Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance-Chapter 812 Prime Disciple Competition: Last Battle of the Arena Part 1

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Chapter 812 Prime Disciple Competition: Last Battle of the Arena Part 1

Five minutes later, seven more competitors were brought into the room, but once again, they seemed much stronger than the ones before.

The ground trembled under the weight of their march, and the pressure in the room instantly became tense. The dirt and debris on the ground levitated as the arena became charged with energy.

Aelina's eyes narrowed, feeling the change in dynamic, and she finally became serious, seeing who they were up against.


Walking toward them was a massive white tiger with dense rippling muscles, black stripes, and a regal aura. Its steps were slow and purposeful as it walked with confidence. The others behind it weren't much different either, their aura on a similar level if not higher than Elder Sandra and Elder Irene's.

The white tiger, whose strength was reduced to Peak-Stage Rank 7, ignored the solemn atmosphere like he owned the place. His eyes glazed over Aelina, showing a hint of surprise and recognition before they swiftly locked onto Mira. Or, more specifically, her tails.

"So, you're the 9-tailed fox that pink-haired human spoke of." It stated, its voice heavy and hoarse. "Where's your wolf pet? I heard it was a winged golden wolf."

Mira squinted her eyes at the beast, and her expression became somber when she heard that Sue Ming had visited this thing. Also, the way he asked about Rhydian…

'I don't like it.' She thought. It felt like he knew something he shouldn't.

Still, she wasn't one to grow flustered because of this. Instead, she just said expressionlessly. "Dead. I ate her."


Everyone looked at Mira weirdly. They didn't want to believe her at first, but she didn't seem like she was lying. Even her own teammates looked surprised! 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝒏𝙤𝒗𝒆𝒍.𝒄𝙤𝙢

Mira never lied! She might bend the truth a little or ignore them, but she rarely lied, if ever.

Seeing the shocked faces of her teammates, even the White Tiger almost believed it to be true. That is, if he hadn't sensed Rhydian right before they fell into this hole!

"...I see." He nodded despite knowing differently. "I suppose that's how your cultivation improved so quickly. That kind of wolf is very nutritious."

"I heard White Tiger meat is also good for one's bones. I'll have to give it a try as well." Mira quipped back fearlessly, causing Ryker's eyelids to twitch. They wanted to jump straight into battle right now and tear out each others' throats but held themselves back.

They'd get the chance soon.

"I don't know about that. However, I'm sure White Tigers birthed from a little hybrid fox would be strong." Ryker said suggestively, lowering his eyes toward Mira's crotch, which instantly enraged the woman.

However, she forced back her rampaging emotions and killing intent while staring intently at the beast.

'I wish I could kill him/her.' They both thought, instantly annoyed by each other's presence.

While the two of them entered a stare-down, the 6 other beings on the other team spread out and gazed at the women.

There were two Elders wearing Immortal Sword Sect robes, one from the Divine Weapon Sect, another from the Profound Elements Sect, and two smaller White Tigers that gave off the aura of Rank 9 beasts despite having the strength of a Peak-Stage Rank 7.

The atmosphere in the arena turned heavier, simmering with the brewing storm of battle and unspoken challenges. In this silent confrontation, the very air seemed to crystallize with tension, awaiting the spark to ignite the fiery dance of power and strategy.

Aside from Ryker, the rest of the opposing team possessed an aura of silent strength, their eyes carefully measuring Mira and her group. The Elders from the Immortal Sword and Divine Weapon Sects exuded an air of seasoned mastery over their respective crafts, no doubt formidable opponents in their own right.

The two smaller White Tigers, although not as imposing as Ryker, held a feral and wild energy in their eyes. They were the embodiment of raw, untamed power, and their sleek muscles twitched in anticipation of the forthcoming combat.

Mira's eyes flickered briefly, assessing each opponent. Her gaze eventually returned to Ryker, a spark of killing intent lighting up the depths of her crimson eyes.

This was not just a battle of physical prowess but also of wills and minds. Each word exchanged, each glance shared, was another subtle move in this complex game of power and dominance.

The ancient voice didn't need to say anything as the battle had already started.

Nova, feeling the tension, positioned herself, her eyes locked onto one of the Elders from the Immortal Sword Sect. She could sense the swirling energy around him, a quiet storm of razor-sharp focus and lethal Sword Manifestation.

Meanwhile, Eden squared off against the elder from the Profound Elements Sect. Even reduced to their current level, the elder's control over elemental powers would be a formidable challenge, and Eden's eyes flickered with the thrill of facing a worthy opponent.

As this continued, Aelina spoke up, her voice cutting through the tension with the sharpness of a finely honed blade. "Enough with the silent intimidation. We're here to fight, not engage in a staring contest."

Her words seemed to ripple through the arena, and like a tightly wound spring finally released, the energy in the space surged.

That's when the ancient voice spoke up, "The winning side will move onto the final set of trials."

That seemed to motivate both sides as killing intent filled the arena.

With no warning, the battle erupted.

Ryker lunged at Mira with an explosive burst of speed, his massive form surprisingly agile and swift. His claws, imbued with condensed energy, swiped towards Mira, aiming to end the battle with a single, decisive strike.

However, Mira had already activated her Turquoise Tail, giving her heightened perception. She dodged the attack just before she was ripped to shreds.

Understanding that she would have to go all out, she transformed into her Progenitor Form. Her figure became ethereal, her tails elongated, and an ice crown manifested on her head. All the energy in the arena converged around her, and all the energy inside her pumped through her with unrivaled power.

The air around crystallized, and Yin Fire and Yin Lightning sparked across her body.

With Mira in her Progenitor Form, the ambiance of the arena altered dramatically, now swirling with intense, cascading energy that reverberated through the very air itself.

Each pulse of her mighty power sent shivers down the spines of everyone present, casting a tangible, pressing weight upon the atmosphere.

Her eyes, like twin stars burning with cold fire, fixed upon Ryker, who, despite his stature and prowess, could not ignore the impending threat unfolding before him. For a moment, even the mighty tiger seemed insignificant before Mira's majestic, terrifying form.

However, Ryker was no common foe, and the corner of his mouth twisted into a sinister, anticipatory grin, welcoming the challenge with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

As Ryker prepared to pounce again, his muscles coiling with pent-up energy, Mira's tails swirled around her. Each tail was imbued with a different force, creating a maelstrom of elemental powers.

Elsewhere on the battlefield, Nova's spear clashed against the Immortal Sword Sect Elder's sword.

Each of their strikes emitted sharp sonic booms, disrupting the surrounding energy and forcing the other combatants to steer clear of their fierce duel. The Elder was skilled, but Nova's spearmanship was fluid, explosive, and deadly, making it hard for him to gain an upper hand.

Eden, on the other hand, was engaging in a battle of elements with the Profound Elements Sect Elder. Fire and water, Wood and Wind, all kinds of elements were wielded with mastery, clashing and merging, creating a spectacular display of elemental chaos around them.

However, despite these intense battles unfolding, all eyes were inevitably drawn back to the confrontation between Mira and Ryker.

With a roar that shook the arena, Ryker launched himself at Mira, his claws aiming for her throat. Yet, with an ethereal grace, Mira glided aside, avoiding his attack effortlessly.

With a flick of her tail, a burst of icy energy shot toward Ryker, intending to encase him in a block of unyielding ice.

But Ryker was quick, twisting his body in mid-air and narrowly avoiding the brunt of the attack. Still, frost crept up his flank, slowing him down momentarily.

This was the opening Mira needed.

With speed that belied belief, she closed the distance, her hand shaped into a claw, aiming for Ryker's heart. The arena held its collective breath, sensing the critical moment of the battle.

However, just as her hand was about to pierce through Ryker's flesh, the white tiger twisted, taking the blow to his shoulder instead. Pain and fury flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by the relentless drive to fight, to win.

In the blink of an eye, Ryker retaliated, swiping his massive paw towards Mira's midsection. The arena gasped, but Mira's form blurred, barely avoiding a fatal hit. A few strands of her hair and a chunk of her side, however, were not so lucky, getting sliced off by the sheer force of Ryker's swipe.