Lord Shadow-Chapter 1557 Break In

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Chapter 1557 Break In

From the very moment Boris was thrust into the relentless embrace of Tartarus, he instinctively abandoned any semblance of hope.

The irony, however, lies at the entrance gate of this abysmal prison

—a stele bearing a familiar phrase etched into its surface: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"—"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

It serves not as a warning but as a sombre reminder, a guide to all the souls who have crossed that threshold before him.

The inscription stands as a grim testament to the cruel reality that awaits those condemned within these foreboding walls.

It echoes through the desolate corridors, resonating in the hearts of the prisoners, a constant reminder that hope is a futile companion in this nightmarish realm.

Boris, unlike most new prisoners, never had the chance to witness the inscription on the stele at Tartarus' entrance.

The only reason that he knew about it is because he was the one that told the architect of the prison to add that stele

Typically, new arrivals would be subjected to a haunting tour, a grim introduction to the desolate horrors that awaited them within the prison's walls.

Yet, Boris' circumstances were far from ordinary.

In a cruel twist of fate, he was denied even the awareness of his surroundings when he first awoke in Tartarus.

The world around him was obscured, shrouded in a haze of disorientation and pain. T

he treacherous betrayal by the Senate had cast him into this accursed realm without warning, without the chance to brace himself for the torment that awaited.

The excruciating grip of the shoulder lock, piercing his shoulder blade, was the brutal awakening to his new reality.

The physical pain became an emblem of the deeper wounds inflicted upon his spirit.

In the depths of this nightmarish prison, Boris found himself imprisoned in more ways than one.

While others might have entered Tartarus with a foreboding sense of dread, he had been thrust into the abyss blindfolded, his journey into despair obscured by the shadows of betrayal and deception.

By the time he regained consciousness after the Senate betrayal, he found himself already in the cell, with the shoulder lock piercing his shoulder blade.

"When I am released…" he did not finish the word


The haunting sound of the wraith drew nearer, its eerie presence creeping ever closer to Boris' cell.

But Boris was ready.

With practiced precision, he shut off any other distracting emotion, channelling his focus into a source of strength that burned within him like a fierce fire.

It was his happiest memories, the cherished moments of the past, that fuelled his very existence in this nightmarish place.

Obsession, he understood well, could take many forms—be it fuelled by love or hate.

And for Boris, his obsession was clear and unyielding: to return home, to be reunited with his sister—the sole family he held dear, the only family that truly mattered.

As the wraith attempted to invade his mind, to sap away the happiness and replace it with despair, Boris clung to those memories with an unwavering resolve

But before the wraith could come any closer, a deafening BOOOM! reverberated through Tartarus, shaking its very foundation.

Boris, who had been deep in concentration, was startled by the sudden explosion.

Following the blast, an unsettling symphony of roars erupted—

monsters, beasts, and the horrors of Tartarus all united in an overwhelming cacophony.

"what the hell?" he thought to himself.

Frowning, Boris tried to make sense of the chaos unfolding outside his cell.

The sounds of battle, screams, and alarms melded together, creating a dissonant symphony that drowned out any other sound.

Something extraordinary was happening, a disturbance that seemed to have set Tartarus ablaze.

Curiosity mingled with caution in Boris' mind as he strained to perceive the source of the upheaval.

It is an uncommon occurrence in this dreary realm, where monotony and despair were the norm.

Whatever was transpiring beyond the confines of his cell was both intriguing and concerning.

With every passing moment, the turmoil intensified, like a storm gathering strength before unleashing its full fury

The reverberations of the explosion and the tumultuous symphony of sounds outside his cell continued, filling the air with an aura of unpredictability.

A sound of battle, a sound of scream. A sound of alarm. And for a moment these are all the sound that Boris could hear

The sense of time became elusive in the chaos that had ensued. Whether it had been half an hour, an hour, or a few hours, Boris could not tell, but at last, the tumultuous sounds ceased. The roars, the battle cries, and the symphony of horrors had subsided, replaced by an unyielding alarm that continued to echo through Tartarus.

Boris had come to a realization amid the turmoil—a breach had occurred within the prison's impenetrable walls. Someone had successfully broken into Tartarus, an audacious feat that left Boris both intrigued and astounded.

A wry smile touched his lips as he contemplated the irony of the situation. Most people sought desperately to escape Tartarus, to flee its torment and despair, but here, in this obscure realm, a bold interloper had chosen to enter its dark abyss. 𝚋𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟el.c𝚘𝚖

"That's funny," he muttered to himself, the sound of his own voice carrying a mixture of amusement and incredulity.

"Most people want to break away from Tartarus, and not break into it."

The intruder's audacity was undeniable, and Boris couldn't help but be curious about the individual who had dared to venture into this forsaken place.

Whoever it was, they must possess extraordinary strength and cunning to bypass the many layers of defense that safeguarded the prison.

Amusement flickered in Boris's eyes as he contemplated the situation.

The intrusion into Tartarus did not rattle him; instead, he found it somewhat entertaining.

After all, what hope did the intruder have of escaping this nightmarish prison?

The very moment Jean arrived to defend the prison; the audacious interloper would be caught in an inescapable trap.

"A Divine Comprehension realm is no joke. Though, if Jean came, I think he would spare this old friend a look" he thought to himself. Jena might not care whether he is imprisoned or not.

But, he knew Jean.

And he knew Jean did not covet the High Chancellor post.

To him, probably because he used to wield power, he knows there needs to a balance to it.

As for the reason why, Jean did not make a move after his imprisonment, Boris could guess why. Sometimes, even a man powerful as Jean is forced by circumstances.

Sometimes the position you are sitting in is like a shackle

" A pity" he thought

He believe that whoever that break in this prison must have been bored of living

Boris knew Jean well, and he had witnessed first-hand the power and skill that made him a formidable force.

Any attempt to breach Tartarus would be met with an insurmountable defense. Yes, they could break in. But could you get out?

That's the problem. Getting in might be hard but it is not impossible. But getting out….now that is a challenge like a herculean task

Jean presence alone could thwart the most determined escapees, let alone an intruder who had ventured in of their own volition.

As the alarm continued its relentless cry, Boris couldn't help but shake his head.

This person, whoever they were, had chosen a futile path. It is as if they were trying to swim against a raging current that would inevitably drag them under.

As chaos erupted and the tumultuous sounds reverberated through Tartarus, Boris couldn't help but entertain a fleeting notion—that perhaps someone had finally come to rescue or free him.

The number of individuals capable of breaching the impregnable walls of Tartarus is exceedingly small—scarcely more than a It was a thought that briefly flitted across his mind, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of the mayhem.

However, as quickly as the idea surfaced, Boris dismissed it.

The reason is clear, and he knew it all too well.

The number of individuals capable of breaching the impregnable walls of Tartarus is exceedingly small—scarcely more than a handful.

Among those few, there were six particular individuals

Each one possessed extraordinary abilities and strength, but when he pondered the possibility of any of them mounting a rescue, doubt settled in.

Among the select few capable of breaching the impenetrable walls of Tartarus, Boris could count approximately six individuals.

One of them is Hikigaya, the Illusionist Archmage another Divine Comprehension realm.

However, their relationship was not one of close friendship but rather that of mere acquaintances.

Boris knew that relying on Hikigaya for rescue is an unlikely prospect, as their connections didn't run deep enough to warrant such an audacious intervention.

Hikigaya is known to be a man of calculated decisions, and he wouldn't readily involve himself in the Republic's affairs unless directly provoked.

He might not seem like it but a warlord like him could not be simple.

Moreover, even if the Republic were to meddle in his own affairs, Hikigaya wouldn't resort to elaborate schemes or intricate maneuvers to rescue Boris from Tartarus.

That simply wasn't his way of handling matters.

Boris recognized that Hikigaya approach to problem-solving was direct and pragmatic.

If the Republic posed a threat to him, Hikigaya would undoubtedly confront the issue head-on without resorting to covert operations.

Consequently, seeking Hikigaya aid for a covert prison break was a notion Boris dismissed.

Boris held firm in his conviction that Hikigaya, with his straightforward and confrontational nature, would never resort to convoluted plots if he had an issue with the Senate.

Instead of engaging in intricate schemes, Hikigaya would prefer to meet his adversaries head-on, launching a direct assault on the Senate to address any grievances he might have.

"Hikigaya could be low profile when he is weak but when he has power, he moves like lightning and mow down all opposition. Nice people don't become warlords and nice people don't become rulers of the world."

"Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain"

"as swift as wind, as gentle as forest, as fierce as fire, as unshakable as mountain."

And that has always been Hikigaya method

Boris knew this well, having observed Hikigaya approach to conflicts in the past.

And there is another reason that knew that Hikigaya could not be the one breaking in

Boris is confident that Hikigaya remained oblivious to the existence of Tartarus.

Hikigaya, with his focus on other matters and priorities, seemed an unlikely candidate to have stumbled upon such classified information.

Tartarus thrived in the shadows, a hidden realm concealed from the world, and it was improbable that Hikigaya had any knowledge of its existence.

Boris contemplated the other potential contenders who might possess the capability to infiltrate Tartarus and liberate him from its grim clutches.


Read Fantasy: I! Accept disciples and become stronger!