Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru-Chapter 138: A Perfectly Ordinary Day

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Chapter 138: A Perfectly Ordinary Day

【157th day】

A short, thick arm was holding the katana.

『This one also looks terrible』

The same impression was given when it picked up the sword next.

『And this one's on the verge of falling apart. You can't even call this one a bladed weapon anymore』

The magic sword was lying on a spread-out piece of cloth.

Just as described, it was in a terrible state. There were cracks all over the length of its blade, and its edge was badly chipped and twisted.

『And the one in the worst shape is you』

「Eh, me?」

Lastly, a finger was pointed at me.

The finger was deeply etched with wrinkles and crooked from many years of blacksmithing.

『The elbow of your right arm is hurt, isn't it? Until that's healed, I won't give you the weapons back even after they've been repaired. No matter how powerful the weapon, it’s no better than a stick if the wielder can't use it properly』


I nodded solemnly.

In my previous adventure, I had damaged my weapons quite a bit.

We had tried to repair them, but modern science was not up to the task, and neither were the blacksmiths in the city. While we were struggling with this problem, we were fortunate enough to meet a dwarf who was a swordsmith. We had invited him to the workshop in the basement of my home and were in the midst of having him take a look at the condition of my weapons.

I hadn't expected that he would even point out problems with my body though.

『Souya-san, could it be that your elbow……』

「Oh, err. I've been experiencing some strange pain in my elbow recently when tossing the frying pan」

『Makina will examine it later』

So said the cylindrical A.I. pod next to me.

And the dwarf in front of me had a similar appearance.


A short, strong, and long-bearded race. They tunnel underground as miners and also have a deep knowledge of smithing. Many of the armaments they have created have left their names in legends.

What I've just stated is what I have always believed to be true about dwarves.

However, for anything and anyone, there are many things one cannot fully understand without actually seeing it with one's own eyes. For example, like how elves are more than just a race of beautiful-looking people.

In reality, the dwarf in front of me was wearing some kind of strange covering.

His entire body was covered by what looked like a wooden cylindrical vat. The openings for his hands were stuffed with straw. The vat had a large glass eye that allowed him to see. Underneath that was a metal mouthpiece that resembled a trumpet. The sound that came out of it sounded peculiarly echoey.

He looked nothing like what I had expected a dwarf to look like.

When Makina had brought him here, I actually thought that the A.I. pods had increased for a moment.

That explains why the people of this city aren't that shocked when they see Makina. There was already a precedent, huh?

「So, um…….」

『He's Zoruzoglu?Galvan?Do?Ga-sama』

Makina told me the dwarf's unusual name.

「Zoruzoglu-san, how much will the repairs cost?」

It's important to be clear about money.

If one is vague about such things, one will get into a whole lot of trouble in this world. Well, it's the same in every world, I suppose.

『There's no need for that』


No no no, the cost of getting a dwarf to make a weapon is enough to purchase a house along with the land it sits on. Given their skill, they should also charge quite a fortune for repairs alone.

Isn't that far too generous?

『Originally, this katana was a weapon I forged as an experiment. In other words, it's not a finished product from the very beginning. I was curious to see how it would turn out. As dwarves, the weapons we make, regardless of whether they're made on a whim or with all our hearts, must be the stuff of legends. Otherwise, we won't be able to face our ancestors』

「I see」

This is what they call racial pride, I suppose.

I feel like I can understand it.

『And get Medimu to drop by later. I want to take a look at that one too』

「Okay. I'll inform him」

It seems that he knows Otou-san too.

This dwarf was actually introduced to us by that wily old baldy, so I guess it's no surprise that they’re acquainted.

『And by the way, this workshop isn't half bad. Let me borrow it. It's secluded, so I can work in peace. I can hear the voices of the metals clearly, just like I can in my hometown』

Makina, the one who built this workshop, raised her voice happily.

『It's pretty nice, isn't it? That said, the only thing Makina did was to improve the ventilation system, while the rest was just repairs to what was already here』

『For Hemus, Beliale's craftsmen sure knew their stuff』

Does this person know about this city's past?

The ancient city of Beliale lies beneath Lemuria. It’s considerably large, and we still haven't mapped it out in full yet. Many of its facilities have deteriorated over time, becoming unusable, but many, like this workshop, can be repaired and put back into use.

One thing I find strange is that not a single human bone was ever found.

It’s a waste to leave these facilities unused. Even though the entire city is underground, there are mechanisms of some sort that bring in light, and we even found the remains of vegetable gardens. There’s a water and sewage system(or rather, Lemuria had simply been using Beliale's water and sewage system all along), so it’s possible for people to sustain themselves in this underground city without needing anything from outside.

Why did a country with such technological prowess perish? And where did all its people disappear to?

The mysteries are endless.

Well, I don't have time to unravel the romance-filled secrets of antiquity.

『Hey, you, Souya or whatever your name is. I nearly forgot to mention this. We dwarves are notoriously tight-lipped. We never reveal our customers' information to anyone. Even if it would mean getting molten iron poured down our throats』


I'm not sure what he's trying to get at.

『So, tell me. What did you cut with these weapons?』

The feeling I have towards him is somewhat different from trust.

This is a person with a strong artisan temperament. Such people will defend the rules they’ve laid down with their lives. The only time they break them is probably in death. I don't think he would divulge any information even if he was really tortured.

Besides, he's also the one who made my beloved katana.

It should be no problem, so I told him.

「Cursed white wolves and a demonic monster from a nightmare」

『………………That explains it. Ordinary weapons aren't made to cut things like that. Of course they would get damaged. Besides, this katana has a dark legend as its core to begin with. The claw of a woman who ate a dragon. It seems to have gorged itself on the evil you cut. That would explain why the blade has swelled from the inside out. I'll have to strip it of all the soft steel and reforge it from scratch』

「Um, this may be a silly question, but you can fix everything, right?」

『Well, that’s indeed a silly question』

I don't think the katana and the sword will be a problem, but the magic sword is not something that this person forged. No, in the first place, is its creation something that even falls under the category of blacksmithing?

『It may be hard for you Hemus to understand, but dwarves have the belief that swords possess souls. The katana I forged, this nameless sword, and, of course, this magic sword, all have their own souls.

As long as its soul hasn't perished, the blade is eternal.

With the blessing of the flames and the grace of the earth, they can be revived as many times as needed. Well, let me do it. I'll prove to you that the reputation of dwarves is not just for show』

「Alright, I'm counting on you then」

Those were weighty words.

If his appearance wasn’t so surreal, it would have been more impactful though.

『Also, it wouldn't look good for a swordsman to go around without a weapon. It's a little bit inferior to this katana and the magic sword, but here』

Zoruzoglu-san's arm went back into the vat for a moment, then came back out holding a sword.

『It's a poorly-made sword that I forged when I was young. It's called Ulfwald』

「Eh, this is……」

I recognized the detail work on the sheath. There was detailing on the mouth and end of the sheath made from a whitish, platinum-like metal.

Upon accepting it, I found it to be so light that I could hardly believe I was holding a longsword, and when I pulled it out to take a peek at its blade, I found it to be exactly what I had thought it would be.

「The color is different, but this is a Rmir steel sword, isn't it?」

The detailing on the rugged sheath is an indication that the sword is made of Rmir steel. Legend has it that without such detailing, the sheath would break.

Raging Rmir.

One of the adventurers in Vindoobunikuru.

According to anecdotes, this adventurer broke their sword's sheath constantly. It's said that Rmir's extreme strength caused them to sever the sheath whenever they drew their sword.

The same phenomenon afflicted swords made from the steel that bears Rmir's name in the years that followed.

Even when the sheaths were made of steel, they were cut in two in no time. Even when fittings were built into the sheath to prevent the blade from coming into contact with it, it would still get severed in half.

Then one day, someone tried adding bits of the same Rmir steel to the mouth and end of the sheath and it mysteriously stopped getting broken. To this day, such detailing is done without fail.

The price…………it's no good. I can't appraise it. The material costs alone are already very expensive, and when the value of it being forged by a dwarf is added to it......

This is probably something that even the filthy rich can't afford.

Only the highest ranks of nobility who own a considerable amount of land have the means to purchase one of these.

『That's right. It's made from Rmir ore that has been refined until it's completely pure. When I was young, I had the misconception that all I needed to make the strongest weapons were the best materials. And what I created back then was this sword.

To be sure, it's a strong sword. Its strength, hardness, and durability are all top-notch. However, there's one problem. This sword doesn't have a soul. It’s a strong sword. But that's all it is. A soulless sword is no match for a sword with a soul. I'm sure it can cut through any ordinary metal armor like butter. But that's the limit of this sword. If it were to face a real weapon, it would be easily defeated. Its wielder would die. It's no good at all』


For now, I hung it at my hip.

It was too light, which made me uneasy. If I were to lose this, I would be saddled with a debt that would take the entirety of my time in the alternate world to pay off.

『That reminds me, Souya-san. Didn't you say to the king that you would get a new katana forged for him? Since we’re at it, we might as well ask him to forge it』



Zoruzoglu-san and I raised our voices in unison.

『You're talking about the katana I forged for Lemuria last time, the one that was folded 10,000 times, right?! Never again! I absolutely refuse to do it a second time! What's with that idiotic technique? Nooo, I don't want to go through that crazy foreign process ever again. Folding it twice should be enough to remove any impurities in the metal, isn't it?! There won't be a problem with its strength either! Why on earth does it have to be folded 10,000 times?! It's inefficient! It's the epitome of futility! Why does a strong blade come from such a method? It's the occult! It's the teachings of an evil cult!』

Zoruzoglu-san shook and rattled as he protested.

『Come come, this is part of Japanese culture. Makina will help you, alright?』

『I hate having a woman swing a hammer even moreeeee!』

『Then let's think of a more efficient way to fold it 10,000 times!』

『If you have the time to do that, invent a different method altogether!』

『Makina will teach you some of the finest techniques, alright?』

『That's what you said last time, but all you taught me were woodworking techniques like "Kintsugi"! Metal! We Dwarves like to work with metal! Why on earth must I work with wood for crying out loud?!』

『Ehh, it can't be helped. Well then, how about a technology that hasn't received a patent in Japan―――――』

I'm not one to talk, but please be careful with how much technology you leak.

And be sure to not give away any technological singularities.

It's been a while since I've seen Makina this lively though. Maybe she's happy because the only thing she's been useful for lately is helping us move to the new home.

『Oh, yeah. I nearly forgot』

Zoruzoglu-san turned to face me.

Looking at him again, he really looks like a huge toy.

『Souya or whatever your name is, until your weapons are repaired, this workshop is off-limits to everyone but Makina. Be sure to inform the elves upstairs about this』


If I peeked, maybe I'd see a crane or something? Probably not.

Come to think of it, why is he hiding his real appearance, I wonder? I'm a bit curious, but I may offend him by asking. Perhaps it's a religious thing. I'll resist the urge to ask.

「Alright then. Makina, I'll leave the rest to you」

『Yes, leave it to Makina~? Oh, Makina has sent Yukikaze-chan the medical examination app, so please have her take a look at your elbow』

「Yeah, yeah」

I left the two of them and exited the workshop.

Outside was a dark underground passageway that seemed to stretch on endlessly.

With the light from the flames spilling out of the workshop at my back, I walked about fifty meters, following the lanterns meant to show the way.

I soon emerged into a brightly lit space.

It was a space with a wide-open ceiling. Light poured down from the mechanism that brought in light, and a greenhouse stood in the middle of it. Inside, a wooden golem was busy doing agricultural work.

「Lars, how's it going? You should get some rest upstairs」

I entered the garden of soil and greenery.

It was so hot inside the greenhouse that I could hardly believe that it was the middle of winter right now.

「Boooh? Boo」

The golem, Lars, was about as big as a child and wore a straw hat. Naturally, it was worn not to protect it from the heat, but purely as a fashion statement.

It nodded its head and stuck the shovel in its hand into a corner of the field. It then wiped its forehead with the towel it had around its neck. This oddly human-like gesture was an imitation of our own.

Because it doesn't have sweat glands or the like, you see?

「Boo, boo」

Lars proffered a basket to me.

「Oh, cherry tomatoes? They're already ripe, huh?」


「Maybe I'll use them to make salad」

There was a small mountain of fresh cherry tomatoes.

These are the products of the greenhouse and the miracle of god. They've been through selective breeding too, so they taste quite good.

「Do you like it here?」


With the basket under my arm, I took Lars's hand and left the greenhouse together.

「But, well, it's better to be out under the sun, isn't it? When it gets warmer, I'll let you do the agricultural work on the plain」


「Yeah, it'll be hard to go back to living in tents at the camp now. It's so comfortable here」


「Maybe we should just turn the whole camp into a farm」


「Will Geto-san give us permission to do that, I wonder? I don't think it'll be a problem if we share the vegetables with him though」 f𝐫𝑒𝗲𝙬𝒆𝚋𝐧૦𝘃𝗲l.c𝚘𝘮


Somehow, we were able to converse with each other.

When we reached the bath, I cleaned the dirt off of Lars. I wiped it down with water and applied a coat of beeswax. Without this, the heat in the greenhouse would make its surface dry and brittle.

I walked up the stairs, took off my shoes, and changed into a pair of indoor slippers.

After placing Lars in a flower pot where he would receive nourishment,


I looked around but didn't see anyone.

「Yukikaze, where's everyone?」

On top of the kitchen countertop, Yukikaze's mini-pod was skinning nuts.

『Maria-sama is currently visiting her parent. Lanseal-sama is out shopping, while madam and your sister are training at Gladvain-sama's place. The whereabouts of Misuranika-sama are unknown』

The home feels strangely lonely.

「Well, it seems like I now have some free time on my hands」

『That's not true. For the past four days, team member Souya has had nothing but time on your hands』

「Yukikaze. My elbow hurts for some reason. Please examine it」

When faced with a reasonable criticism……

……people have no choice but to change the subject.

『Understood. Launching the simplified medical examination app………Yukikaze will now scan the affected area』

I extended my right arm and placed it in front of Yukikaze.

Consciously extending it out like this made it hurt a little. A small arm prodded and vibrated against my arm. 𝙛𝘳𝘦e𝓌e𝗯n𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄𝚘𝑚

『There are no abnormalities with the bones. Inflammation of the extensor carpi radialis brevis has been observed. This is………………』

Next, she pressed down on the rounded part of the bone in my elbow.


I felt a sharp pain.

『Team member Souya, please lift up a chair』


I grabbed one of the chairs at the table.

『Lift it up using only the strength of your arm』

「Got it」

Again, pain shot through my elbow.

『Please rotate your middle finger』


When I rotated it, as expected, there was pain in my elbow.

「I felt pain in every case」

『Alright, the results of the examination have come in. It's a condition known as tennis elbow』

I've never heard of that condition before.

I haven't been playing tennis at all though?

「What’s the cause?」



『It's unknown, indeed. Although the overuse of the muscles may be a factor, the direct cause is unknown. Or rather, based on team member Souya's activity log, it's actually more strange that no physical abnormalities have occurred until now』


Now that she mentioned it, I did do a lot of reckless things.

A sore elbow is a small price to pay for all that, I guess.

「And so, how do I treat it?」

『Let's try conservative management. Do wrist and finger stretches regularly. Avoid straining your right arm and let it rest as much as possible. Yukikaze will prepare a triangular sling bandage for you』

「How about cooking a meal or something like that?」

『No, it's not allowed. Even using a kitchen knife is prohibited, and tossing a frying pan and the like is out of the question』

Hmmm……with both Lanseal and Ea, I suppose we won't have the problem of a lack of variety in our meals.

I'm not very good at such things, but if I simply instruct them from behind, those two can make delicious meals.

The problem is……

「Okay, so how long will it take to heal?」

『Unknown. We'll have to wait and see how it goes for a few days. If the conservative management doesn't show any effect, then surgery will be the next step……… However, Makina and Yukikaze have no experience with this, so Yukikaze can't recommend it, indeed』

Then I'd rather not go that route either.

「Yukikaze, I'm going to ask you one very important question. While I'm recovering, exploring the dunge――――――」

『It's not allowed』

「I’ll be sure to stay at the bac―――――」

『It's not allowed』

「Just a quick look arou――――」

『It's not allowed』

「You know―――」

『It's not allowed』

「It's not allowed, huh?」

『Definitely not, indeed』

………………Starting today, I'm taking a break from adventuring (again).

Tennis elbow…name me another MC in a fantasy novel that gets tennis elbow… And this is why I absolutely love this author’s sense of humor. I am surprised that Souya has never heard of it though. By the way, tennis elbow is the inflammation or, in some cases, microtearing of the tendons that join the forearm muscles on the outside of the elbow. The forearm muscles and tendons become damaged from overuse — repeating the same motions again and again. This leads to pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow. However, I must say one thing: this author has a tendency…in a lot of the jokes, lies……well, just remember that this happened…

And how’s that for subversion of expectations lmao. If you go back, you’ll notice a very distinct lack of description with regards to dwarves before this. Did you expect them to be walking around inside what are essentially barrels lol? And thus begins one of the funniest running jokes in this novel…

Also, I’m using they/them for Rmir because gender not revealed. I’ll say something though…whenever this author doesn’t reveal gender, it tends to be… Haha, we’re in volume 7 after all, the author’s tendencies are starting to show, aren’t they? But beware…this author does love to subvert expectations, as seen above.

By the way, not even Japanese katanas are folded 10,000 times lol. That’s just a marketing gimmick. Katanas are typically folded anywhere from 8 to 16 times, resulting in 256 to 65,536 layers. But it sounds way cooler to say that it has been folded 65 thousand times instead of just 16, right? This is a bit of a spoiler, but if I don’t explain this, the readers who are knowledgeable about bladesmithing may think that there’s an error, but it’s simply that Makina has made a fatal misunderstanding…

What the…how did my afterword end up so long lol. It’s only the start of the volume and there’s already so much to mention. But as you’ve probably guessed, this is another <respite> volume. After 2 volumes of action, it’s a good time for a change of pace, I think. It isn’t too long of a volume, 3 arcs in total, one of which is just this chapter, though the next one is 13 chapters long. XD Stay tuned!

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