In This Life, The Greatest Star In The Universe-Chapter 196:

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Chapter 196:

Translator: MarcTempest

Editor: Rxel

Chapter 196

“What the hell? What happened here?”

“Explain yourself. Hyung?”

As they opened their eyes hesitantly, Junghyun scratched the back of his head as if nothing was wrong and answered.

“We were on the same futsal team yesterday. After the game, he asked me if he could call me Hyung.”


“Yes. Suddenly.”

Woojoo and his siblings looked at each other.

At this point, Woojoo was really curious about what had happened yesterday.

He said he just played as a goalkeeper, but something was off.

Junggun, the leader of the senior group Wild, came over and tapped Junghyun’s shoulder.

“Did you have a good time yesterday?”

“Yes. Hello.”

“Thanks to you, it was really fun, man.”

That was the start of the people who were on the same team as him yesterday greeting him warmly.

Of course, not everyone was like that.


There were also some who were startled by Junghyun.

Gu Seonwoong, the leader of TNT, looked like he had encountered a monster and widened his eyes before moving away.

Why was he like that? That guy.

Woojoo was sincerely wondering how he could play as a goalkeeper and elicit such strong reactions.

“Oppas, hi.”

Woojoo turned around at the cheerful voice and looked down.

A cute rice cake in a black tracksuit was waving her hand.

It was Daisy, who had dyed her hair blonde.

“Oh, hi.”

Woojoo greeted her with a smile. Then he said hello to the other Scarlet members behind her.


Ara joked with a smile, “Why do you only speak informally to Nayoon?”

“Do you want me to do that too?”

“No. That would be awkward…”

Woojoo smiled at the people who were shy around him.


The senior girl group from the same agency as them was wearing jerseys with three white stripes on black, just like them.

The so-called L-team uniform.

The teams for this round-robin tournament, which had more than two hundred participants, were organized by agency.

For example, TJ Enter was T-team. DNS Media was D-team.

As the groups from the same agency gathered, there were lively conversations everywhere.

They were no different.

Ara, the leader, put her hand to her mouth.

“Wow. Did the President come and see you guys too? What did he say?”

“He didn’t say much. He told us to be careful. And he said he would buy us composing equipment if we win.”

“Wow. Look at the favoritism.”

Another member, Bom, called out to Ara.

“Unnie, didn’t the President say he would only buy us meat?”

“I know, right? That’s so unfair.”

As the other members nodded in agreement, Jiho asked, “But didn’t you guys eat 25 servings of flower sirloin last year?”


“The owner of the meat restaurant said you ate like wrestlers.”

Junghyun gave him a friendly smile, and Woojoo barely held back his laughter.

The Scarlet members coughed awkwardly.

“No, that was…”

“Honestly, we were starving that day. The portions were so small and expensive.”

“It makes me angry just thinking about it.”

“Hey, can’t girl groups eat meat?”

“Why are you picking on me?”

Jiho hid behind Woojoo with a sad face, avoiding the teasing from the Noonas.

They all laughed at his expression.

They chatted lightly while waiting in one place.

“Okay, let’s all cheer up together.”

Ara, the oldest member, stretched out her long arm. They lightly touched their hands and shouted ‘fighting’ briefly.

“L team, please enter!”

At the staff’s call through the intercom, they all loosened up their bodies.

Ara led the way with the flag as the representative, and they followed behind the Scarlet members.

They passed through the dark hallway.


A bright light and a scream greeted them.

They adjusted their eyes to the light and looked around the spacious Goyang indoor gymnasium.


Where were their Soufflés?

Woojoo scanned the place quickly and Bijoo tapped the back of his hand and pointed to a direction with his eyes.

They were waving their hands from the third-floor seats far away.


They waved their hands back and greeted them, and the Soufflés greeted them back with a wave.

Ah, this felt good.

Woojoo was in a daze since he woke up at 3 a.m., but seeing their Soufflés made him feel healed.

Maybe 0.8 Kim Deoksoon?

That was how happy he was waving his hands.


“What’s that?”

They entered with bright smiles, but they stared blankly at the banner hanging where the Soufflés were gathered.

-You are our gold medals!

…a touching phrase.

There were five gold medals drawn on a black background, but the problem was that their faces were photoshopped into each medal.

Was it because they only photoshopped their faces on the gold color?

They looked like monks without any hair.

Or maybe like five golden courtiers.

The Soufflés laughed happily among themselves, showing their gleeful faces when they saw their stunned expressions.


When did this atmosphere start?

It was nice to be friendly with them, but…

Their eyes moistened as they recalled the warm and kind Soufflés of the past.

Shriek! Thud!

A swift arrow hit the eight-point mark on the target.

“Wow! I got eight points!”



“The feather color of the arrow coming to your body is wrong. You have to make it match the other part.”


Their youngest made a sad face and protested.

“You don’t have to be so harsh and point out everything. You can always praise me first and then do it.”

“Oooh, our youngest did well.”

“Hehe, really?”

“Then let’s correct the wrong posture.”

This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.


Woojoo grabbed the youngest’s arm from behind and coached him.

Next to Woojoo, Bijoo was practicing shooting arrows.

Swoosh! Thud.

An arrow stuck in the yellow target, worth nine points. Bijoo smiled brightly and turned his head to Woojoo.

“Hyung, did you see that? I just scored nine points.”

“Good job, our second youngest.”

As Woojoo corrected the youngest’s posture, he high-fived the second youngest who was jumping with joy.

Woojoo found himself praising the kids more than coaching them.

This was the gym’s indoor practice room.

There were targets prepared in the hallway so they could warm up their bodies.

While Rihyuk and Junghyun were cheering for Scarlet, who was in the same L group as them, Woojoo was watching over his siblings’ stance.


A faint scream came from outside.

The girl group archery preliminaries were going on.

They were in the first group of the preliminaries, so they would go straight to the match as soon as the women’s division was over.

And their long-awaited first preliminary opponent was…

“Ha, you were hiding here.”

Woojoo heard a snicker from somewhere.

He turned his head and saw Han Taehyun and his gang approaching with a swagger.

Woojoo said with a smile, “Hey, don’t show up with such a third-rate villain-like line.”

“Third-rate villain?”

The other side looked incredulous.

“You’re making me feel bad. Anyone can see that I’m a handsome final boss, right?”

“You look like a mob.”

“…I swear I’ll post a review of your personality on the internet someday. Be prepared for a million anti-fans.”

As if you have time to go online.

The grumbling guy soon came over with a smile.

Their kids greeted the TNT trio who had quivers on their legs.

Han Taehyun waved his hand.

“Don’t greet them. They’re Woojoo Hyung’s friends, why bother?”

“We’re not friends, we’re brats.”

Their youngest said in a sad tone, and the other side burst into laughter.

Then he looked at Woojoo coaching Jiho and asked casually, “Does Woojoo Hyung treat you badly?”

“No joke. He nags a lot, and if he doesn’t like something, he glares at me until I do it right.”

“I know that feeling. I know it well.”

The TNT’s younger line, Seok Jihun and Ji Hanbin, also chimed in.

“He’s such a tiring Hyung.”

“I thought I was going to die from overwork every month when we had evaluations. I seriously considered getting insurance from then on.”


Woojoo waved his hand and said, “Bijoo, Jiho. Don’t listen to those mean guys…”

“Really? How was it?”

“I’m really interested in Woojoo Woojoo’s past.”

Why are your eyes shining like that?

“Curious? Come here. I’ll tell you everything.”

“We’ve been through a lot of hardships.”


Woojoo felt annoyed as he watched them cheer each other up.

What was the point of raising children?

Seeing his old and new children join forces, Woojoo felt his cheeks tremble without knowing it.

Woojoo said to Taehyun, “Hey, stop interfering with my business and take your kids away.”

“We came here to practice too.”

“There’s a separate place over there. It’s big and spacious.”

“The lighting is not good.”

“Then we’ll use that place.”

“Ah. I just came here to have some fun. You should be more tactful and adjust to the situation.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Woojoo gave a vague answer to the grumbling guy and then he also picked up a bow and practiced his posture.

The other person’s eyes widened.

“Huh? Your posture is good.”

“I practiced a bit.”

“Wow. You’ve changed.” He clapped his hands as if he was impressed and said, “You’ve changed. You’re playing basketball and archery. You’re keeping up with the times.”

“Thanks. Very much.”

Woojoo smiled and hung an arrow and pulled the bowstring. The other person looked at his posture and tilted his head.

“…Strange. Your posture is good?”

“I practiced, so.”

“No, you’re not the type of body that can improve by practice, right?”


“Is that not true?”

“Really. I’m so hopeless even without charisma.”

There was no one else around here like this.

Woojoo was looking at the ceiling with a sad face.

“Hey, Taehyun.”

Ji Hanbin, who was talking with their kids, said, “Woojoo Hyung is good at shooting arrows, right?”


“He’s good at it.”

“…Did I hear it wrong? Did you say the name wrong?”

“Idiot. It’s really Woojoo.”

But the face of the person who said that also showed a look of disbelief.

They looked at Woojoo as if they wanted him to explain.

Woojoo shrugged his shoulders.

Then he let go of the bowstring.

Shriek! Thud.


Woojoo showed off his arrow that landed exactly on the 10-point mark and made a smug expression.

Did you see that? My improved…

Three people approached Woojoo at the same time.

“Look at that bow. Who’s the maker?”

“It’s not for nothing that it’s the 21st century. It’s the era of science.”

“Isn’t that something that was released by some research lab?”

These guys were unbelievable.

As Woojoo looked at them with disbelief, Bijoo and Jiho clapped their hands and burst into laughter.

-Yes, this is the men’s archery preliminary round, group 1. TNT versus New Black.

The voice of the announcer, Jung Hyojin, was followed by the commentator’s voice.

-TNT is a strong team that made it to the finals last year. Han Taehyun, Ji Hanbin, Seok Jihun. Personally, I was impressed by Han Taehyun’s performance last year and I’m looking forward to him this year.

As the commentators continued their conversation, the broadcast camera captured the participants on the scene.

The six people sitting on both sides.

On the left, the TNT trio, who looked relaxed but somehow uneasy, and on the right, the rookie New Black, who showed a tense and determined expression.

-Well, then, let’s start with Han Taehyun of TNT.

As soon as the popular member of TNT with green hair stood up, a fierce cheer erupted.

He smiled as if he was used to it and picked up his bow.

He brought the bowstring to his cheek and slowly closed one eye. When a fan shouted ‘Kyaa!’ by themselves and covered their mouth, a brief laughter swept the scene.

A calm silence.

Shiiik! Thud.

As he released the bowstring, the target showed 8 points, 8 points, 9 points in order.

It was a short 20 meters indoors with no wind to worry about, which was an advantage over the actual competition, but it was still a decent score for an amateur.

‘I did well, if I say so myself.’

Han Taehyun waved his hand to the fans with a proud face and returned to his seat.

Then he looked at Woojoo, who was sitting calmly next to him.

‘Let’s see you try.’

He looked at him with a sneer, who had been bragging about his archery skills earlier.

‘You can’t do it. You, Hyung.’

He had been watching him for several years on TJ.

Starting from the legendary Yeouido Park incident, Woojoo Hyung was a nightmare in every field that involved physical activity.

‘Well, he’s a bit good at dancing…’

He was surprised by the appearance of his opponent, who suddenly became a dance genius to match him, but that was just dancing.

Nothing else had changed much.

Unless he suddenly gained some superpowers like in a movie.

-Yes, it’s Woojoo’s turn. He’s… wow. The crowd is going wild.

As soon as Woojoo’s figure holding a bow appeared on the screen, the crowd went wild.

Idol fans didn’t care much about anyone who wasn’t their idol, but it was different if the visual was outstanding.

The crowd went wild at the visual of a rookie idol member.

-You were like this when Joo Hana from Girls on Top or Lina from Scarlet came out during the women’s preliminaries. Now it’s Woojoo’s turn.

The camera caught a Soufflé holding a placard that said ‘Woojoo, you are the treasure and the gem of this country’.


Woojoo coughed and picked up the bow.

The silence fell as his long eyelashes fluttered and one eye closed slightly.

The audience held their breath without realizing it.

Woojoo pulled the bowstring in a picture-perfect posture.


The commentator, a former archery gold medalist, tilted his head for a moment.

‘His posture is very stable, isn’t it?’

Did he join an archery club or something?

As he was thinking that, Woojoo released the bowstring lightly.

Shweeek! Thud!


The cheers erupted as soon as the arrow hit.


At the same time, the TNT trio jumped up from their seats with their mouths wide open, and so did the members of New Black.

-10 points! It’s 10 points!

-He smashed the camera lens!

It was an arrow that hit the exact center of the 10-point target.

The Soufflés screamed, and Junghyun of New Black, who was cheering, waved a placard that said ‘Make some noise~’, and Rihyuk covered his face with his hands, showing off his pierced ears.

But despite the commotion, Woojoo of New Black calmly reloaded his arrow with a composed face.

He had two more shots left.

As the heat of the scene subsided, Woojoo pulled the bowstring again.

Shweeek, thud!

There was a moment of silence in the arena, followed by another cheer.

-10 points!

-Again? Another 10 points!

And the last shot.

-…It’s another 10 points.

-He scored 10-10-10 on his first appearance at the idol sports festival. The President must have a smile on his face right now!

A middle-aged man holding a phone with the message ‘Scarlet, New Black, love you?’ on it was caught on the screen with a happy face.

Meanwhile, Woojoo raised both hands and covered his mouth after hitting the third 10-point.

He looked like he was saying ‘Is this real?’

If he hadn’t covered his hand, the audience would have seen his mouth saying ‘Oh my, oh my’.

“Wow. This is amazing.”

Woojoo, who was admiring himself, sent a heart to his fans with a happy smile.

He then returned to his seat and high-fived his members.

He then sent a smirk to the TNT trio, who had been stunned all this time.

He had a look that said ‘How about that?’


The three members of TNT, including Han Taehyun, were lost in their confused minds for a long time.

‘What, who is that? That?’

It felt like they were looking at an alien wearing Seon Woojoo’s shell.

A situation that made no sense.

Especially HanTaehyun, his eyes were wide open.

‘How can I lose to that guy with my body?’

It felt like he had been hit by a surprise attack.


Was it because of that?

Ever since Woojoo’s ten-ten-ten, TNT’s members started to tremble at their fingertips every time they pulled the bowstring.

-Ah, 6 points. His hand slipped.

-The shock was definitely big.

-Will New Black take the victory easily like this?

It was still early, but the flow of victory in the stadium was clearly leaning to one side.

At the same time.

Sitting in the commentator’s seat, Olympic gold medalist commentator Yang Heeseon blinked her eyes.


Announcer Jung Hyojin put down the microphone and asked, “What’s wrong, commentator?”

“Something’s weird. I mean, that Woojoo guy.”

“Which part?”

“Um, well…”

She had no idea how to explain.

The way he held the bow, or his various expressions, they were not something that an amateur could easily do.

He looked like a pro.

Not like practicing shooting at a short distance indoors, but like going through a real battle, considering the direction of the wind and everything.

‘I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere…’

At first, she thought he was a rising idol star, but that wasn’t it.

‘His posture is familiar, and I’ve seen him somewhere… Ah?’

Yang Heeseon gasped as she remembered.

As soon as he shot the arrow, Woojoo gave a slightly smug smile for 0.1 seconds, and it caught her eye.

She muttered with a flustered face, “…Sunbae-nim?”

She felt a hint of the legendary senior archer in the unknown idol’s posture and expression.

She recognized him. He was the legendary senior archer she had admired.

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