Immortal Supreme: Sovereign of the Grand Dao-Chapter 18 Sealed Bloodlines

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"You don't have to worry about your friend. She was just teleported somewhere else," The aged voice spoke again, seeing as Arthur still looked worried.

"I see. I just hope you are saying the truth," said Arthur as he relaxed a little.

"It's good to be on guard. But I am not here to harm you," said the voice once more as a transparent figure appeared before Arthur.

It was that of a middle-aged man with similar features to the boy lying on the altar. He had silver-colored hair and black pupils.

He wore a grey robe with red runes engraved on it.

"A soul?" Arthur asked seeing the state of the middle-aged man before him.

"Yes, I am. Or to be more precise, I am a strand of a soul. My name is Suo Hao, and the boy you see on the altar is my son, Suo Tian," said the middle-aged man with a small smile.

'Suo Tian?' 𝐟re𝐞w𝐞𝒃𝓃𝒐𝐯𝚎𝒍.c૦𝚖

Arthur wasn't too surprised by the name, as he had come to find that this world's culture was a combination of many of the cultures back on Earth.

"So why'd you bring me here? First I gotta say, that I came here looking for a way to break the seal in my body," Arthur said.

"Oh the seals, yes... I can sense them."

"The seals?... Wait, you can sense the one in my soul too?" Arthur asked in mild surprise as even the Emperor could not sense the other seal in his soul that was placed by the Heavenly Dao.

"Yes, I can sense all four of the seals in you," said the man.

"All...four?" Arthur asked in confusion. He only knew of two seals in him. The one preventing him from cultivating and the other restricting the awakening of his Dao Physique.

"You don't know?" Suo Hao asked with raised eyebrows, to which Arthur shook his head.

"I see. Well, there are four seals in you. One in your soul which is the most powerful, and which I can not help you with."

"As for the other three seals. One restricts your body from cultivating and the other two are sealing two very powerful bloodlines in your body."

Arthur was getting more surprised.

'Two bloodlines? They must be from my parents whom I know nothing about. The Emperor wouldn't tell me anything, and he couldn't sense the other seals too,' thought Arthur with a frown on his face.

A bloodline is a great thing to have as it usually grants one special ability unique to their bloodline. Some even give a Divine Physique.

Those with bloodlines and Divine Physiques are way stronger among those of the same cultivation because of the advantage of their bloodlines.

They are also blessed with a greater talent for cultivation than others.

"So can you break the seals on my bloodlines?" Arthur asked with a bit of hope.

Since the man could sense them, he assumed that he might be able to do something about it.

"The seal preventing you from cultivating would unseal itself in a few months. But I can get rid of it now."

"As for the other two on your bloodlines. Although I can forcefully remove them, they would not be good as the one who put those seals have skills that surpassed mine," Suo Hao said.

"What do you mean?"

Arthur was happy the seal on his body would finally be removed and he can begin his cultivation. But he would love to get access to a powerful bloodline too.

"Well you see, the seals on your bloodlines are actually helping you as I can tell that they are in conflict and would destroy your currently weak body if they weren't sealed."

"Okay, but does that mean I would never be able to access them?"

"You will be able to in the future. Once your body is strong enough, and you have the ability, you can break the seals yourself," Suo Hao said.

Arthur nodded in understanding. But he also knew that there was something else he needed to do before accepting this man's help.

"Now, can you tell me why you brought me here?"

Suo Hao nodded and said, "It's a long story, but I will make it short..." prehended the matters of Fate."

"That would take a long time."

"I know, that is why I will help you undo the seal and give you some assistance," said Suo Hao.

"Okay, so what do I have to do?" Asked Arthur.

"Nothing. You just have to sit, and I will undo the seal."

Arthur nodded and sat down cross-legged.

Suo Hao walked to him and pointed his finger at Arthur's abdomen, sending a string of seals into Arthur's body.



----------End of Chapter--------------


A/N: Arthur is finally going to be able to cultivate. But why was his body sealed to prevent him from doing that in the first place?

Stay tuned and find out...maybe in the next update!

Also, please don't forget to drop a few power stones that will help Arthur rise quickly in the cultivation ranks. But also comment down below on your thoughts and questions.

Have a nice day/evening everyone!