Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved-Chapter 1388: Bring her back at any cost.

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Chapter 1388: Bring her back at any cost.

Shen Bingling didn't remember that name, so furrowing her brows she asked in confusion, "Zhang Xiaotong? Who is that? Do you know her?" She asked and Li Xue shook her head as if she was also confused.

"Nope, I don't." Li Xue was herself addled about that. She simply remembered that name without having any memories about that person. As if the sight of the woman was enough to bring that name back to her lips.

Shen Bingling couldn't understand. "You don't? Then how did you know her name?"

"I don't know. It just came to my lips the moment I saw her. I don't really know her but maybe I knew her sometime before I lost my memory."

Shen Bingling turned to look at Li Xue's befuddled expression and then again turned to look back at Zhang Xiaotong who was rigorously surrounded with several doctors and nurses. "If you feel like that, then she must be someone important. After all, you didn't even remember me when I was still your friend."

She said, and Li Xue also stared at Zhang Xiaotong with the same thought.

Zhang Xiaotong? Was she really important to me, that even after losing my memory I haven't forgotten her? If yes, how was she important? Was she her friend or … Her eyes blinked at the unconscious woman while questioning herself.

"By the way Li Xue, how did you know that she was here? Did you see her before?" Shen Bingling suddenly asked and at her question like that, Li Xue's eyes darted to look at Feng Shufen who was standing there at the side, monitoring every action of the people working there.

She couldn't see his expression but from his fists clenched, she could tell that he must be holding a dark expression at the moment. 𝗳𝙧𝐞𝚎w𝗲𝚋n𝚘𝙫𝑒𝘭.𝑐om

When Shen Bingling didn't hear Li Xue answering her again, she turned to look at her. Finding her gazing in a particular direction, she scrunched brows and followed to look at well. At first glance she was not able to tell who it was but after looking for a moment, she asked in a confused state, "Isn't that Feng Shufen? I mean President Feng of Feng Internationals?"

Although she has asked that question to Li Xue, she didn't wait to hear her reply. Instead, she said it on her own. "Yes, exactly! He is President Feng. I just got confused because this is the first time that I came to see him for real. Otherwise, every time it was just his pictures on the internet that I have seen."

She said and then turned to ask Li Xue once again. "Why are you looking at him? Have you followed him here?"

Li Xue didn't speak but suddenly Shen Bingling's expression changed. And turning to look back in the room, she gaped, "Li Xue, now, I remember. Didn't you say her name is Zhang Xiaotong? I know her."

"You know her?" Li Xue asked, raising her brows and Shen Bingling nodded before turning to look at her and speak.

"Not personally. But I remember I once heard my father mention a Zhang girl who was been decided to marry Feng Shufen. So, she might be the one." Shen Bingling said pondering over the remembrance that she recollected all of a sudden. Then pausing for a small second, she continued, "Wait, could this be the mysterious Madam Feng? I mean no one ever saw her before and she is here like this. Even President Feng seems to be worried for her. She can be …"

"Nope, she can't be." Before Shen Bingling could even complete her words, Li Xue interrupted with confidence while her gaze turned like flaring flames.

Shen Bingling didn't understand her confidence and turned to ask, "How can you say that, Li Xue. I mean I have heard Feng Shufen to be the most aloof person in this world. And if he is aloof, why do you think he would be here for her? If not concern, there could be no other reason to bring him here like thai. That too for a woman. So, I feel like she can be Madam Feng, about whom everyone has always been curious about."

She said but Li Xue still looked like she didn't believe her. Shen Bingling was about to speak more but just when she was about to speak, the room was pulled open from inside and a nurse stepped out with a worried expression.

"Are you also the patient's family? You can't stand here. Please take your seats on the chairs at the side." She said and then without waiting to hear them reply she rushed away as if she was running to get something really important.

Before Shen Bingling could stop the nurse to ask something, she was already off her sight. Sighting to herself, Shen Bingling said, "No worries, I will ask her when she comes back. Li Xue, I am not confident about it but as far as I have knowledge my guess could be right."

Right then, the nurse who had gone out returned with a tray of medicines. When Shen Bingling saw her coming, she was at once ready to ask her. But before she could ask, the nurse spoke by herself, "You both are still here. Please take your seat. Don't worry, the state of the patient is crucial but there are still chances for her survival. Doctors are trying."

Saying that she went in the room. Since her hands were full the door didn't close and now, Li Xue could clearly hear the talks going inside the room. While the nurses sounded like they were assisting the doctors, the doctors seemed worried about saving the patient. Among them the calmest and the darkest one looked like Shufen. But still things didn't seem clear about her.

Something in Li Xue was not letting her believe that Zhang Xiaotong could be the wife of Feng Shufen. The vibe she was feeling inside her, looking at her unconscious state wasn't of sympathy but rather enmity. As if she resented her for something she didn't remember. And that feeling was making her helpless.

"Let's go." Suddenly Li Xue said and Shen Bingling turned to look at her, all confused.


"To get my memories back."

Saying that, Li Xue was ready to turn around and leave. But just then she heard the doctor saying, "President Feng, her situation is worsening. We don't think …"

Before the doctor could complete, Feng Shufen's voice rang glacially cold in the room, "I never said you were allowed to let her die. Bring her back at any cost, otherwise get ready to follow her path as well."



Dear readers,

First of all, sorry! These days I am hardly updating because of my busy schedule at the college. But believe me I am trying my level best to manage it. it will take time but I am sure I will be able to do it soon. Just to let you know I will not leave the book on hiatus. I will complete it soon. This book would have been completed a way back if I have been on my usual update schedule. But again I am sorry for not able to do it.

But I promise from today on, I will try to not miss any day without an update. But you guys have also to be patient. There are two thing you would need to understand.

1.) As I said, I can't ignore my studies and just focus on the book. I need to take them both together. And for that I am explaining today that my master degree is divided in different blocks which has test after ever 15 days. I can't explain much about the study model of my college here. But to keep it short, I will say that because of that test every month I will not be able to update for four days. You have to be understanding to me in those days.

2.) There will be an update everyday i.e. in every 24 hours. Don't complain until 24 hrs gets crossed.

I hope you all will understand.

Yours truly,
