Immortal Supreme: Sovereign of the Grand Dao-Chapter 35 I Am...Invincible

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After the Elder finished speaking, the crowd murmured for a time before they separated into two groups, with one group staying for the test on the Sword Stairs, and another going for the test of Martial Spirit.

The elder nodded when he saw that and said, "Now those of you who are to test your Martial Spirit walk in an orderly manner to the pavilion at the side."

Following his instructions, the crowd walked to the pavilion as instructed. And they did so without causing any commotiom, as none would dare to stir up trouble with the prestige of the sect.

Arthur noticed that the barefooted and wild-looking boy was among those that went for the test of martial spirit, and the girl with silver hair also went for the test of martial spirit.

"Luke, which one are you going for?" Arthur asked the young man by his side.

Luke was already sixteen and in this world, a person is considered an adult once he or she turns fifteen. Arthur had also seen that the people of this cultivation world mature faster than the humans on Earth.

So a teenager here would look like he was in his early twenties, but with such an appearance a person of this world would still be seen as a teenager regardless. Just as you can guess people's age by their appearance the same is done here too, but with more accuracy.

"I am going for the test of martial spirit, Master. Even though my clan has fallen, our hereditary martial spirit should meet the Sect's standard," Luke said with a deep breath.

Arthur gave a nod in approval and Luke walked to the pavilion like the others.

After those for the martial spirit test had left the Elder looked at those who were remained and found that those that decided to test their comprehension were much fewer.

There were over a thousand people that took the first test, and only a bit over three hundred remain. And among those, there were only about sixty persons that stayed back for the test of comprehension.

These ones might have comprehended intent or were on the verge of it. The Sword Stairs was both a test and an opportunity as it will make comprehending Sword Intent easier.

"Now for this test, I advise you all to proceed with caution. As some of you might already know, this set of stairs is filled with sword intent, and the higher you climb, the greater the level of sword intent you will face," The Elder spoke.

"Unlike the previous test of will that only pressure your mind. This test will pressure your mind and your body also. What this means is that you can get injured if you are not careful or capable enough," he stopped for a while as the atmosphere became tense when they heard they can get injured.

"...there is also the possibility of death to those who overestimate themselves, so be careful," the Elder smiled a little for the first time. 𝐟𝙧ee𝔀e𝐛𝓃𝐨𝚟𝑒𝗹.c𝗼𝚖

'Is this guy a sadist?' Arthur wondered.


"We can die from this test?"

"Yeah, I never thought you could die just from the sect entrance test."

"participants it always this hard?"

"Is it your first time?" ƒ𝔯𝗲𝗲𝙬𝒆𝚋𝐧oѵℯl.𝒄𝑜m

"Yeah, you too?"

"Yes, but I have a brother who is an outer court disciple of the sect and he had told me about how the tests are usually conducted. This is the first time this particular teat is being introduced and no one except the higher-ups knows why."

The participants began to murmur amongst themselves as the threat of death no matter how small was a big deal to them especially when they lack much experience.

The Elder went silent for a while and waited for the crowd to quiet down before he continued.

"As long as you can climb up to the tenth step then you would have been considered to have passed this test. And at the same time, you will become an outer disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

The participants were fired up when they heard that and some even said, "Just ten steps? I can do that. How hard can it be?" ing a smirk. And then he raised his head and looked at the sky above with a calm look in his eyes.

Suddenly feeling inspired he spurted out the words, "I am...Invincible..."

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----------End of Chapter--------------


A/N: A very big thank you to everyone who has been giving support in power stone votes, even though I haven't posted for days...I am grateful.