Married to his secret crush-Chapter 409 - Tea

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Yu Mei glanced at him quietly for a few seconds before shaking her head, ''No, she will survive, brother... She won't die.''

Han Jian Yu gritted his teeth, ''Why won't you understand it? It's not worth it for you to lose your life over an...animal,'' He tamped down the hesitation in his heart while uttering such words as he steeled his heart, ''If you want a fox, I will get you one, or two of any kind you want. Come here, as long as we are here, no one will harm you.''

''No... You don't understand,'' Yu Mei shook her head, ''She is not just any fox. She can't die. I won't let her.''

Han Jian Yu closed his eyes before he turned to look at Jun Zixuan who was standing with an incomprehensible expression on his face, ''Say something to her. What happened to you?" He asked, noticing something amiss with the man.

''I wonder too...what's so special about a fox that she will risk her life for it,'' Han Sheng frowned, his face turned a bit curious and his eyes were confused as he glanced at the fox before looking at Yu Mei, ''But then, it's not too bad this way. It would have been troublesome to get her here without weakness and it would have been more troublesome to get you both here without bringing my niece.''

Han Sheng tucked one of his hands inside his pocket, the blood from his wrist stained his trousers but he didn't seem to care about it as he glanced at Jun Zixuan, ''President Jun, as much as an honour it is to meet you, it's more honourable to have you as my nephew-in-law,'' He smirked, ''Having two big shots...'' He paused before glancing at Han Jian Yu, ''Having three big shots at my humble abode, it is very improper of me to not have offered you tea till now.''

With that said, he snapped his fingers and a few men came forward, setting the coffee table that Yu Mei had flipped earlier before they arranged more chairs on both sides.

Two other men walked towards Han Jian Yu and Jun Zixuan with two trays in their hands.

Han Jian Yu glanced at Yu Mei who didn't have many expressions on her face, neither did she seem to be looking for a way out of the situation. He did not know if she was possessed by something to be so willing to risk her life for an animal.

Jun Zixuan stood quietly for a few seconds before he picked up the cup that was offered to him with his left hand, his fingers twisting the gun in his right hand. He tilted his head slightly upwards and his eyes locked with Yu Mei for a moment.

Yu Mei slowly glanced at the cup of tea offered to her.

''Take it, niece. I am hoping you will like this one. The ingredient is one of your favourites,'' Han Sheng paused before shaking his head, ''Or shall I say that the source of the ingredient is your favourite?"

Yu Mei glanced at the red tea confusingly before looking at him.

''You can be slow at times. It's made from your pet's blood,'' Han Sheng laughed, ''I had my men save some its blood before you came here.''

Yu Mei's grip on the teacup handle tightened and Jun Zixuan's eyes narrowed briefly.

Han Jian Yu tilted his head to the side as he glanced at the fox from the corner of his eyes, thinking back to the times when she used to be around him, living at his place. The way she used to cause chaos and how she would only eat the food that he cooked, sitting on the chair elegantly.

He closed his eyes and his lips pinched together.

All their guards were standing rooted to their places, without making any movement given that Yu Mei was still with Han Sheng at the moment.

But compared to Han Jian Yu's expressionless face, Jun Zixuan's disturbed expressions were apparent and it had Han Sheng speak, ''President Jun also seems to have some sort of attachment with this animal.''


"You... Ah...'' Han Sheng was caught off guard when a sharp shard was pressed against his neck.

When he was focused on Jun Zixuan, Yu Mei broke the teacup. When the man was serving her the tea, Jun Zixuan and her had briefly exchanged glances and he had pointed his eyes towards the cup.

While waiting for a proper opportunity, Yu Mei finally found it when she spotted the tray in the man's hand. So, the moment Han Sheng talked to Jun Zixuan, she took advantage of the chance to smash the cup before she placed a shard against his neck, catching him off guard.

Yu Mei pressed it harder and blood oozed out of his neck while the man winced, all of his guards were on alert but nobody dared to move when they saw that Han Sheng was taken down.

However, before Yu Mei could let out a sigh of relief, her expressions changed when the man who was wincing and writhing in pain, started laughing all of a sudden, slow at first but the sound of it turned maniacal with each passing second before he squinted and raised his hand to wipe the teardrop from the corner of his eyes, ''You want to kill me? Go ahead,'' Han Sheng said casually, ''I will take your pet together with me.''

Jun Zixuan and Han Jian Yu were both somewhat taken aback by his response and so was Yu Mei.

Did he lose his mind? He would rather die than release Mia? Yu Mei couldn't help but think if it was a way to scare her but then given how unpredictable this man has been till this point, she did not know if she could take his words seriously.

"You just had to try me....'' Han Sheng whispered and just as Yu Mei saw the knife being pointed at Mia, she stepped back from the man quickly.𝙛𝐫e𝚎wℯ𝗯𝒏𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄o𝚖