Invicinble Colorless Butler-Chapter 252 45

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"What's that?" Azalia and the girls looked at the figure of the Sacred Demonel in shock. Moreover, they were speechless about the natural phenomena because of her. The sky seemed very strange as it was split into two halves.

"It should be her true form. The book explains that the Sacred Demonel is a combination of Arc Demon and Arc Angel. Ever since she showed her true form, she's getting serious." Ziel explained to Azalia and the other girls. His face became serious as he looked up at the dark and bright sky.

(Arc angel? Is it a sub-race of the angel race? How come I never heard of it in the divine realm?)

After hearing Ziel's words, Azalia was confused and tried to dig through her memories of the angel race but still couldn't find what she was looking for.

"Half of her is from the angel race? Doesn't that mean she's from the same race as the principal of this academy? Is there any chance they will stop their fight because they are from the same race?" Lilith asked.

Lilith was afraid that they would finally decide to stop their fight due to being of the same race and the two of them joined forces to fight Ziel, Lilith, and Azalia. It would be more troublesome than before. ƒ𝚛𝐞𝚎𝑤𝘦𝚋𝓷o𝚟e𝘭.c𝐨𝙢

"it's not that simple." Ziel answered flatly.

"What do you mean?" Azalia became curious after hearing Ziel's words. She remembered that the people of the angel race had a powerful bond. Therefore she was also thinking the same thing as Lilith. Azalia thought the two would stop their fight and join forces to eliminate them.

"What I know from the nine-headed imperial dragon is that the guardians of the continent don't have any race or other ties. They exist only to carry out the purpose imprinted in their memory. So it's almost impossible." Ziel paused his explanation for a moment and then continued his speech.

"After all, they are on different levels, and half of the Sacred Demonels are arc demons. Ties between races did not affect her. So, the Sacred Demonel will not hesitate to eliminate him." Ziel ended his speech.

"In that case, isn't Sacred Demonel similar to a machine with a command implanted in its system only to perform certain purposes and ignore everything else?" Kyouka gave her opinion. What the Sacred Demonel did was similar to the robots in the movies she had seen on television.

"Yes. More or less, the way it works is like that." Ziel nodded because he understood the meaning of Kyouka's words.

Clara and Princess Iris were confused by their conversation. They would probably understand if the two had fully assimilated Shiori's soul.

"Then what should we do? Are we still going to wait until their fight is over and let the principal of this academy be killed?" Azalia asked worriedly. She wasn't worried about Raphael, but at the fragment of the world altar in his possession.

Ziel turned to Azalia and raised his eyebrows after seeing the worry on her pretty face. He thought Azalia's attitude looked strange since Raphael's battle with the Sacred Demonel. Azalia is not the usual one indifferent to matters that are none of her business. Moreover, Azalia said that she had just met Raphael and today was the first time she had spoken to him.

"Are you worried about him?" Ziel asked casually.

"Eh? no, no, no! I'm not worried about him at all!" Azalia frantically shook her head. She finally realized that her anxiety was plastered on her face and was seen by Ziel. Azalia felt embarrassed for not being able to control her emotions and let Ziel see it.

"If it wasn't for him, what are you worried about? Even lying is useless because your face shows it." Kalya couldn't help but smile when she saw Azalia's cute behavior.

"Can you just keep quiet and not make things worse?" Azalia glared at Kalya. She knew that Kalya's purpose in questioning her was only to make fun of her and not because she wanted to know the reason for Azalia's anxiety.

"I'm not worried about him, but..." Azalia looked at Ziel and stopped her sentence. She was afraid that Ziel would misunderstand her relationship with Raphael.

"Is it something secret that you can't tell?" Ziel didn't want to force her if Azalia didn't mean to say it.

"That's not what I meant..." Azalia hesitated to say. But when she saw Ziel's eyes, she couldn't help but sigh.

(I can only blame the strange feeling in my heart now that I can't lie to you!)

"Something I'm looking for is in his possession." Azalia answered curtly without further explanation. She was sure that Ziel could understand the meaning of her words.

"Is that so? Then you can help him when he falls into a life-threatening situation. Wait for the right time to act and save him." Ziel nodded and quickly understood the reason for Azalia's anxiety. He did not expect the world altar fragment to be in Raphael's hands.

Kalya and the other girls, except Lilith, didn't understand the content of their conversation. They were curious about the 'something' that Azalia mentioned in her sentence.

"Eh? Oh, yes. Thank you!" Azalia was a little surprised by Ziel's response. But then she smiled like a blooming flower and looked at Ziel with eyes full of love after feeling his concern for her.

Kalya frowned at Azalia, who was getting bolder and closer to her fianc?? in front of her eyes. Clara, Princess Iris, and the other girls were also annoyed by Azalia's behavior. Anyone who saw it would know how Azalia felt for Ziel.

"Cough! You seem to have to help him immediately. Otherwise, that principal might be killed by his opponent." Kalya suddenly said in a prickly tone. She was annoyed that Azalia's eyes were fixed on Ziel and Kalya's existence as Ziel's fianc?? seemed to be ignored by her.

"Don't you see that the Sacred Demonel hasn't made the slightest move since transforming? When the time comes, I will step in to help him and take something I need from him. So you don't have to remind me." Azalia replied in a tone that was no less thorny.

Azalia was sure that right now, Raphael was still not in a state of despair because he still hadn't used his god-rank artifact. After Raphael used it and the Sacred Demonel still hadn't been defeated, Azalia would come to help him. At least that's the plan. But in her heart, Azalia was horrified by the power of the Sacred Demonel.

(Fortunately, the people of the divine races hid well in an area with a barrier that could disguise their existence. Otherwise, they might be the first to be targeted by the continent guardians)

After thinking the people of her race were in a safe place, Azalia let out a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Ooh, is that so?" Kalya replied nonchalantly. The two girls looked at each other and continued to argue. Ziel couldn't help but sigh in response because he didn't want to interfere in the two girls' affairs. Luckily Clara and the other girls helped calm them down. So Ziel could focus on watching the battle between Sacred Demonel and Raphael.

Before fighting Sacred Demonel, Ziel had to obtain as much information as possible about her combat abilities. If Ziel was careless even a little bit, he might be the one to be eliminated from the Clorius continent.


Raphael tightly gripped his sword and gun when he saw the pair of gigantic wings on the Sacred Demonel's back. The wing on the right was sparkling white and made one's heart feel at ease, while on the left, it was jet black and made anyone who saw it shudder.

"Huh!" Raphael was taken aback when he saw the Sacred Demonel's Body flickering and disappearing from his sight. Then the Sacred Demonel suddenly appeared before him and swung a sword similar to the one in Raphael's hand.

"Aargh! Damn it!" Raphael screamed in pain after being hit in the chest. He quickly kept his distance from the Sacred Demonel and saw a deep scar on his chest. Sacred Demonel stretched out her hand, and a gun similar to Raphael's appeared in her hand. Then she pulled the trigger of the gun. 𝐟𝓇ℯ𝐞𝚠𝚎𝒃𝑛𝒐ѵe𝚕.co𝚖


"Ugh!" Raphael groaned from within the center of the explosion and unleashed his power to dispel the attack's impact. The shockwave blew away the smoke and dust that covered him. Raphael's body suffered many burns from that attack but slowly recovered. Raphael endured the pain and flew to the sky, then spread his six wings.

[Lightning Feather]

Hundreds of golden-colored feathers of light emerged from Raphael's wings and shot towards the Sacred Demonel. A rain of golden light feathers covered the Sacred Demonel's escape route, but her face didn't change. The Sacred Demonel also spread her gigantic wings, and thousands of black and white-colored feathers shot toward Raphael.

[Extermination Feathers]

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Raphael's and Sacred Demonel's attacks collided in midair and created numerous small explosions that almost covered the sky. At first, their situation was even. But not long after, Raphael's golden feathers of light were pushed back, and the number of attacks from the Sacred Demonel doubled every second.

"Ugh! I'll probably run out of divine power at this rate because the seraphim transformation drains a lot of power." Raphael gritted his teeth and racked his brain at full speed to find a way out of his current situation.

People from the divine realm used divine power in battle. Raphael could quickly use his divine power for a reason, unlike the Divine Race, which had to figure out how to use their full power while on the Clorius continent.

The embodiment of the six wings on Raphael's back did make his strength and speed double. But at the same time, it also drained his stamina and divine power very quickly. Raphael felt he would not be able to maintain his form as a six-winged angel any longer.

"Should I use that thing?" Raphael seemed to be running out of ways to deal with the Sacred Demonel. He thinks of running away from there. But he felt that the Sacred Demonel would not let him go and might even chase him to the ends of the continent.

"No. I can't use the angel golden orb now. It can only be used once, and I will only use it if I believe the attack can kill her. If not, then I will be the one to die!" Cold sweat dripped from Raphael's forehead as he felt the Sacred Demonel's attacks grow stronger.

"I have to create my opportunity and use the angel golden orb on her." Raphael's face became serious, and he stopped his attack. His six wings glowed, and Raphael disappeared from where he was.

"Do you think you can dodge my attacks by increasing your speed?" Sacred Demonel sneered, and she also disappeared.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

The figures of Raphael and Sacred Demonel were nowhere to be seen, and only the sound of clashing swords and shockwaves followed.

(I have to find an opening to use the angel golden orb and finish this fight!)

Raphael kept looking for opportunities to use his god-rank artifact in his clash with the Sacred Demonel. He felt at a disadvantage in that exchange as his speed and strength were far below his opponent.

(Now is a perfect time!)

Raphael raised his eyebrows and smiled. Then he took out an angel golden orb from his space storage and threw it right above his enemy. Raphael quickly increased his strength to the max and moved away from the Sacred Demonel.


A giant magic circle appeared in the sky right above the Sacred Demonel. An invisible force suddenly appeared and locked his movement. The magic circle rotated at high speed and emitted a golden light. Sacred Demonel narrowed his eyes towards the magic circle in the sky as she sensed the slight threat from it.

"Feel the power of this angel golden orb!" Raphael smiled broadly and brandished his sword.

[Fall! Divine Punishment!]

A gigantic golden pillar of light emerged from the magic circle and fell at a terrifying speed right above the Sacred Demonel. The attack was too fast, and the Sacred Demonel's movements were locked due to an invisible force. Therefore, he could only remain silent as the pillar of light swallowed her.


A dazzling golden light radiated from the pillar of light and blinded anyone who saw it. The ground shook violently from the impact of the pillar's clash with the ground, and a tremendous shockwave hit everything around it, flattening the land for tens of kilometers.

"Did I manage to kill her?" Raphael said while breathing heavily. He used a lot of his strength to activate divine punishment on the golden orb angel. The six wings on Raphael's back had disappeared and returned to their original number. His attack using that artifact completely drained his strength.

"I didn't think you could corner me like this using that thing." The Sacred Demonel's voice suddenly rang out from the center of the pillar of light that was getting smaller and smaller.

Raphael opened his eyes wide after seeing his opponent's condition. Only the head remains of the Sacred Demonel. But the expression on her face didn't change even though she had lost most of her limbs.

"Youa�| how could you still be alive after receiving divine punishment so badly!" Raphael said in a trembling voice. Fear surged from deep within his heart, and his survival instincts told him that he had to run away from there if he didn't want to die. Just as Raphael was about to leave that place, another voice of the Sacred Demonel sounded in his ears.

[Extreme Reconstruction]

The Sacred Demonel's body was covered in white light, and then her missing body returned instantly.

"It's about time I eliminated you." Sacred Demonel said in a cold voice and emotionless face. She raised her hand and opened her palm. Then a black sphere of light condensed above it.

[Sphere of Annihilation]