Life didn't get easier, even in another world-Chapter 93

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93 Someone to teach you magic

“Monster Hunting Division! Right! Monster Hunting Division!”

The deputy team leader proceeded to yell Monster Hunting Division, Monster Hunting Division.


“ARGH! Stop yelling!”

Darren slammed the table with his fist, his eyes still closed. He didn’t even look to see what was happening and placed his face on the table once again as soon as he was done saying those words.

“What about Monster Hunting Division?”

Carlson looked at the deputy team leader with confusion visible on his face.

“Not the division, but Its captain!”

“Huh? Do you mean captain Neal?”


Unlike her usual self, the deputy team leader had a somewhat mischievous smile on her lips. She lowered her head, trying her hardest not to smile. 𝐟𝓇𝒆𝐞w𝐞𝙗𝓷o𝘷𝐞𝒍. c𝐨𝒎

“Yes, Captain Neal. Monster Hunting Division’s well-known captain. You know she is a good friend of mine.”

Unable to hold herself any longer, she smiled broadly and turned her head to look at one of the unit members. That said, she looked directly at Kairen with a sharp gaze and a wide smile, making Kairen flinch.

“Hey, you Kairen. Kairen who will probably become our new mage in the future!”


Kairen flinched again after hearing her words.

‘What’s wrong with her?’

Kairen stuttered to answer her.


“Don’t you want to learn better spells, hone your skills, and get a lot stronger?”


Kairen couldn’t understand what she wanted to say, but he had a really bad feeling about this whole situation.


The deputy team leader’s smile got even wider after seeing the boy’s dumbfounded face.

“What if I introduce you to a great mage who could help you in getting stronger?”


Kaire looked at the deputy team leader’s eyes with a pale face. He had an ominous feeling while looking at the woman’s smiling face.

“...A mage that can help me?”

“Yep. A great mage that can definitely help you a lot. She is also my friend. Do you know who I’m referring to? Captain Neal of Monster Hunting Division.”



Captain Neal of Monster Hunting Division?

Kairen had heard of that name before somewhere. No. He had seen that person before somewhere.

He could still clearly remember that woman’s face.

And voice.

And her words.

‘That selfish woman who didn’t even listen to my words?’

“Do you want me to talk to her? I won’t do others such a favor. I’m only doing this since you’re our new recruit.”


This deputy team leader wanted to ask that woman to help Kairen?

‘Why do you want to do that? Why so suddenly? Do I suck so much in my hob that you want me to get better as soon as possible?’

Kairen couldn’t understand what was in this woman’s mind.

Did he lack something?

Was he doing something wrong?

He didn’t think so. Kairen was sure that he had cast not a single wrong spell.

Kairen blinked and looked at her face without giving an answer.

‘No, even if you talked to her, she wouldn’t accept it!’

That Captain was strong. Kairen had seen her magic with his two eyes at the gym. But she didn’t even talk to him for a moment! That woman was selfish, idiot, and stupid!

She would probably refuse again and that would leave Kairen with a greater embarrassment.

An embarrassment that he would never be able to forget!

Kairen didn’t want to!

He still wanted to bury himself deep in the ground every time he remembered what happened on that day in the gym.

He couldn’t sleep at night when he was reminded of his own stupidness.

What would he do if such a thing happened again?

No! Never! He would rather die!

Also, Kairen had sworn to himself something before.

He had sworn to never ever betray and suspect the might and power of the internet.

He swore that he would learn everything by himself!

“What do you say?”

He knew that it was stupid to refuse this offer, but Kairen was stupid. He knew that. Kairen didn’t deny the truth.

‘Thank you but I don’t want to get stronger or hone my skills or whatever else. I’m happy with how shitty I am.

Kairen opened his mouth to politely refuse the offer.


But he didn’t get the chance to talk.

“So you agreed!”

The deputy team leader clapped her hands and got up from her seat.

“Wise decision Kairen. Really wise decision.”

“Huh? Wait- I”

“We’ll go to see her tomorrow and I’ll talk to her about you then. It’s such a great chance that a lot of people will envy you!”

“Um... Can I-”

“Enough resting. I’ve got to go help out the team leader. You guys can go home if you’ve got nothing to do here.”


Deputy team leader Bray waved her hand and hurried to the team leader’s office after saying those words in a hurry.


She didn’t even listen to Kairen’s answer.

‘She wanted to do that... My opinion didn’t matter from the start...’

The unit members got up the moment that she left and prepared to leave the office.

“Yay, we can go home.”


“We can rest a few days, right?”

“That was so exhausting.”

Serria approached Kairen and slapped him on the shoulder.


“Wow, Kairen! You’re getting Monster Hunting Division’s captain to teach you magic? I’m so jealous! Why only you? Can’t I join as well? I’m a mage too.”


Reyan also walked to him.

“That would be a nice opportunity if she taught you magic since you’ve forgotten lots of things about magic along with your memories. You have to try your best.”


“I want to be her disciple as well. Sigh. This is so unfair.”




Reyan called Kairen’s name, but there was no answer.


Serria waved her hand in front of his face.


“What’s wrong with him? Is he too overjoyed that he’s unable to speak?”

Kairen was staring at the air without answering them.

He was staring at the team leader’s office’s door where the deputy team leader entered.

‘I don’t want to...’

Kairen kept staring at the door, screaming in his head.


.. .. .. .. .. ..


After ringing the doorbell, he stood patiently for the door to open.

Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap

He could hear footsteps approaching the door after a few seconds and the door opened soon after.



A kid ran to him and hugged Kairen’s legs as soon as the door was opened.

“Uncle you’re back!”

“Hello, Ariyan.”

Kairen patted the small head that was stuck to his stomach and peeked inside the house.

“Where are your parents?”

Ariyan raised his head, still hugging Kairen’s legs.

“Mama is cooking and papa is outside.”

Kairen pulled the kid’s cheek.

“Didn’t I tell you to ask your parents before opening the door?”


Ariyan finally let go of his uncle’s legs and rubbed his cheek with teary eyes.

“But I knew it was uncle!”

Kairen raised one of his eyebrows.

“And how did you know?”


Ariyan said that loudly and walked into the house. He pouted a little bit, but still held and pulled Kairen’s hand.

“Come in uncle.”

“Ariyan, what are you doing?”

Ariyan proceeded to pull Kairen inside the house and answered her mother with an excited voice.

“Mama, uncle is back!”


Alessia walked out of the kitchen as soon as she heard that.


“Hello, sorry I didn’t hear the doorbell’s sound.”

“UNCLE! Come with me!”

Ariyan yelled again and continued to drag Kairen with himself.

“Stop it Ariyan. Uncle is tired and needs to rest.”

“Uh? But I want to play with him!”

“Not now. You can play with him later.”


The kid looked at the mother once before looking up at Kairen’s face. He pouted even more, but nodded his head nonetheless and released Kairen’s hand.

However, that didn’t mean he gave up his hopes on Kairen.

He continued to follow Kairen everywhere he went. Even when Kairen said that he wanted to take a shower, the kid sat behind the bathroom door the whole time.

Even after that, he didn’t leave Kairen’s room when he said that he needed to dress up. The little kid sat down on the bed and swung his legs while covering his eyes with his little hands.

“You can open your eyes now.”


“It would be easier if you just waited outside the room.”


Ariyan moved his hands and opened his eyes.

Kairen plopped down on the bed while drying his wet hair with a towel. He was so exhausted that he wanted to sleep for three whole days, but there was a problem named Ariyan that didn’t let him go.

Kairen looked at the kid that had approached him at one point and was now hugging his arm again.

‘Well, I don’t really mind.’

The kid was cute and it didn’t really feel bad to be hugged by a kid. Kairen even forgot his helpless feelings about tomorrow’s meeting with captain Neal once he saw the kid’s face.