Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix-Chapter 268: Reinforcements

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Without a momt's hesitation, Rain ascded to the top of the fall monster's head with resolute determination. There, at the pinnacle of the creature's massive form, he unleashed a reltless barrage of strikes. Each blow was calculated and unwavering, targeting the dragon's once-impetrable scales.

Under Rain's ceaseless assault, the dragon's formidable scales began to splinter and fracture. The sound of cracking scales reverberated through the air, a testamt to the sheer force and determination behind Rain's attack.

Wh Rain was about to Summon the ice blade, he heard a powerful roar that made him feel like his eardrums were about to explode alongside the g, trembling. Rain barely had time to jump away wh a giant bolt was fired toward him.

Wh Rain looked to the side, he saw the earth dragon dashing toward him and making several giant bolts emerge from the g while the beast kept screaming.

"This can't be good…" Rain thought wh he landed. "Do your job properly…"

A sudd, oppressive coldness descded upon the atmosphere, transforming the once-dramatic battlefield. It was as if an eerie shadow had gulfed the sce, sding a shiver down the spines of those prest.

Amid this eerie shift, the fire dragon, recovering from its initial surprise, blazed back to life with rewed determination. Its fiery eyes burned with a fervor that matched the intsity of the battle.

Yet, the situation grew ev more daunting as the earth dragon tered the fray. The colossal earth dragon's imposing form now stood alongside its fiery counterpart, adding an overwhelming presce to the already tse atmosphere.

"I need to get rid of the fire dragon as soon as possible, and th the earth dragon…" Rain thought.

As soon as he made up his mind, the fire dragon ssed Rain's resolve, and the creature decided to fly to the sky and escape from him. Too bad for the beast, but Rain could use magic to help with that… still before he could do that, the earth dragon charged toward Rain.

The dragon fired those giant bolts, and Rain blocked them with his forearm guards. Although they had high resistance against earth magic, Rain was still pushed backward several meters. Still, wh the monster was about to headbutt him, Rain used Impulse to the side and th returned while punching the left cheek of the beast.

The impact made the g tremble and crack. The monster also flinched and was pushed away, but only a couple of ctimeters.

"This one is a lot tougher," Rain thought while he felt his right fist troubling. "Physical attacks only won't work, ev though I hanced my attack power to the limits."

The colossal earth dragon swung its massive tail towards Rain with thunderous force. Rain leaped into the air in a split-second reaction, narrowly evading the devastating strike. But the dragon's onslaught didn't cease there. It lunged forward, aiming to crush Rain with a fierce headbutt.

With agility and skill, Rain's expertise came into play. He executed a swift and pott kick, squarely connecting with the dragon's face. The force of his blow not only halted the beast's charge a bit but also propelled Rain backward through the air. He spun gracefully before landing firmly on the g, poised to confront the unrelting earth dragon once more.

"It charges in fast, and it has some tricks up its sleeve aside from magic…" Rain thought. "This one perhaps should be a one hundred years old. It is hard to say… I need to find a way to measure their age."

Rain remembered that he possessed the ability to use his Magic Eyes to perceive the auras of creatures, allowing him to compare the currt earth dragon's aura with that of the one he had previously countered. As he focused his gaze, a distinct and formidable aura veloped the monster, exuding a sse of sheer power and dominance.

Recalling his counter with the fire dragon, Rain noted a striking contrast in auras. While the fire dragon's aura had danced and flickered like flames, the earth dragon's aura was notably thicker and more imposing, like a rock, hinting at the immse strgth and resilice possessed by this colossal beast.

Rain was well aware that creatures' elemtal affinities could significantly influce their auras' appearance. However, this knowledge didn't deter him from taking precise measuremts.

His Magic Eyes allowed him to scrutinize and compare the auras of both the earth and fire dragons, abling him to discern not only the elemtal nuances but also the distinct characteristics that set these creatures apart.

"A two times more intse… I guess I was right," Rain thought.

The earth dragon charged again, and Rain could see that the monster was pissed… he could use that in his favor. Since it was a species much stronger than humans, it didn't feel the need to use its head and wanted to overpower him through and through.

While he was formulating his plan in mind, Rain kept using Impulse to the sides to avoid the charges of the earth dragon, but that only made the beast more raged.

All of a sudd, the monster stopped moving and stepped on the g several times. The g began to shake, and th Rain was unable to use Impulse the way he wanted. Still, wh the monster charged it, Rain jumped over the monster and landed behind it. However, while he was in the air, Rain saw something worrisome…

Wh Rain landed, he looked in the distance, and th he saw another dragon approaching from the south… it wasn't the fire dragon from earlier. As if that wasn't troublesome ough, Rain heard another roar coming from the opposite direction, and he saw another in the distance.

"That earlier scream was one for help… shit," Rain thought. "Of all things that could happ..."

The second one was heading in the direction of Jori, Reca, Liss, Asche, and Terra, so Rain couldn't waste his time. Ev if it was risky, he had to finish that battle faster.