Leveling Endlessly with the Strongest System!-Chapter 67

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Master Gray saw the situation turning against him and immediately added fuel to the fire about to die out. “Why are you not apprehending this criminal? Just because he says he’s this and that doesn’t mean he really is? There have been several cases of commoners taking the identity of nobles to get out of trouble with the guards. He must be like them too. Without proof, don’t believe a word of what he says!”

Black lines appeared on Roy’s face as he was too annoyed by the bastard called Master Gray.

The knights looked at each other, taking not a single step forward.

Knight Dale was also quiet. He had his skepticism about Roy’s identity. His figure was just like the rumored third son of the Count.

But… If Roy didn’t have evidence to prove his identity, he had no intention of moving to help.

“Yes, that must be it. How can anyone I meet on the road by “that” noble?” Listening to Master Gray’s reasoning, Kamren’s eyes lit up, and then he immediately grabbed one of Roy’s arms, twisting it to his back. Then, he went for the other.

Right then, Roy shouted out, “I’m carrying the evidence of my status with me!”

And then… he raised something in the air with his free hand that was yet to be grabbed by the knight.

Looking at it caused several pairs of eyes to widen to the size of saucers.

“W-what is this? Why did everyone freeze at the sight of it?”

“I-it’s the… Baldwin Symbol?!”

“Having it means you’re an inner part of the Fierce Sword Count’s family.”

“This bastard… he is really ‘that’ son of his!”

Master Gray swore out loud unknowingly and earned deadly glares from dozens of majestic inner guards.

How dare he curse at the son of their count? Was this bastard courting death?!

Stared at by so many hungry wolf-like eyes, Master Gray swallowed nervously and stepped back.

Sir Dale’s calm facade shattered. There was no mistaking it; Roy was indeed the count’s son. This medallion was given to him by Arlo when he was an infant. It signifies his position as an inner member of the count’s family. They were those who had Baldwin’s blood coursing through their veins. It allows him to command all the inner guards – hired thugs of his scummy father – of the County. He had no presence back in the manor, but he could throw his weight around everywhere else in the county.

With a jaw threatening to touch the ground, Master Gray gaped at him. “You’re the Count’s third son, Roy?”

“You already know I am. Why ask?” Roy didn’t spare Master Gray while saying that, signifying he wasn’t interested in talking with this lizard.

He glanced at the knight that he found uncomfortably close to his esteemed self. “My dear Knight, do you still want to apprehend me? If not… do unhand me.”

“Forgive me, my liege.” Kamren apologized to him and moved back a respectful distance.

Sir Dale bend his knees, kneeling to Roy, “I, Captain of the Southern District inner guards, Dale Daleks, greet Lord Roy!”

“I, leader of the Winged-lion, pay my respect to Lord Roy!”

“I, Lance of the County, pay my respect to Lord Roy!”

“We plead you to accept our greetings!”

Looking at them, Roy’s eyes glistened in amazement. This was the power of status. The ruler of this county was his family. Everyone in it was their subject. As he was a member of that family, everyone needed to humble themselves before him. And that included these valiant guards who were levels above Roy.

“You may rise.” Roy waved his hand at them.

One by one, they started to stand up.

“What would you like us to do?” Sir Dale tried to cozy up to Roy. He wasn’t the type that liked to lick the feet of people in power, but he was truly amazed to know that the boy who kicked the ass of Carl and Master Gray was actually the youngest of his Count’s family. He knew the situation the county was in and understood that they needed talented youngsters to compete for the entrance token and seeing a bright ray of light appear in their darkest time warmed his heart immensely. He couldn’t help but look at Roy in a favorable light.

“Nothing.” To Sir Dale, Roy only had this to say: “I hope for this trial to be conducted fairly.”

Roy turned to the crowd again and then said, “You’ve wronged me once. I hope you won’t do it again. If there is anyone with a righteous heart amongst you, now’s the time to prove who was in the wrong and who was acting in self-defense. This will be the last time I ask you to be honest.”

No matter how intelligent and scheming Roy was, he hadn’t read the empire’s lawbook and didn’t know lying to a noble of his ranking was a crime. Ten whips would be a minimum of what they would eat only if they admitted they lied to pin the blame on Roy and make Master Gray indebted to them. They were bewildered and didn’t know whether to speak up now that it was too late or keep to themselves and think of a way to save their hide.

“I would like to verify Sir Roy’s previous statements.” A cloaked man stepped out of the crowd, walking up to Roy. A blade stopped at his neck as he reached for him, and Kamren looked at the disguised man with narrowed eyes.

“Reveal yourself.”

The disguised man took off his covering. Roy’s eyebrows jumped. He was familiar with this man.

Roy commanded the knight. “Please put down your blade.”

The knight took his weapon away, allowing the pudgy man to walk up to his target.

“Manager Deb, what are you doing here?” Roy questioned the pudgy man.

“Sir, you’ve mistaken me for someone else.” f𝐫𝑒𝗲𝙬𝒆𝚋𝐧૦𝘃𝗲l.c𝚘𝘮

Although he said that, Roy was finding it impossible to believe that this man wasn’t Debra.

“But… how could you share such striking similarity with him?” Roy questioned the man beside him.

He smiled. It befitted his harmless and innocent face, which was somewhat ruddy. “I’m his younger twin. My name’s Bee.”