Marvel's Superman-Chapter 345 - 342 | Four Horsemen, Magneto.

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Chapter 345 - 342 Four Horsemen, Magneto.

Pleasant times would always pass by quickly. By the time Luke was dressed, and the wet stains on his desk had evaporated, it was several hours later.

A large cloud came over, blocking out the blazing sun.

"Frankly, Emma, you deserve an A+ for your excellent performance and hands-on experience in this course!"

Luke leaned against the comfortable leather chair and praised her, "You're an outstanding student, not only with rich theoretical knowledge but also excellent practical skills."

The White Queen smiled and tied on the tie for the 'Principal' in a well-behaved manner.

Then, after sorting out her messy clothes, she got down to business.

Looking at the rosy-cheeked, refreshed White Queen, Luke couldn't help but feel a little impressed.

Obviously, it was such an exhausting and emotionally intense high-intensity exercise, but the other party wasn't tired at all.

This also confirmed that the relationship between a man and a woman was like that between a cow and a field.

No matter how hard the cow plowed, the field would only grow fertile and productive.

Superman, of course, had no trouble in this regard.

He was a pile-driving machine that never got tired, plowing deep into the land and sowing hard.

"You need to find teachers who are much more patient and better suited to education."

The White Queen sat on the edge of the desk, leaning sideways. Her hands pushed her sweat-stained blonde hair back from her cheeks.

Women are always concerned about their appearance.

The White Queen, who had spent her make-up, touched up her foundation and said, "Our students are still children and not only need an outstanding educational environment, they also need excellent teachers."

"Are you implying that a certain couple of brothers are not qualified?"

Luke picked his eyebrows.

The teachers of the mutant academy must be mutants.

This would allow the academy to maintain its independent operation and prevent infiltration by other forces.

It would also create a sense of belonging for those students as if they had come to a big family belonging to their compatriots. There would be no estrangement from the outside world.

Charles would rather confess his mutant status to his parents and sign up for the academy for the gifted, mainly because he wanted to find more compatriots.

The only problem was that not just anyone could handle the job of a teacher.

The academy currently offered several courses, including mandatory courses in national languages, national history, social sciences, and natural sciences.

There were elective courses in the arts, such as music and drama.

When students would move on to higher grades, there would be more rigorous combat classes.

Overall, the pressure to study wasn't too much.

However, the vast majority of mutant groups awakened their abilities during puberty.

Once their identity was exposed, they would be rejected and treated unkindly by the outside world.

This contributed to the fact that most of the mutants couldn't pass through the adolescent stage normally.

For example, the White Queen herself was an obvious example.

She ran away from home without finishing college and became a social outcast.

If it weren't for her excellent family background, ability, and knowledge, she wouldn't have been appointed by Luke as the Principal.

Brothers like Sabretooth and Wolverine had been wandering all year round and hadn't received any systematic education.

Apart from 'Motherfucker', it was 'Sh*t' and 'Bitch'; they could be classified as illiterate.

It was natural for them to have a lot of shortcomings as teachers.

"That's right."

The White Queen's expression turned cold and seemed dissatisfied.

"Victor is a PE teacher, yet he only takes his students to watch the Chicago Bears and New York Giants football games! Last week, I even saw him drinking in front of the students at school!"

"Logan is even worse. As a history teacher, he not only swears in class but also smokes cigars, making the classroom a terrible mess."

The White Queen felt indignant and wanted to directly expel these two black sheep who had infiltrated the teaching staff.

"Make do with it for the time being."

Luke shrugged his shoulders. He transferred Sabretooth and Wolverine, the pair of brothers, to become teachers, which was also an expedient measure.

"And, your sister, Kayla. She's doing very well, and she's also very popular with the students."

The White Queen's face softened when she heard her sister's name.

In fact, she also has her own personal feelings. The White Queen had never liked Logan, who stole her sister.

She also hated Sabretooth just because he was Logan's brother.

"When the academy is on track, we will find a more suitable group of teachers."

Luke, as an honorary school trustee, was still very concerned about the development of the academy for the gifted.

There were quite a few mutants who wanted to live a quiet life, and they could be recruited as teachers at that time.

The two of them discussed for a while and then went for tea.

Luke met Charles and Raven in the cafeteria, in addition to some other students.

Most of them were 13 to 15 years old, some were showing signs of abilities, and some had already awakened.

However, talented child prodigies with outstanding abilities in the alpha level like Charles were ultimately a minority.

"They are the future."

Luke said contentedly.

If this mutant academy could gradually grow stronger and enter the public eye.

In a few years, it would become the base camp of the mutant group in North America.

They would flock over to seek a stable life, just like the gold diggers in the great western Gold Rush.

"The future is theirs as well as ours."

The White Queen seemed to embody the feeling Sebastian Shaw had, the feeling of holding power and being believed in.

In a sense, she was a great leader of the mutant camp.

'Charles is in the bag, so where is Magneto?'

Luke's mind wandered, looking through the windows, across the green lawns and hills, into the great distances.

After the end of World War II, Germany was divided among the United States, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union according to the Yalta and Potsdam Agreements.

The four countries formed the Allied Control Council, which took over the supreme power of the country.

Before long, the Federal Republic of Germany would be established in the western occupation zone, and the Democratic Republic of Germany would be established in the Soviet occupation zone in the east.

Also known as 'West Germany' and 'East Germany'.

In a few years, the famous Berlin Wall was built.

Germany, which had provoked the First and Second World Wars, officially split into two sovereign states.

"Caliban… the man you're talking about is in Berlin?"

A tall figure covered in a long hood looked up at the devastated Berlin.

The city was ravaged by allied bombers back and forth, like the surface of the moon, full of potholes and gullies.

War was a cruel game in which the loser got nothing, and the winner took everything.

According to the resolution made at the Yalta Conference, Germany had to pay $20 billion in compensation during this time.

Of these, 10 billion was given to the Soviet Union, 8 billion to the United States, and the remaining 2 billion to other countries.

It wasn't until 2014, half a century later, that the German government paid off this huge 'foreign debt'.

"That's right, Lord Apocalypse."

Caliban followed behind. His perception was expanding, enveloping almost every corner of Berlin.

As long as they were mutants, it was impossible to avoid his search.

"After the end of World War II, a mutant organization called the Hellfire Club surfaced."

"Their leader was Sebastian Shaw, an alpha mutant. I once took the commission from him to find suitable compatriots for him."

"Among the names Shaw provided, there was a child named Erik Lehnsherr, an important 'commodity' he identified by name."

Apocalypse listened and stepped forward.

The streets of Berlin -- to be exact, the empty spaces cleared of debris -- were barely visible, like an empty city.

In World War II, Germany lost nearly 7 million adult males and almost exhausted its labor force.

A large number of captured German soldiers were sent to Siberia to work as coolies and died there.

That was to say, most of those who survived and stayed in Berlin were women and the elderly.

"Did you find him?"

Feeling the aura of war left behind in this land, Apocalypse eyes flashed.

In his view, human beings were despicable, backward, and arrogant low-level creatures.

They were greedy, so they plundered.

They were arrogant, so they were closed-minded.

They were short-sighted, so they were stupid.


They needed a great leader, a great deity, a great … Master! 𝒇𝗿𝙚ℯ𝑤ℯ𝑏𝒏𝑜ѵe𝙡.c𝐨m

That was him, Apocalypse!

"Found him. That kid, he's in the neighborhood."

Caliban said as he bowed down.

These days, he had fully seen Apocalypse's strength.

It was easy for him to upgrade mutants and make up for the existing genetic defects.

And, what's even more frightening…

Apocalypse mastered countless innate abilities, such as teleportation, energy projection, and so on, which could be used with every gesture, completely breaking the limits of the mutant level.

"I wonder if that child will be destined to be a Four Horsemen member."

Apocalypse held Caliban's shoulder and read his thoughts to learn the precise location.

A passage then opened up and wrapped the two people into it.

In almost a blink of an eye, they crossed the distance of the city and appeared in front of a dirty child wearing a pageboy cap.

"Erik Lehnsherr?"

Apocalypse looked at the other party. The child's face was reflected in his eyes.

Erik, holding a bag of bread, was full of vigilance.

Thinking these two guys were trying to rob him and he subconsciously used his powers.

The trash can in the alley, the reinforced concrete bars, and all the metal objects flew towards Apocalypse.

"Don't be nervous. I'm here to help you, Erik."

Apocalypse said in a deep voice.

With just a thought, those oncoming miscellaneous objects were uniformly broken into particles.

"Magnetic force … You have so much more potential than that, Erik."

Apocalypse's eyes glowed as if he had seen a gold mine that hadn't been mined yet.

He stepped forward and mentally invaded his opponent's mind, reading the memories that were buried deep in his heart.

Erik's face showed pain. The bag of bread in his arms fell to the ground, and he slowly knelt down with his hands on his head.

"Hatred, hatred, hatred … Yes, that's right! Ignite the world with anger!"

Apocalypse stimulated the other party's memory and aroused the anger hidden at the bottom of his heart.

He found the first Four Horsemen!