Mated to the Warrior Beast-Chapter 90

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90 Trust or Treason? Part ~ TARKYN ~

Thankfully, as the guard entered the prison to release Tarkyn, keys jangling at his waist, without being asked, Zev took himself to the back of the cell so he posed no threat when the guard approached to unlock the cell door. ๐˜ง๐˜ณ๐ž๐šŽ๐‘คโ„ฏ๐˜ฃ๐—ป๐˜ฐัตโ„ฏl.c๐จ๐š–

Tarkyn could feel the tension on the male, but there was the smallest bond there now-a hint of trust under the fear and rage. Even though Tarkyn could feel the maleโ€™s eyes on him, it didnโ€™t feel like the gaze would sear his skin.

But Tarkyn couldnโ€™t risk giving anything away. Once the guard entered, he kept his eyes off of Zev headed for the cell door, sweeping up the spear without a word as he passed it, and once the guard had opened the door, stalking from the prison without looking back, praying silently that his actions that day wouldnโ€™t be viewed by his Queen as Treason.

He needed to talk to her.

But there was little time to think further. When he stepped outside the prison tree, Harth threw herself into his chest and the tension heโ€™d been feeling at the separation threatened to tear him in two as relief and grief washed him in equal measure. Wrapping her in his arms and burying his nose in her hair, he held her tightly.

Harth was still crying, though quietly. The shaking of her shoulders cut through him like a blade. All the pain and anguish that heโ€™d been holding at bay in order to keep himself in check with the Chimeran Alpha broke over him in a wave.

He held his mate tightly, thankful for the bond that allowed her to feel him, even if not as distinctly as he could feel her.

โ€˜Iโ€™m here,โ€™ he murmured in her head. โ€˜I wonโ€™t leave you. And Iโ€™m sorry, Harth. So sorry that you had to do that. Thank you, love. Thank you for helping me. And for trusting me with that. I promise you... Iโ€™ll never let you endure that cruelty again.โ€™

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โ€˜I know.โ€™

โ€˜I mean it, Harth. I will put my body and blood in the path of anything that threatens you. I will find a way through this to bring your people together again-and without a threat.โ€

She sucked in a breath and lifted her head, her eyes shining and lashes wet, to search his gaze. He stroked the hair back from her temples and let her examine him. He meant every word.

โ€œI know itโ€™s been hard, but this day isnโ€™t done,โ€ he said softly, sadly. โ€œI have to speak with my Queen and-โ€

โ€œTarkyn, youโ€™re both coming with me.โ€

Tarkyn looked up at the brusque tone from Gar, the massive lion standing just a few feet away, his face grim, and thick arms folded over his chest.

Their eyes met, and though he couldnโ€™t hear the thoughts of the War Chief, that look spoke volumes.

Tarkynโ€™s heart sank to his toes. โ€œIt wasnโ€™t-โ€

โ€œNot here,โ€ Gar said, letting his eyes flicker to the guards around them. โ€œThe others have already gone to the Royal Cave. Iโ€™m headed there. Walk with me. Both of you.โ€

Tarkynโ€™s stomach went cold. But at least Gar wasnโ€™t calling him under guard, or declaring him a traitor. That was a good sign... wasnโ€™t it?

Harth looked back and forth between them, her brows rising when Gar waved off the guards that had automatically fallen into formation around them.

โ€œThat wonโ€™t be necessary,โ€ Gar said to them. โ€œThe Queen has asked me to bring the Captain and his mate. Thatโ€™s all.โ€

Ironically, the Guards looked at Tarkyn for affirmation of the order.

He nodded once, as if he wasnโ€™t as shocked as they were, then when Gar began to walk, ushered Harth along as well.

They made it through the Prison Tree clearing and onto the trail before Tarkyn opened his mouth. โ€œGar, it was instinct-โ€

โ€œNot. Here,โ€ the male growled, turning to give him a pointed look, then glanced back in the direction theyโ€™d come from. โ€œWait until I speak.โ€

Tarkyn frowned, but did as his friend asked and kept his mouth shut. His skin began to tighten with every step though.

What had Elreth said to Gar?

โ€˜Whatโ€™s going on?โ€™ Harth asked in his head.

Tarkyn sighed and showed her his memory of the moment he chose to protect her, rather than the Queen.

He still had an arm around her and felt her tense. โ€˜But wouldnโ€™t any Anima do that with their mate?โ€™ she asked, her voice high and frail.

โ€˜I can only pray she sees it that way. And that the King can overcome his anger about the danger she was in long enough to see it too,โ€™ Tarkyn replied grimly.

They were walking a back trail, avoiding the main Tree City routes. That didnโ€™t surprise Tarkyn. Theyโ€™d been trying to keep Harth off the main trails since anyone paying attention would scent her difference.

But he came to a quick halt when the trail met an intersection-moving straight ahead would take them on a back trail that curved around to eventually meet the trail between the Tree City and the Royal meadow.

Yet Gar turned left.

โ€œGar, what-โ€

โ€œWalk with me, brother,โ€ Gar said quietly, glancing over his shoulder and beginning to move more quickly. โ€œWalk this way.โ€

Harth looked up at Tarkyn, but he just pulled her along with him, keeping his eyes on Gar. What the hell was going on?

Gar led them, walking quickly but confidently, deeper into the forest. This trail would wind off east and south, towards The Clearing where they took Rites and walked the Smoke and Flames. Or it forked to the Northeast, and petered out into the WildWood.

Was Elreth requiring some kind of Rite-

โ€œYou need to leave. Give her some space,โ€ Gar said quietly, his eyes searching the forest around them for threat, like any good warrior.

โ€œI... what?!โ€ Tarkyn said, coming to a halt and grabbing Garโ€™s arm. โ€œWhat the hell?โ€

The male turned to look at him, a dark warning on his face.


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