Mated to the Warrior Beast-Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: Testing the Bond


There was a lengthy debate, then, between the two mated pairs about what kind of control they gained over each other when their bonds were completed.

Gar revealed that he and Rika’s bond hadn’t snapped into place until after the war was over. Tarkyn had forgotten that-the rumors and gossip the two had endured that perhaps their bond wasn’t real, after all.

He suddenly had a great deal more sympathy for the male.

But even though all four of them agreed that their bond influenced their thoughts, but hadn’t changed their core convictions, or swayed their minds... they also acknowledged the shift in priorities when a new mate was revealed.

“It’s very distracting, if nothing else. I’m not saying I couldn’t think, but... I was hardly at my best,” Elreth said, looking at Aaryn, who nodded. “And that’s why I think... I’m sorry, Tarkyn, but in the end, I just can’t take the risk. I can’t risk that in a pivotal moment we’ll lose the advantage because you hesitate, or... or anything.

“Right now, either the Chimera don’t know they’ve been discovered, or they know they’re too weak to attack us. Too timid to pursue us. But that won’t last. One of these days the Patrols will bring word of new scents in our land. I want to address this before we reach that point. I want to control this potential conflict.”


“What does that have to do with me taking my mate?”

“Because I need the advice of the Captain I know and trust. And I need his wisdom without the color of our potential enemy’s influence. I need advice on whether I send an emissary to them, or an attack. And if it’s-”

“Not an attack, please,” Tarkyn said, his eyes pleading.

Elreth, who’d been about to continue the thought, slumped in her seat and her eyes went sad.

“You see?” she said quietly “Your responses are already changed. There hasn’t been a day of my life that I’ve seen you back down from battle. Not once. I’ve felt it necessary to caution you in the past. And now we have an unknown force on our doorstep and you immediately raise not just reluctance to attack, but outright pleading?”

All four of them stared at him, mingled disapproval and grief on their faces. But Tarkyn was resolute. “I defy any of you to stand in my shoes and not wish for peace between your peoples.” 𝐟𝙧ℯ𝑒𝒘𝐞𝒃𝗻𝒐ѵ𝘦𝑙.com

“Wish for it? Or act for it? Because acting for peace with a malicious force will only end in our defeat.”

Tarkyn snarled. “We can’t know if they’re a malicious force or only defensive if our first move is aggressive! You haven’t heard me back down from a battle before-and you won’t! But I have never gone looking for war, Elreth. I defend you and our people. I do not look for a fight.

“I heard the warrior’s mate claim that he only acted violently out of defense of her and their son! What if that’s true? What if they would have acted peacefully if we had-would you walk our people into a war that could have been avoided just by talking?”

No,” Elreth growled. “But neither will I shy from it if it’s needed.”

“I am not shying from it.”

“That’s how it sounds to me.”

“No, what you’re hearing is a male whose eyes are finally opened. A warrior who is beginning to understand that there may be other... priorities. Other solutions to these issues.”

His intensity echoed around the room as everyone took in everything they’d said.

Tarkyn waited, but Elreth’s expression never changed. “Well, then... I guess we’re going to find out, one way or another, aren’t we?” she said sadly.

Tarkyn braced. “What do you mean?” 𝒇𝘳𝐞𝚎𝓌𝑒𝑏𝒏𝑜𝙫ℯl.c𝚘𝒎

But Elreth just got out of her chair and walked to the door of the building.



Harth stood under the eyes of four guards, reminding herself that she’d promised Tarkyn she wouldn’t create conflict with anyone. She was grateful to be outside. It had been difficult being in the prison tree, and Zev and Sasha were too consumed with comforting each other to have had much attention for her. Which she understood.

She wanted to be with her mate too.

When the guards had come and said the Queen summoned her for an audience, at first she’d wanted to resist. But then she hoped. She hoped and prayed that perhaps Tarkyn really had found a way to build the bridge to peace.

So, now she stood waiting outside a strange building that reminded her of a human building only smaller, and made with much rougher materials. But it seemed solid.

What made her tense was that she could feel her mate inside, his rising panic and anger. She wanted to get in there to see what was being said. But she was being kept far enough away not to overhear the conversation.

And when, finally, the Queen opened the door and beckoned them inside, it was with a grim face. It was clear there had been conflict.

Harth walked in quickly, her fists clenched at her sides. She was angry with this Queen for the treatment of her Alphas, and now uncertain about the treatment of her mate whose entire scent was exhausted and angry, but who was free to come stand next to her as soon as she appeared.

He took her hand and murmured in her head, ‘Just be honest.’

She was about to ask him about what when the Queen took a seat in a small circle where they’d obviously been meeting, and looked at Harth.

“Your mate wishes to have time with you alone tonight, for you to know each other and grow in the bond. I’m considering it. But I wanted to ask you questions first,” she said sharply.

Harth looked at each of them. “What questions?”

The Queen was brittle. “Consider that my decision could be the difference between freedom and imprisonment for you,” she said between her teeth. “Think carefully about what words come out of your mouth.” Clearly she wanted greater submission than that.

“Freedom and imprisonment?” Harth asked, unwilling to bend. “You don’t seem to flinch from imprisonment. Or drugging.”

A low, menacing growl rolled from the Queen. Harth sank her weight lower to brace for impact.


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