I've Become a Genius Actor-Chapter 52:

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Chapter 52:

Finally, it starts.

Park Younghyun took a quick sip of water.

He was feeling anxious.

In fact, Younghyun had been feeling anxious for quite a while.

It had been 20 years since he started acting with the role in <Open, Magic Door>, when his memories were still vague due to his young age.

Now he was 24 years old.

Over the years, his acting skills had been recognized, and he had even completed his military service early.

To those who heard this far, his worries were incomprehensible.

Why worry, actor? It's just the beginning for you.

Young, talented, no military service issues. Isn't it just about building your career now?

But there was a problem.

A big problem.

The problem was that he still couldnt shake off his image from <Open, Magic Door>.

While Son Jisoo, who starred in the same drama, naturally underwent an image transformation after going through puberty, Park Younghyun did not.

His childhood face still lingered.

Aww, I got it! I'll help you!

Open, magic fortune!

Park Younghyun at the age of four.

The public still hadnt forgotten the lines he delivered cutely with cheeks one could bite and tiny hands moving.

Park Younghyun is shooting a new drama?

Oh, the Magic Door kid?

Being unforgettable to the public was a blessing, but to the young Park Younghyun, it was an overwhelming amount of attention.

At some point, his heart started to sink at the mere mention of Magic Door'.

In the 3rd year of middle school, during the height of his puberty, he wanted to run away from everything.

How long will I remain the Magic Door kid?

When he shouted this while crying, his mother firmly said,

Until you die. Whether you continue acting or do something else, you have to bear it.

So he tried hard to bear it.

When he first saw the project plan for <The Missing Case of Saetbyeol High>, he intended to pass it by.

After all, Younghyun had already worn a school uniform in countless dramas.


This project, Actor Han Yooil personally connected the director and the writer for the production!

Wow! I thought that was just a rumor, but its true?

Oh, you didnt know because you were on vacation. Its been all the buzz~

Curiosity was piqued by the conversation of the staff nearby.

So, he started reading the script.

By the time he came to his senses, he had reached the end of part 2.

I have to do this.

And thats how he ended up participating.

Part of him was also curious about Han Yooil.

Right now, Han Yooil was sitting diagonally across from him, with kind eyes.

Alright, let's start from scene 7.

At Yoo Jaeho's words, Younghyun turned his gaze to the script.

[S#7. Saetbyeol High Year 1 Western Art Practical Room, Daytime


Most students have left to eat, but Hojun is still sitting, refining his drawing.

Among the colorful paintings of other students, his painting alone seems dark, as if covered by a black and white filter.

Then, Seunghyun approaches Hojun.]

Min Hojun was a notably dark boy. Due to some reason, he had to take a year off from school, making him a latecomer to the first year.

Older by a year and introverted, no students approached Hojun first.

Except for Seunghyun.

And that Seunghyun was the role taken by Park Younghyun.

With a bright smile, he began his line.

Hyung, why do you only draw such gloomy pictures?

At that line, Han Yooil looked up in surprise.

Catching Yooil's eyes, Younghyun was taken aback.


Yooil, now completely immersed in the role of Min Hojun, barely recognized the polite greeting he had offered earlier. Instead, he embodied the lost boy who seemed to draw all the darkness around hima perfect portrayal of Saetbyeol High's outsider, Min Hojun. Younghyun even thought he saw shadows forming under Yooil's eyes, a trick of the light perhaps, but convincing nonetheless.

Younghyun, caught off guard, stuttered,

"Sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way"

He tried to read Yooil's reaction, continuing,

"Your drawing is really good! Please don't take it the wrong way, okay?"

Ki Juhyun watched with a heightened sense of anticipation, switching her gaze between the two.


From the moment Yooil lifted his head, she had been seeing them as Hojun' and Seunghyun,' not as actors.

Though wary of Hojun's reaction, Seunghyun's smile didn't fade.

"Just curious why do you draw like this?"

Min Hojun stared at Seunghyun, his smile overly bright almost burdensome.

Min Hojun's entire being seemed to shout how overwhelming this situation was.

With a stiff face, Hojun spoke,

Is there a need for a reason?

Well, you draw what you like, right!

Hojun didn't hide his discomfort, but Seunghyun didn't easily give up, staying by Hojun's side until friends came to take him away.

Let's talk again next time, hyung!

Yoo Jaeho momentarily paused the reading,

Alright, let's stop here for now~

Then, Yoo Jaeho and Ki Juhyun offered their feedback in turns.

"The pacing and everything are good, but Seunghyun could be a bit more cheerful in this part."

Right. If Hojun is the shadow, then Seunghyun should be the sunlight itself. It would be nice to bring out that innocence too. The dialogue tone could be more lively as well.


Their attention then shifted to Han Yooil.

"Hojun is good. Really good Maybe a bit more rigidity could work too?"

Got it.

The reading continued with feedback, focusing on scenes primarily involving Yooil and Younghyun's dialogue. After a couple of scenes, it was time for Kim Suna's character, the peculiar girl Choi Yein, to enter.

Suna, are you ready?


Kim Suna took a deep breath after replying and then opened her eyes. The face of Kim Suna, which had been expressionless until then, transformed instantly.


Yooil inwardly marveled at the change.

[S#10. Saetbyeol High School Yard, Daytime

Hojun sits in a corner of the yard, sketching ants.

Then, Yein approaches him. Her steps light as if dancing.

Yein: Hi?]

Choi Yein, sitting across the white table, speaks.

Once again, Hojun looks up in surprise.

This time, a flicker of curiosity crosses his eyes.

But his curiosity fades quickly.

"You're always sitting here, arent you?"

Her tone is charming and peculiar.

Distracted by Yein's fluttering presence, like a swing in the wind, Hojun can't focus on his drawing. Eventually, he closes his sketchbook and looks up.

"Do you know me?"

Min Hojun. Freshman in Western Painting.

Min Hojun narrows his eyes at Yein, unable to recognize the face before him.

Yein gives a small smile.

You dont know me?


Im Yein. Choi Yein.

In the next moment.


Yein stands abruptly and leans towards Hojun.


Director Yoo Jaeho and writer Ki Juhyun, startled, quickly compose themselves, pretending to be unfazed.

Yein brings her face close to Hojun's, examining him intently.

Hojuns body stiffens like a frightened puppy.

He holds his breath, fearing that even his breath might reach Yein.

Wow, your hair color really dark.

She stares intently at Min Hojun.

Really black.

Yein murmurs as she inspects each strand of Hojun's hair.

Min Hojuns heart starts to race.

To him, Yein is the most beautiful girl he has seen in his life.

Yet, he cant say for sure if the flutter in his heart is merely from excitement.

She says in a cheerful tone, almost singing,

Its the color that dead people like.

Yein is a peculiar girl.

As the scene ends, Ki Juhyun and Yoo Jaeho exchange glances.


They nailed it.

If the director does well

Newblix will eat it up, right?

They start to chuckle silently, sharing an unspoken conversation.

* * *

Though they had met just after lunch, the day had quickly turned to evening.

Everyone, thank you for your hard work! Please just consider the parts writer Ki and I mentioned during the reading.


The reading session ends on an even more animated note than it began.

The actors didnt engage in much personal conversation, but there was a subtle sense of stimulation from each other's performance.

Yoo Jaeho surveys the actors and suggests,

Uh if youre hungry, how about we all have dinner together? There are some good places around here. Or we can order in~

Park Younghyun nods.

Sounds good.

Just as Han Yooil also nods in agreement, Kim Suna swiftly rises from her seat.

I have to go.

Ah, okay. Suna, thank you for your hard work. See you on the set~!

Younghyun, who nodded unconsciously due to hunger, watches Suna quickly leave and wonders,

Is she leaving early for a diet?

He remembers he himself has been on a diet for the past few days.

Skipping unnecessary meals is part of self-discipline.

Director, Im sorry but I think Id better go today as well

No, YoungHyun, where are you going. Stay with Yooil! Just wait! Ill treat you to something delicious.


And so, Yooil and Younghyun end up ordering an extravagant amount of food.

As the night deepens in the workshop, they listen to director Yoo Jaeho's drunken life stories and writer Ki Juhyun's tales of the Worst Directors she's encountered.

That night.

In the car on his way home, Park Younghyun reflected on the day. freew(e)bnovel.(c)om

It was more enjoyable than I thought.

Though the trainers nagging about his diet echoed in his ears, he was glad he didn't use it as an excuse to leave early.

Unexpectedly, Han Yooil, the rookie actor from the same agency, left a lasting impression on him.

He knew that Yooil already had a rapport with Director Yoo Jaeho from a previous project, but he was also surprisingly close with writer Ki Juhyun.

However, the most memorable part was the reading.

He was holding back, but still

There was something different about the way Han Yooil delivered his lines. The air around him seemed to change slightly.

I wonder what it will be like on set.

A sense of anticipation flickered across Younghyun's face. A thought crossed his mind.


This project might be the one to help him deal with his past.

* * *

Kim Suna walked into the WW Entertainment building and straight to the CEO's office, a place she could find with her eyes closed.

As soon as she opened the door, the heavy musk of perfume stung her nose. It was strong enough to make anyone else frown, but Kim Sunas face remained expressionless.

She's finally here.

The familiar nasal voice reached Suna's ears.

Red lips and thick makeup covering the skin layer upon layer.

Kim Suna skillfully hid her disgust and bowed her head.

Why arent you answering your phone? Do you think you dont need to answer calls anymore?

Im sorry, Manager. I was in a reading.

I know that. Is it that difficult to say youll step out to take a call?

It wasnt the right atmosphere to

The woman, referred to as the manager, snorted disdainfully.

Oh, look at her, answering back.

Then, a smooth and heavy voice intervened.


At the sound, Suna's body involuntarily tensed.

How do you think the shooting will go?

It seems like it will be fun.

You know how curious the CEO was, you should give a more detailed report~

Suna bit her lip.

She genuinely looked forward to the filming.

Having seen Han Yooils acting for the first time in <The Last Diner>, Suna was mildly shocked.

The reading she attended with great expectations turned out to be satisfying.

She wanted to focus solely on acting this time.


If anything is difficult, tell me.


If something happens, make sure to let me know. And you know, I would do anything for Suna.

Suna forced a smile at the CEO, Lee Wooseok, who was grinning.

No, I dont think there will be any need for that this time, Dad.

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