Longevity Clan Starts with the Patriarch’s Marriage-Chapter 305 - 181 Divine Rank Cultivation Technique Martial Skill! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Imperial Martial Dao Primordial Spirit! Tongxuan Realm Combat Ability?_10

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Chapter 305: Chapter 181 Divine Rank Cultivation Technique Martial Skill! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Imperial Martial Dao Primordial Spirit! Tongxuan Realm Combat Ability?_10

With the current blessing of the Omnivalent Martial True Intent, it’s possible to ascend by four grades, that is, a whole major phase, equivalent to a Divine Rank Top Grade martial skill.

Divine Rank Top Grade martial skills are already at the level of the Sacred Abyss Realm. Having mastered a consummate level Sacred Abyss Realm martial skill, his physical body became unimaginably powerful.

Moreover, after ascending to the Divine Yuan Realm, his physical body would receive nourishment from the light of the Primordial Spirit when it entered the body, further strengthening it, yet Han Li felt little difference, as though his physical body had only improved slightly.

All of these signs indicated that his physical body was peerlessly powerful. Han Li guessed that it had likely reached the level of the Tongxuan Realm, enabling him to strike mightily with his body alone, and to boldly confront Lower Grade and Middle Grade Divine Weapons with his bare hands.

Thus, Han Li once again inquired of the System and received a definitive answer that his physical body had indeed reached the level of the Tongxuan Realm.

“Terrifying indeed,” Han Li murmured.

In just six years, he had become this strong without realizing it, possessing the combat ability of a mighty being from the Tongxuan Realm.

Merely relying on his physical body, he could strike mightily against such a being, which was an aberration beyond what Han Li could have ever imagined.

“It seems I may have underestimated my own strength,” he mused.

Han Li muttered to himself, realizing that his previous perspective had been too narrow and old-fashioned.

The Xuanhuang Tyrant Body had raised his physical body to the level of the Tongxuan Realm, so what about the Four Phases World Suppressing Punch and the Sky Balancing Manual of the same level?

If he used these two martial skills, could he unleash the combat ability of the Tongxuan Realm?

Han Li was uncertain. The combat ability from the physical body and the True Yuan were different; unleashing martial skills required True Yuan, and the potency of the martial skills was greatly tied to the strength and reserves of the True Yuan.

His current True Yuan reserves were nowhere near the level of the Tongxuan Realm, still far from that of a true might.

Before breaking through to the Divine Yuan Realm, Han Li’s True Yuan reserves and potency were comparable to a first layer Divine Yuan Realm Martial Emperor. After the breakthrough, thanks to the limiting Prime Martial Primordial Spirit, his True Yuan reserves had also skyrocketed, reaching the peak of the Divine Yuan Realm.

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However, the True Yuan reserves at the peak of the Divine Yuan Realm were ten times less than those of a Tongxuan Realm mighty being, and the strength of a strand of True Yuan was also ten times weaker, not at all on the same level.

“Forget it, let’s not think about these for now.”

Shaking his head, Han Li temporarily put those thoughts aside.

The matter at hand was to continue to raise his realm, to consume all the accumulated cultivation, and to aspire to increase his realm as much as possible, thus maximizing his combat ability.

His aptitude was only at 52% of the Second Grade, and although he had already made progress through a segment, Han Li didn’t plan to wait for his aptitude to advance to First Grade before improving his cultivation.

That would take too long. If no offspring with Second or First Grade aptitudes were born, and another three years went by, he would still not be able to advance to a First Grade aptitude.

Moreover, the situation in the Xuan Domain was becoming tense again due to that incident, attracting the attention of the various Sacred Lands, with Divine Yuan Realm Martial Emperors emerging one after another, entering the Xuan Domain.

Han Li didn’t want to wait any longer; he would raise his realm first, then in another six years, he could accumulate five thousand or even more years of cultivation. He had no fear of consumption.

The Han Mansion had developed, with a sufficient number of descendants; this was Han Li’s greatest source of confidence.

He initially had 4659 years of cultivation, and it took 500 years to ascend from the sixth layer of the True Martial Realm to the pinnacle of the True Martial Realm. Advancing from the pinnacle of the True Martial Realm to the first layer of the Divine Yuan Realm took an additional 2000 years of cultivation, leaving him with only 2159 years.

How many years of cultivation were needed for a Divine Yuan Realm Martial Emperor to advance in realm?

Han Li quickly inquired and received the desired answer.

The answer made Han Li’s tongue click in amazement; indeed, the consumption of cultivation to advance one layer in the Divine Yuan Realm was much higher compared to the True Martial Realm.

To ascend from the first layer of the Divine Yuan Realm to the second layer required a full two hundred years of cultivation, which in the early stages, would have been enough to breakthrough two major realms.

It would take three hundred years of cultivation to break through from the second layer of the Divine Yuan Realm to the third layer, and five hundred years of cultivation from the third layer to the fourth layer. Currently, Han Li’s accumulated cultivation was barely enough to allow him to break through to the fifth layer of the Divine Yuan Realm.

If he wished to advance directly from the first layer of the Divine Yuan Realm to the Ninth Heaven of the Divine Yuan Realm, it would require a grand total of 5900 years of cultivation, and to ascend to the peak of the Divine Yuan Realm, he would need an additional 500 years of cultivation, totaling 6400 years of cultivation.

Although that was a lot, it was still more than the lifespan of a Divine Yuan Realm Martial Emperor. But Han Li was used to it, as he knew that he could achieve this through arduous cultivation.

Whether other cultivators could achieve this through grueling cultivation was not his concern.

With this in mind, Han Li did not hesitate to embark on his next breakthrough journey.

Today, he was determined to break through to his heart’s content.

With a thought, Han Li once again entered the Enlightenment State, and in an instant, 100 years of cultivation were consumed, and Han Li didn’t blink an eye.

At this moment, in the Enlightenment State, he experienced century after century, enduring daily arduous cultivation, diligently without pause, making his Martial Primordial Spirit purer and purer.

Although he had not yet broken through the barrier of a million Zhang, Han Li knew it was only a matter of time. As long as his realm ascended to the mid-stage of the Divine Yuan Realm, it was inevitable his Primordial Spirit would break free of its shackles and step into a new level, comparable to a Tongxuan Realm mighty being.

Simultaneously, Han Li’s aura began to surge rapidly, growing stronger and faster, bursting through the clouds, as if to overshadow the ancient azure sky.

His Martial True Intent was also refined in the state of martial cultivation, advancing towards a new phase.

Shortly after, Han Li opened his eyes, retreating from the Enlightenment State, his gaze flickering with the brilliant radiance of the laws of the Dao.

The next moment, Han Li’s cultivation began to rise sharply, breaking the shackles of his realm and swiftly advancing to a higher realm.