Incompatible Interspecies Wives-Chapter 1: Childhood ()

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Chapter 1: Childhood (1)

I was 11 years old, and... a thief.

"Did you succeed?"

As I was coming toward them, Max inquired with a glimmer in his eyes.

At his question, I raised the corners of my mouth and proudly displayed the coin pouch.

"Yeah! I knew you could do it, Berg."

Even Flint, our fellow comrade, joined in the celebration, giving me a friendly slap on the back.

I lightly flicked the coin pouch in my hand and checked its weight.

It was heavy.

With this, it seemed like we wouldn't have to struggle to make a living for a while.

Our faces bloomed with huge smiles as we looked inside the pouch.

This was our usual way of living.

For orphans like us living in the slums, there was no other way to survive.

I had heard rumors of an orphanage somewhere in the northern part of the city, but it had nothing to do with us.

Berg, look over there.

As we were laughing and enjoying the movement of victory, Max suddenly wiped the smile off his face and pointed somewhere.

At the tip of his finger, three people of our age stood.

Just like us, they were guys who lived in the slums.

It was also our rival group.

If there was one difference, unlike us they were wolfmen.

Those wolfmen kids were snickering as they looked at the coin pouch in our hands.


Looking at them, Flint clicked his tongue quietly.


There was nothing good about the fact that other people knew you had acquired something.

It was especially true if the opponent was the same slum people.

Just as we didn't abide by the law, the law didn't protect us either.

Even if we were beaten to death somewhere, there would be no punishment for the perpetrator.

The slum was a place where strength was everything.

So averting my gaze from the three individuals before me, I placed a coin pouch in my arms and spoke.

"Let's go."





That day, we hid the coin pouch, and the following day we did the same.

We couldn't predict when they might start fighting.

Perhaps, even older brothers and sisters who were taller than us might be attracted to it.

Although there were ways to spend money all at once, it would be a wasteful approach to take.

It wasn't right to give up the money that could provide us a few weeks of food and rest, fearing a fight.

Of course, fighting with the wolfmen was always unpleasant.

Their sharp claws and quick reflexes always made us puzzled.

But in the first place, there weren't that many races that we, humans, could defeat with our fists.

So Flint, Max, and I agreed to take turns spying on the rival gang.

To me, it seemed like we would have to live like this until we figured out their intentions.

For at least a few days, we had to be on high alert.

They would surely move quickly to obtain the whole coin pouch.

Just like that, the time passed and it soon became night.

Now it was my turn to keep watch.

I hid my body and looked toward the entrance of the alley where they lived.

If they wanted to attack, they had to come out through that path.


While I was watching them, an unexpected person appeared from an unexpected place.

A young girl who looked two or three years younger than me was walking hesitantly from a distance.

She was of the same race as me... A human.

Her expression seemed to be filled with fear.

But her clothes were neat, and her face was clean and spotless, without a speck of dirt on it.

Her shiny black hair was Curly.

Overall she looked... cute.

It was clear at once that she was not a slum dweller.

She seemed like a daughter from a well-off household in the northern part of the city who had lost her way and ended up in this slum.

"Mom...? Dad...?"

She was a girl complete opposite of me.

Confused, she looked around restlessly.

I stared at the terrified girl for a while in silence.


Uh...Mom...? Are you there?

After wandering around here and there for a while, that wandering girl suddenly stopped in front of the alley where the rival gang's hideout was.

She slowly swallowed her saliva and began to step towards the inside of the alley.

"Are you stupid?"

Suddenly, I couldn't hold back and spoke to her.


Startled, she put her hand on her chest and looked at me.

Looking at her like that, I couldn't help and said

"It's obviously a dangerous place. Why are you going in there?"

It was obvious that if a fragile girl like her went into a dark alley, the outcome would be terrible.

On such ambitious nights, no matter what crimes occurred, people wouldn't notice. They didn't care about a person's background.

In the slum, it was natural for the night to be more dangerous than the morning.

"Are you lost?"

I asked.

There was a part of me that didn't want to see the rival gang having a good time... But honestly, there was also a part that was attracted to her.

She was so beautiful that she couldn't be compared to the girls in the slum, so somehow I just wanted to help her.

Maybe I felt a sense of belonging since we were both human.

However, she looked at me with fear.

Reacting like that to my kindness, I felt hurt for no reason.

"...Forget it, do as you please-"

Just as I was about to turn away, three Wolfmen members appeared from the alley

with their yellow eyes shining.

"What's this girl doing?"

When the girl saw the three people rushing out of the alleyway, she got even more frightened and backed away, knocking her butt off.


One of the gang members stooped down and examined the fallen girl from head to toe.

"Her clothes look expensive?"

Sensing that situation had become a nuisance, I closed my eyes.


They noticed my presence at the sound of a sigh.

"Isn't it Berg?"

"Were you spying on us?"

The leader-like figure smirked and laughed. His sharp fangs were standing out.

Then, he shifted his gaze to the trembling girl on the ground.

Do you know her?

"I do."

"...I see."

The girl's gaze shifted back and forth between me and the gang members.

Instinctively, it seemed like she felt that the gang members were more dangerous.

With an anxious blink, she turned her eyes towards me, as if seeking reassurance.

"Oh... She's really pretty. Even if we just strip her clothes off and sell them, we could make money, right?"


The girl tightly squeezed the hem of her dress and closed her eyes.

The gang member enjoyed her reaction and said to me.

Hey, Berg.


I wont take that coin pouch, so leave this human woman to us.


"What's wrong? Don't you already know? We were after the coin pouch."


The leader-like guy laughed and said to his gang members.

"A few days ago, Auntie Michelle said she'd give us a lot of money if we bring in a decent girl."

"That pr*stitute Auntie?"

"Yes. We can bring her and sell her.

"She seems like a well-off girl. Won't there be problems?"

"If she goes there to be sold, even the nobles won't find her."

"Ah... Ah..."

I didn't know if the girl understood the phrase 'selling or pr*stitute' because she seemed too innocent.

But whether she understood the word 'sell' or not, tears soon began to flow from her eyes.

Seeing her like that, I couldn't turn back anymore.

It was not like I was a good person or anything.

I just didn't want to become someone in the same category as the rival gang members.

What is it, Berg? You still haven't-


I kicked one of the three members, knocking them over.


And as I did that, I thought to myself.

'...Now I'm going to get seriously hurt.'

I hoped they back off after a decent fight. Or maybe Max or Flint would show up.

The leader-like person glared at me with a flushed face.

"...Hey. I said I wouldn't take the coin pouch away.

You cant take it anyway.

I boasted, showing off.

Upon hearing my words, one of the opposing gang members charged at me.

I had to fight and clash with them, even though there was nothing to gain from it.



Saliva mixed with blood splattered out of my mouth.

After the rival gang members had coolly beaten me up, they turned and left.

I was scratched, torn, and bitten all over.

Still, because I resisted to the end, they gave up on the girl and went back.

Should I say I was fortunate? At least one objective was accomplished.

"Hey, get up."

I said to the girl, who was sitting huddled with her head wrapped.

She was still sobbing and tears continued to stream down her face.

I scratched my head while looking at her, then sat down in the same position and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Get up. I'll help you find your parents."

Upon hearing my words, the girl lifted her head.

Even now, her face still looked cute.

However, upon seeing my battered face, she burst into even greater tears... Saying 'I'm sorry' and 'Thank you' over and over again.

Where did the fear she had of me just a while ago go, and why was she acting like this now?

I didn't hate this change. But, there was no way it could continue like this.

I grabbed her arm and stood up.

"Stop crying and get up. We have to go back."

But the girl shook her head weakly.

"My legs... I-I don't have the strength..."

"Seriously... You make excuses for everything."

Although I said those words, my desire to help her only grew stronger.

I offered my back to her and said.

"Hop on."

"Sniff... Sniff..."

"Hurry. Before those guys come back again."

At those words, the girl swallowed her breath and slowly climbed onto my back.

She tightly wrapped her small arms around my neck. A fragrance, like that of flowers in a meadow, wafted from her.

The more I noticed it, the more ashamed I felt of the foul odor emanating from my body.

It was the first time I had ever felt self-conscious about something so natural.

However, as if she didn't mind my stench, she sat firmly on my back and buried her eyes in my shoulder.

In her strong embrace, I felt a surge of energy in my body.

I started walking along the familiar slum streets.

After walking like that for a while, she also calms down her crying and asked me.

Doesnt it hurt?

It hurts.


When I said I was in pain, she began shedding tears again.

Her innocence made my nose itch.

It wasn't out of mockery. It was simply astonishing to encounter someone so pure.

Whywhy are you laughing?

I didn't answer her questions.

Instead, I asked her.

"How did you end up here, in this state?"


"Didn't you notice while walking? The path was getting dirtier and dirtier. You should have turned back."

Drunkards rolling around. animal carcasses. flies and bugs... There were many things that could tell anyone that it was not a safe place at all.

But the girl didn't answer.


"Forget it. What do you know?"

Perhaps, when one was scared, they didn't even know what they were doing. It seemed like she was in that situation too.

I walked like that for a while.


Somewhere in the distance, a howl of a wolf echoed.

It was quite a creepy sound to hear on an ambitious night.

Then, at that moment, a strange feeling of coolness was felt through my lower back.

It was also damp...

"Hey! Did you pee?

Surprised, I asked, and the girl, who was quietly scanning the alley, flinched and buried her face in my shoulder again.

Ah N-No?

Her voice trembled as she answered. I could sense that she wasn't good at lying.

I released her leg that I was holding momentarily in order to put her down.

But the girl clung tightly to me.

"N-No... I didn't... Don't... don't throw me away..."

And then, she began to shed tears again.

Whatever she misunderstood, she desperately clung to me.

I hate crying girls.

That was why she should be bothering me...why do I just laugh out loud?

I didn't feel strange about the feelings I hate.

With the thought of just washing it off, I sighed and put her on my back again.

The damp sensation quickly became familiar.

As we continued walking, the girl gradually showed curiosity toward me.

She raised her head again and repeatedly moved her nose beside my face, observing my profile.

When we were almost out of the slums, she began to ask.

"What... What's your name?"

"What is that? Talk to me in a formal way. You look younger than me at first glance."

"B-But...? I... I'm..."

"If you didn't like it, I can let you down here."

"N-No! No... no, it's not like that."

I was fascinated by how easily she was swayed, so I stopped and turned my head toward her.

The sobbing girl came right next to me and made eye contact with me.

The wet eyes sparkled more than ever.

...The kids who live well were indeed so pretty.

Are you noble?

So I asked first.

But she shook her head in surprise.

"No? Ah, no?"

She was embarrassed, but it didn't seem like she was lying.

I continued walking.

I thought our conversation would end there, but the girl persisted in asking.

"So... may... May I know your name?"

"Forget it, just use informal speech. It doesn't feel good to hear it anyway."

"...Then what's your name?"


She was really persistent.

Even though she was showing tears now, it seemed like she would endlessly shine on the bright side.

Don't you heard it before?

I replied bluntly, expressing my doubt.


"When I was talking with those three people."

Then she responded cautiously.

"...I was afraid, so I couldn't hear it properly."

I felt unnecessary awkwardness in saying my name.

Since this would probably be the last time I see her, should I even bother to answer?

There would probably be lingering feelings towards her for a long time to come.

There was no need to add more lingering feelings.''

"Forget it. Even if I tell you, we won't meet again."


"Why are you surprised? Are you planning to come back to the slums?"


I felt the strength leaving her arms.

She was truly someone whose emotions were easy to read.

"But still... still tell me anyway."

She was still persistent as always.

In the end, I had no choice but to answer.

It wasn't a secret anyway.






I carried the girl and roamed around all over the city.

Until we reached a familiar street in her eyes, there was no other choice but to do this.


And after a long time, the girl who was hanging on my back let out a sigh of relief as she saw the way she had been waiting for.

In response to that sound, I also put her down.

She, too, didn't cling to me persistently, begging me not to abandon her like before.

"Now you can find your way home, right?"


The girl who had come downstairs did not answer for some reason.

Since she didn't give a clear response, it became unclear whether I should leave or not.

"Hurry up and tell me. I have to go back now."

"Ah... Well..."

She fidgeted with her fingers and hesitated.

Then, she whispered softly to me.

You youre hurt, so why dont you come to my house and get treatment?

Where is your house?

Its a short walk from here.

Upon hearing her words, I turned my body.

If she could find her way home, then my job was done.

"Uh...Where are you going...!"

But the girl didn't let me go.

She turned around and grabbed my wrist, then said,

W-well, then... how about... I have a doll at home, shall we play with it?

What are you talking about?

When I pointed out how ridiculous her suggestion was, she nervously started picking at her nails and said.

"But... I don't want to say goodbye..."

The girl, who quickly became teary-eyed, expressed her feelings.

"Can't we be friends...? We're of the same kind..."

"Just because we're of the same kind doesn't mean we're all can be friends."


Could she grow up properly and still be like this?

Was it her bright personality that allows her to be like this?

I was surprised by how casually she asked me to become friends.

To me, who lived in the slums, a friend was someone who could provide tremendous trust.

If I trusted just anyone, I would get hurt badly.

However, perhaps this girl's standards were different from mine.

Unlike my current self, she might make such proposals with a light-hearted attitude.

Maybe this was normal for her.


She kept fidgeting and pouting like a crybaby.

But giving up old habits was really difficult.

Again, I was thinking of ways to use her calculatedly.

I looked at her like that for a long time.

The girl turned around with an expression as if she was about to burst into tears, as if she had resigned herself to the silent me.

She said without even facing me.

Okay, then. Thank you...Goodbye."

"What is your name?"

Ignoring her words, I asked her.

At that question, the girl quickly turned her rabbit-like eyes toward me and answered.

"S-Sien... I'm Sien."


"Sien...! Just Sien."

I scratched my head and casually made her a suggestion.

Then, come here with something to eat in three days. That way... we won't have to miss each other."

Perhaps, through her, I might be able to secure a source of food.

If this impolite suggestion didn't appeal to her, we could just go our separate ways.

However, even with that impolite suggestion, Sien's expression became brighter than ever, and she showed a big smile as she said.


That was how our relationship began.

End of Chapter

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