Immortal Supreme: Sovereign of the Grand Dao-Chapter 49 The Guardian Elders Arrive!

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"26th...the 26th floor!"

There was an uproar caused by that number. Many were shocked, many were excited, and many felt disbelieving.

The Elders were the most excited.

"This is great, a genius with battle power greater than five stars had appeared in the sect!"

At this time, it was not just the Senior Elders that had arrived, but even the Great Elders had come too.

And from the looks of it, this was not the end. Many more who were in seclusion left their cultivation abode to witness history being made in the sect.

It could not be helped as the prospect of having a genius with a battle power rating that is above five stars was too much.

After all, none with such ability had appeared in the entire continent for over a hundred thousand years!

Within the tower...

Arthur had gotten much better at dodging the attacks of the Sword Puppet and his battle sense had improved tremendously as he fought.

'The rate at which my fighting skills are getting better is insane... it almost like I am remembering how to fight and not learning?'

Because of his past life, he was improving much faster than even he expected. Although he only retained a minuscule amount of his past life's memories, his soul was somewhat able to remember his battle experience.

As Arthur trains and fights, he would feel a certain vibration from deep within his soul and anytime it happens he would suddenly comprehend a new way to attack and defend in the most effective manner possible.

"This kid...his battle skills suddenly became much greater" David exclaimed as he watched.

"You are right...if I had to describe it, I would say he looks more like an old monster that has faced countless battles and refined his fighting skills to a very high level."

"But that is impossible, right? So it can only be said that he is extremely talented."

Both young elders had no idea how close to the truth they were as the thought of Arthur being a reincarnated person didn't cross their minds.

Soon, just as fast as on the previous floor, Arthur defeated the Sword Puppet and moved on to the next floor.

The number outside the tower changed once more showing Arthur's advancement to the 27th floor.

This further solidified his ability as a six-star battle genius in the eyes of the spectators.

On the 27th floor, the challenge increased exponentially. And the puppet's strength had reached the peak of the Gold Core Realm.


In a location hidden deep within the Heavenly Sword Sect.

A voice was heard...

"Hmm, is it finally here?"

Outside the Sword Tower, two elders appeared. They were one male and one female and looking at them, one would be able to tell that they had aged visibly by their appearance 𝑓𝙧𝘦𝘦we𝘣𝙣𝘰𝘃𝗲

"Oh my God! It's the guardian elders!"

"Both the Left Guardian Elder and the Right Elder Guardians are here?!"

"I have never seen them since I joined the sect and it has been over five years now!"

"Guardian Majin, where is this youngster from?"

The old lady who was the Left Guardian Elder asked the man.

"I don't know, Elder Ashina. The only one who can answer that would be the Sect Leader and the Supreme Guardian," the Right Guardian Elder stroked his long beard which was well groomed.

"Hmm, that kid might have a powerful background then if it's true."

"Yes, but he seems to want to keep it hidden. But no matter, he is a part of our sect now and with the looks of times our fates are getting intertwined together."

Elder Majin had a certain glow in his eyes as he spoke.

"Will the Supreme Guardian be showing up, along with the Sect Leader?" Elder Ashina asked.

"The Sect Leader can not make it due to you know what. And as for the Supreme Guardian, he should already be here."

In the sky close to the clouds, two old men stood and watched the events from above.

Although they were there no one could sense their presence. This was Old Man Whitebeard and the Supreme Guardian.

"The kid you brought is a real gem eh?" For more chapters, please visit

"Of course, even though it was his idea."

"Well it doesn't matter...oh he has advanced again."

Arthur had advanced to the 28th floor. And this time his expression became serious as he looked at the Sword Puppet he was to face. 𝘧𝑟𝘦𝒆w𝚎𝙗nov𝘦𝗹.𝐜o𝓶


The puppet drew its sword and the space surrounding its sword began to vibrate intensely.

"It's activating a technique!"

Arthur decided to attack first and interrupt the puppet, but he was already too late.

The puppet waved its sword at Arthur and an energy attack gets sent forward.


Arthur was barely able to dodge midway through his attack, but the sword still touched him.

*Drip* *Drip*

Blood trickled down from his cheeks where a wound that looks like it was created from a sword attack was.

'That attack was fa-?!'

The Sword puppet did not give Arthur the time to think and sent three sword energy attacks in succession.

Arthur had to increase the power of his speed intent before he was able to dodge safely.

'Rank 7 Speed Intent!'


With his speed enhanced, Arthur dodged all the sword energy attacks with accuracy.

But the only thing was the attacks gave him no time to catch his breath.

The sword puppet had already gotten the advantage in attacking first and it moved closer to Arthur.

Arthur kept his distance as he could sense that the sword intent being used was greater than before.

'It should be above the fifth rank!'

'I can't keep dodging, but I have no suitable attack for situations like this.'

Arthur felt he had focused too much on the basics and should have taken some time to learn some martial arts techniques.

"Hmm, he is facing trouble with the attack speed." David noticed that the sword puppet was giving Arthur trouble.

"It appears so. But why isn't he using any martial arts technique? Could it be that he doesn't know any?" Sophia asked.

"That's right, if he had any good technique he would have used it by now. Maybe he is still holding back?"

Meanwhile, Arthur had finally decided on how to triumph in this battle.

'Currently, I have two choices, the first one is to attack at the cost of getting injured, and the other...'

"I guess it's time to use that."

Arthur signed and released his Spirit Power.

_______ _______ _______

?? ?? ??


----------End of Chapter--------------


A/N: A thank you to everyone who has been voting for this story.

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