Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants-Chapter 485: The Tenjin group incident ends

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Chapter 485: The End of the Incident of the God Group

With a few unwilling and incomprehensible roars, they completely dissipated in this area.

These three groups of gods are truly dead!

Seeing this scene, whether it was Alithem, the judge of the gods, or other beings, their emotions fluctuated violently.

How long has it been since the Celestials died?

But this time, three people died at once!

The remaining four gods were shocked and angry.

Dormammu and other beings lamented that things seemed to be getting worse.

At this time, Alitham, the judge of the gods, seemed to have noticed something, and stared coldly at the man in white in the distance.

“The energy in your body has been exhausted, right?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the three gods next to him also focused their attention on the man in white. Then they all breathed a sigh of relief, their mood improved, and they sneered secretly.

As for the energy of the Reality Stone, when he first used the Reality Stone, he noticed that it could not be absorbed and used.

With the appearance of the red light, the man in white, who originally had no sense of threat, actually felt a little more threatening.

In an instant, red light bloomed, illuminating his whole body and surroundings.

For a moment, everyone including Judge Alitham hesitated, wondering whether to take action.

“Other members of the God Group will also remember you!”

At the same time, he was also ready to absorb the energy of the space gem.

They do feel a sense of threat.

How can it be? !

?Shouldn't this guy's strength be almost exhausted?

But what is this feeling about?

"You can give it a try and see how much strength I have left." Su Yao said calmly.

At this moment, they were all surprised and suspicious.

In the distance, the four beings of Alithem, the judge of the God Group, who were originally ready to take action, were about to take action.

After all, in their feeling, the man in white in front of them was at the end of his game and had little strength left.

It seems that as long as they take action, the man in white can also use his strength to fight back. ƒгeeweɓn૦

Dormammu and other beings have mixed feelings.

Su Yao looked very calm when he heard this. He quietly took out the space gem and placed it in the palm of his left hand.

As he spoke, he quietly activated the reality gem in his right hand.

Several seconds later, Alitham, the judge of the God Group, said coldly, "White Man, I remember you."

The man in white is going to die now?

on site.

Once it really comes to a point of necessity, he doesn’t care about anything.

Frigga, Thor, and Odin's expressions changed.

“You and the Messiah, wait for death to come!”

Speaking, before Odin and others could react, a huge black hole appeared behind Arisem, the judge of the gods.

Then, including Alithem, the judge of the Celestial Group, all the remaining Celestial Group disappeared and went to unknown places.

Seeing that all the gods had disappeared, Odin couldn't help but be stunned.

The Celestial Team retreated, and the matter was over...

Thinking, he looked at the child next to him, his eyes full of shock.

“He single-handedly fought against seven groups of gods, killed three of them, and forced back the remaining four. This child…”

?This is their Asgardian god, his child?

Odin only felt shocked and surprised for a moment.

The city of omniscience.

“Is this the end?” Zeus couldn’t believe it.

At the same time, he was also amazed by the achievements and strength of the man in white. "If this white man can join..." Zeus's eyes showed desire.

At that time, their Olympus pantheon...


Around the world, it seems a little quiet at the moment.

As promised, the man in white is in a miserable state. He has encountered an unreasonable disaster and cannot survive?

What's going on now?

?Good guy, you forced back so many powerful guys?

Various dimensions.

“It seems we don’t have the Infinity Stones anymore.”

?? Originally I was spying on the infinite gems in the hands of the man in white, waiting for the moment of his death to seize the demon gods of various dimensions. At this moment, I only felt regret and fear.

?They directly classified the White Man at the same level, so it was better not to provoke him or not.

At the same time, they also felt strange. First the Messiah was born on the earth, and now the White Man was born. It was really outrageous!

At a time when countless people are experiencing ups and downs of emotions, the outer space of the Earth.

“Come back to Asgard with me?” Odin asked.

This content is taken from fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm.

Su Yao thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No."

Odin was confused when he heard this, but he didn't say anything and directly summoned the beam of light from the Rainbow Bridge.

With a bang, and with the appearance of the dazzling beams of light from the Rainbow Bridge, Odin and the eight-legged horse completely disappeared.

As for Su Yao, he closed his eyes and quickly absorbed the sunlight to restore the dry light energy in his body.

As the energy in his body gradually recovered, his sense of security also recovered a lot.

【Ability: Incarnation of Light (6/500) Level 2】

After taking a look at the progress of the Incarnation of Light, Su Yao was filled with expectations.

?Had I not used the infinite gems to scare those gods, things would have been really unpredictable this time.

It also explained from the side that his power was not enough to erase the seven groups of gods.

?If it could be erased, maybe there wouldn't be so many problems.

I also know what will happen to him next when Alithem, the judge of the gods, and other beings return.

Su Yao frowned, then sighed, "In the final analysis, there is still not enough energy..."

?If the source of his chaotic magic power did not come from himself, but from the outside world, perhaps all the Celestial Gods, including Alithem, the judge of the Celestial Gods, would have been dead long ago!

With just one word, they can be wiped out!

“Perhaps, we can try to see if we can connect to the source of chaos magic from the outside world?”

Su Yao was a little hesitant, not sure whether to do this or not.

He was not sure whether doing so would create a connection with Sithorn, the **** of black magic, and then become his puppet, or even the target of his death.

?This guy, after all, is a multiverse-level existence, and he is not easy to mess with.

Just when Su Yao was thinking about how to improve his strength, as time passed, what happened on the earth was also spread quickly.

The deaths of three groups of gods, such a big event, directly shocked every being.

“This is impossible, this is absolutely false!”

“How can there be such a strong person on Terlan Star?!”

People from the major imperial powers don’t believe it.

At the same time, inside a huge battleship.

Thanos Thanos was sitting on a huge chair, closing his eyes and meditating, when he suddenly heard the sound of an ebony throat.

“Lord Thanos, something is not good!” The ebony-throated voice was full of shock.

Thanos opened his eyes and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

What's wrong?