Lord Zhang Fei-Chapter 84

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84 The Sacred Spirit Embryonic Heavenly Technique

The blazing spirit descended to the west, and the obsidian star rose to the east, signifying the arrival of nightfall.

As the ghostly light that was constantly circling in the air gradually dissipated, Zhang Fei slowly opened his eyes. “The body of the sacred spirit?”

Suddenly, Zhang Fei’s yurt door was pushed open, and a strange sound followed.

“Who?” Zhang Fei jumped up suddenly. He raised his hand and threw out a magic ball of energy and hit it. Immediately after a flash of light, his longbow appeared in his hand, the arrow was wound, and Zhang Fei drew a full bow at the person who came in.

“Light magic?” The visitor was also surprised.

As the ball of light was thrown out, the whole room suddenly became bright.

“Master Buwenle?” Zhang Fei was shocked, and quickly put away his bow and arrow, but he was in a panic. He thought to myself: Oh, bad, how did I use the light magic in the shock just now.

Master Bu Wenle stared at the boy, his eyes flickered a few times, and he immediately said to Zhang Fei. “Come with me.” Then he turned away.

Zhang Fei stabilized his mind, dismissed the ball of light, then lowered his head and followed Bu Wenle all the way to the master’s yurt.


Entering the room, Bu Wenle closed the door, walked to the table at the centre of the yurt and sat down, his eyes always fixed on Zhang Fei. However, Zhang Fei lowered his head and stood at the table in a state of confusion, not daring to speak.

Zhang Fei didn’t know how long it took, but he only felt that every second was as long as a year. Neither of the two said a word, and Bu Wenle seemed to be thinking about something in his mind. The silence in the room was terrifying.

“Zhang Fei’er, you are hiding something from me, aren’t you?” After a long time, Bu Wenle finally broke the deadlock.

Zhang Fei lowered his head even lower, thinking to himself: this is going to be a bad thing. It was already discovered, what should I do?

Only to listen to Bu Wenler continued. “Okay, you don’t want to say it, I’ll say it. You just need to answer me yes or no.” 𝐟𝓇ℯ𝒆we𝒃𝘯𝒐νe𝑙.co𝚖

“Okay, master.”

Bu Wenle paused and said, “Your body is the body of the legendary Sacred Spirit cultivation, yes, or no?”

Zhang Fei lowered his head and said nothing. He thought to myself: I just won’t say anything and pretend I’m ignorant of it all.

Seeing that Zhang Fei didn’t respond, Bu Wenle didn’t force him, and then said. “Alright, if you don’t answer me, you’re acquiescing. Not only does the master know that you are a sacred spirit, but also that the exercises you practice, also known as the Sacred Spirit Embryonic Heavenly Techniqbue, is extremely powerful.”

“Ah? Master, you also know about the power of the technique?” Zhang Fei suddenly raised his head and asked in surprise.

In fact, it was no wonder that Zhang Fei was shocked when he heard master Bule mentioning the words “Sacred Spirit Embryonic Heavenly Techniqbue”. But very few.

How could master Buwenle know about this technique? Zhang Fei’s heart was filled with question marks. But soon, he was shocked by something hanging on the wall that was caught out of the corner of his eye.

After hearing Zhang Fei’s question, Bu Wenle laughed, and seemed to have finally confirmed one thing, and said mysteriously: “Originally, I did not know that this kind of exercise really exists in this world. But now, I am sure it does.”

Bu Wenle went to the library of the academy to find information about Zhang Fei’s special exercise, and it took several days to search the library, but unfortunately he found nothing.

The only good thing was that Bu Wenle unintentionally dug out a sword book from a very thick collection of materials. Taking a closer look, Bu Wenle couldn’t help but be overjoyed, so he brought it back, the “Wind Seal Sword Manual” that was given to Lu Wenfeng later.

After that, Bu Wenle went directly from Xuanbing College to the Crystal Palace branch in Xuanbing City. After several days of searching, he also found nothing.

However, when Bu Wenle was disheartened and was about to come back, he met an acquaintance. This person was an elder of the branch hall of the Crystal Palace in Nanfeng City. His name was Murong Hui.

Because he was not an outsider, Bu Wenle couldn’t help but mention Zhang Fei’s practice after chatting with Elder Murong Hui. Unexpectedly, after the elder thought for a while, he told Bu Wenle a legendary tale.

According to the elder Murong Hui, many years ago, he heard a legend from the grand elders. It was said that tens of thousands of years ago, a spiritual master with a sacred spirit body appeared on the mainland.

This spiritual master created a cultivation method after he became a master, which could be practiced when black and white alternated in the heavens. When cultivating, it could mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to gather into spiritual light spots to temper the body, and achieve the effect of rapid improvement in the cultivation base.

But this kind of exercise could only be practiced by those with the bodies of the Sacred Spirit. But how could the body of the sacred spirit be so easy to find? This was a legendary body that might not appear even for thousands of years.

Therefore, after this technique was created, it was not passed down to the next generation, and it was soon lost. Ever since, nobody knew if this kind of practice was true or false, whether it really existed or not. There was no way to verify it, only its legend was left.

After hearing this tale, the senior master only regarded it as a legend and did not take it to heart. During a small chat among the elders, the legend was mentioned. According to legends, this exercise was called “Sacred Spirit Embryonic Heavenly Technique”, which meant that the two spiritual powers of the blazing star of day and the obsidian star of the night could be combined into one.