Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance-Chapter 808 Prime Disciple Competition: Peak?

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Chapter 808 Prime Disciple Competition: Peak?

With the friendly challenge behind them and Mira's token firmly in her grasp, the women gathered around her.

The towering mountain loomed large before them, its peak obscured by swirling clouds that emanated an aura of ancient power and mystery.

"Keep your guards up," Mira advised, her eyes scanning the mountain. "It's not going to be easy from here on out."

Just as they were about to resume their climb, Aelina popped out of the void next to them with a casual smile on her face.

"Sect Master!" They exclaimed, except for Rayna and Mira, who just nodded.

Aelina inspected them thoroughly before giving a nod of approval. "You girls have gotten quite strong. I bet with your current power, you could dominate those Central Continent geniuses!"

"Hmph! Once I break through to the Mortal Shedding Realm, those bastards don't stand a chance!" Nova exclaimed as the fire in her eyes ignited. She really wanted to see how she fared against those people who have essentially ruled the world for countless years.

Although she was the only one who said it out loud, the others had similar thoughts. With everything they've gained in this Realm, it wasn't impossible for them to reach the Mortal Shedding Realm in a little over 18 years.

Once they crossed that threshold, they had no doubt that not many people within the same cultivation realm could stop them.

Mira smiled inwardly at their confidence, and a thick need for battle began to well up inside her. 'I want to see their limits… No, I want to test mine as well.'

"Good, good!" Aelina burst out laughing. "You'll need that enthusiasm when we bust our way through the Central Continent!"

Everyone nodded with fierce expressions. After about a minute of talking, they eventually continued their conversations while walking up the mountain. Nova and the others all began to share some of their experiences.

Nova, to nobody's surprise, mostly went through fiery islands. While she didn't obtain a new bloodline or even an upgrade, it was further refined under the intense pressure and heat of the trials. Her Physique had evolved into something new, but she wasn't sure what to call it yet.

She didn't want to get rid of her 'Sunfire' techniques, after all.

She was also able to gain more mastery over her Ouroburos bloodline and its varying abilities.

Sera, on the other hand, upgraded her bloodline to a Leviathan's. Before, when Mira had granted her one, she had already gone down the aquatic beast route, so the islands she chose were solely focused on that since it was the weakest part of her.

Fortunately, there wasn't much competition. First off, there weren't any Divine or even Mystic-Grade aquatic beast clans within the Ancient Beast Mountain Range. Second, there weren't many people with water affinities, or at least, it wasn't their main source of strength.

Eden had obtained an Emerald Sky Griffin Bloodline, which suited her Elven nature quite well.

Everly had fought and slaughtered for a Thunderfire Chimera Bloodline. Out of everyone here, including Mira, she definitely had the toughest time in this Realm. Every island she appeared on was fiercely competitive, filled with Rank 8 and 9 beasts, Mortal Shedding Realm experts, and countless other weaker cultivators and beasts.

In fact, she didn't even obtain the best rewards. All she got were the leftovers for most of the islands. The only reason she even got this bloodline was because she was lucky to be chosen by one of those ancient beasts.

It was wholly dissatisfied with the state of the current generation of chimeras and found Everly's physique, bloodline, affinities, and mindset to be to its liking. Apparently, those ancient beasts weren't concerned with one's race when passing on their inheritance.

As long as they liked you, they would give you opportunities.

Lastly, Rayna upgraded her bloodline to a Lesser Shadow Basilisk Bloodline. She also had quite a bit of competition, mostly against the disciples from the Hidden Blade Sect and serpents, but she was much more proactive than those 'wait and see' people.

While they were busy trying to discern the strength of their opponents and hide in the dark, she took a page out of Mira's book with a more direct approach, plundering everything of value she could find without shame.

All of them still hadn't fully integrated with their bloodlines, their new abilities, and the changes taking place within their body, but they all experienced a massive leap in strength regardless.

As the group of women climbed, exchanging tales and reveling in their newfound strengths, the environment around them rapidly transformed, growing increasingly inhospitable. The mountain's slope steepened, and the group found themselves facing challenges far beyond mere physical exertion.

Out of the swirling mists or rising from the ground, gargantuan Rank 9 beasts emerged.

These majestic creatures bore bloodlines refined through countless eons, possessing strength that could tear the very fabric of the realm asunder.

The air became tense as these colossal beings fixed their gaze upon the group. With barely a moment's notice, the beasts lunged, their movements creating shockwaves that echoed through the mountainside.

The disciples sprung into action, their bloodlines flaring as they met the onslaught. Nova's Ouroboros Bloodline roared to life, manifesting a serpent of black fire that clashed fiercely with one of the approaching beasts. Eden's Emerald Sky Griffin Bloodline cried out indignantly, unleashing a barrage of wind and energy projectiles that held another beast at bay.

Despite their valiant efforts, the pressure from the Rank 9 beasts was immense, pushing them to their limits. Each disciple had to dig deep, synchronizing with their respective bloodlines to unleash power they hadn't tapped into before.

Aelina, sensing the impending danger, stepped forward, her eyes flickering with an indescribable light. As a Rank 10 beast descended from the cloud, a monstrous entity that dwarfed the others, Aelina's aura unfolded, creating a barrier that shielded the disciples.

She could sense the other Sect Masters battling up ahead but figured she might as well stay here and defend her disciples. They were the future foundation of her Sect in the Central Continent, after all.

Under her protection, the group continued their ascent, fighting off the Rank 9 beasts while avoiding the treacherous spatial tears that occasionally ripped open the air around them.

These tears in space were unpredictable, threatening to swallow them whole and transport them to unknown, possibly dangerous locations within the realm.

As if that wasn't enough, the mountain itself seemed to resist their advance. The ground beneath them trembled, and in certain areas, magma burst forth, flowing like fiery rivers that barred their way. The air grew thick with heat and ash, reducing visibility and making breathing difficult.

To overcome these multifaceted challenges, the disciples had no choice but to cooperate, combining their strengths and covering each other's weaknesses. They had to always be on the lookout and ready for any situation, which allowed them to grow closer.


Through sweltering heat and reduced visibility, they pressed forward, their eyes keen and reflexes sharper.

The explosive sounds of magma erupting provided a haunting background chorus, intermittently illuminated by the flash of their powers colliding with the monstrous beasts.

"Look out!" Nova's voice cut through the turmoil as a spatial tear ripped open beside Eden. Swift and fiery, she moved, her arms extending to push Eden out of harm's way, the force of the action sending them rolling away from the danger.

"Thanks," Eden murmured, barely audible through the cacophony. Her eyes, sharp and gleaming like polished emeralds, caught sight of another beast looming over them. Without missing a beat, her hand rose, a burst of radiant energy soaring from her palm and striking the creature, halting its advance.

Seraphina moved fluidly amidst the chaos, her Leviathan Bloodline unleashing torrents of water that cooled the bubbling magma, creating temporary pathways for them to traverse. The water swirled around her, a dance of fluid grace and raw power, her eyes reflecting the depth of the ocean - unfathomable and relentless.

"Move now!" She called, her voice rising like a tide. The disciples didn't hesitate, stepping onto the newly formed paths, their movements hurried yet precise.

Everly, the air around her crackling with latent electricity, eyes flickering with inner flames, released bursts of thunderfire to fend off approaching beasts. Each bolt was a symphony of destruction, blending fire and lightning in a display of spectacular devastation.

"We're almost there," Mira announced, her gaze fixed on the densely packed swirling clouds that looked more like a barrier than anything.

However, her words seemed to jinx things as the mountain began to shake violently. It quickly became worse and worse until cracks began to form on the ground.

"Fuck! Let's hurry up!" Mira shouted, catching the others' attention. Not far away, a fissure spread out in the earth, separating them from the rest of the mountain. As the seconds passed by, it only grew wider and wider.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, everyone rushed over and jumped across the fissure, but that was just the beginning. 𝑏𝑒𝘥𝑛𝘰𝑣𝑒𝑙.𝘤𝑜𝘮

More and more appeared, forcing them to sprint up the mountain, ignoring everything else around them.

Magma spurted out of the crevices, searing their skin. Thunder crackled around them, striking their positions. Beasts circled and attacked them with rising fury. And spatial tears opened up in their path.

However, they ignored everything, counting on Aelina to save them as they ran as fast as they could.

They kept up this pace until they eventually ran into the sea of clouds….


They rebounded off the swirling mist and were sent flying.


Just as that happened, a fissure opened up beneath them, sucking all of them in, including Aelina. Since flight was restricted, teleportation even more so, they could only look up despairingly as they fell into the abyss.