.

When she went out of the room, she found out that she was in the top floor guest room of Yan Fei's nightclub.

She and Yan Fei each drove a luxury car to school. The feeling was simply wonderful. This was also the first car she'd ever had.

Qin Yunting and Yan Fei drove to the school, shocking all the students, including Qin Sheng.

Other students didn't know that Qin Yunting had been kicked out of the Qin family, but Qin Sheng did. However, Qin Yunting looked far from a person who had lost everything.

Qin Sheng walked to Qin Yunting and said, "Where did cousin's car come from?"

Qin Yunting raised her proud chin. "What does it have to do with you? Don't think that if I'm kicked out of the Qin family, everything in the Qin family will be yours. Dream on! Everything in the Qin family can only be mine! Just you wait, you and Gong Mochen will die!"

She said viciously.

"We'll die? Who's going to make us die?" Qin Sheng asked back.

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