Mated to the Warrior Beast-Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: What a Cluster


“...complete shitshow,” Elreth snarled. She paced the security building which was less than a mile from the prison trees. Aaryn, Elreth’s mate and the King, stood off to the side, his eyes following his mate as she stormed back and forth across the floor. 𝗳𝒓𝙚e𝓌e𝚋𝙣𝚘𝐯𝙚𝙡.𝑐૦m

The building was large enough for the elders and security council to gather together, with long tables at the back scattered with rolled maps, and chairs along the other.

Gar stood at Tarkyn’s side, which Tarkyn appreciated. Though it was possible his brother-in-arms was guarding him, as much as supporting him.

Speaking of shitshows.

“The wolf was so aggressive because he was in panic-” Tarkyn began, but Elreth cut him off.

“I’m aware. And I felt his pain and fear, too-I’m not heartless, Tarkyn. But the strength of him! He’s massive! As big as our biggest wolves and... that male walks a knife-edge. Did you see his eyes? Even when he couldn’t stand, he was marking us for death.”


“Any true warrior would,” Tarkyn said simply. “It’s why I acknowledged him. Between pain and the fear for his family, he’s on the edge of sanity, I think. We need to give him space to calm down and think. If he leads his people, he needs to be clear headed. He’ll need healing.”

Elreth snorted. “Good luck getting close enough for that. That male isn’t going to negotiate. He’ll take the throat of any one of us without thought.”

“We could provide resources to his mate and she could treat him. Once he calms down and can think without panic, he’ll get strategic about leading his people-”

“I’m still unclear about that. His mate has Alpha. Or they share it. I couldn’t quite understand what she described-it’s as if there are different aspects of their society they are both responsible for, but I think she outranks him.”

“The human?” Tarkyn said, startled.

Elreth nodded. Gar and Aaryn both shifted on their feet as if they were surprised too.

They all waited for Elreth to expand on what she knew, but Tarkyn used the moment to reach out to Harth in his mind again.

He was still uncertain. Sometimes when he did it, it felt like grasping at air. But so far, she could still speak to him-and her voice was steady. He breathed a little easier each time.

“I still don’t understand how she heard him when we were at the cave,” Elreth muttered. “The matebond must have some kind of link for them where they can feel each other-”

“they can do more than that-they can talk to each other. And not just the mate pairs either,” Tarkyn said, raking a hand through his hair.

Elreth stopped pacing and the males looked up at him as well.

“I’m sorry, what?!” 𝑓𝗿𝐞𝘦𝘄e𝘣n𝘰𝘷eƖ.c𝘰𝗺

“I don’t understand all of it, but... they can talk in each other’s minds. Harth-she can talk to Zev because he’s a wolf. I’m not sure if she can talk to Sasha or not. But she... she can talk to me as well, because I’m her mate.”

“What the fuck?!” Elreth spat.

Tarkyn raised his hands. “We only just discovered that I can communicate with her this way. But I... I found out that they can do this over miles. At least a couple of miles. Sometimes longer, she said.”

“They can talk to each other?”

“The wolves can, at least.”

Elreth blinked, then turned to look at Aaryn, her mate, and a Protector Wolf. His relationship with his beast was different than hers, but they all knew the wolves could mindlink. But talking over miles?

Aaryn’s lips thinned and his hands jumped at his sides. “We can’t do it with anyone but a wolf. Their link must be different,” he said quietly.

“Converse? You’re actually conversing?”

“El, you knew that I could get messages to the wolves-”

“But talking? I thought you were... I don’t know, sharing intentions or something? Why haven’t we talked about this?”

“We have-I told you how the mindlink worked. I’ve communicated for you-”

“I didn’t understand the details, clearly. Something we’ll rectify when I can get a second to breathe!”

Aaryn’s chin lowered, but his eyes on her were more warning that submission.

Elreth shook her head and turned back to Tarkyn. “You can talk to her? Or she can talk to you?”

“Both,” he said quietly. “I’m not very good at it yet. I’m still learning-this is brand new. But... but I can get a message to her right now if I need to. The thing you need to focus on, though, El, is that if there are other Chimera out there who can do this, they wouldn’t even have to be in the Tree City. At least, for some of them. She said it was different depending how close their relationship was. If he’s Alpha, and he can talk through this link, and his people come close enough... they could be coordinating and educating each other... sending images to each other... It seems like just having them in the Tree City means we have to assume anything they know or learn, their people will too. Or already do.”

Elreth shook her head. “Creator’s mane... we can’t catch a fucking break.” She paced again, her eyes darting left and right as if she was searching for something. “This means we’re really only safe when he’s asleep. If he’s awake and others get close enough, we’re screwed.” Then her eyes widened and she whirled on Tarkyn. “Can they locate each other this way? Sense each other’s direction?”

Tarkyn frowned. “I don’t know, I...” He turned his thoughts inward, examining himself. Could he tell where Harth was, physically?

There was a vague tugging in his chest, back towards the prison trees, but he knew where they were. He thought it was just his yearning to be close to her.

“I don’t know,” he repeated, shaking his head. “But maybe we should plan as if they can.”

Without another word, Elreth stalked to the door of the building and yanked it open to speak to the guards outside.

“Get Jayah over to the prison tree. Feed and water the prisoners, then have Jayah prepare to tranquilize the male again.”

Tarkyn’s heart sank. He almost warned Harth as the sound of running footsteps darted along the path. But then his Queen turned to stalk back towards them and all his attention was taken by her focused fury.


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