I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates-Chapter 368 - 366: Entering the Beast Pen at

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Chapter 368: Chapter 366: Entering the Beast Pen at

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After the young Four-winged Thunder Tiger saw the images on the two Water Mirror Talismans, it suddenly became much tamer and no longer displayed the wild and rebellious behavior as before.

It slowly flew towards its own animal pen, looking as if it was carrying heavy thoughts.

“This is so bloody and violent, I wonder if it will traumatize this underage freēwēbnovel.com

Spirit Beast…”

Lu Xuan mused to himself.

He noticed that the two supposedly instructional videos he had shown the Spirit Beast were far from proper.

Previously, in order to get Zhong Hao’s Scold the Yin Beasts to reproduce, he had shown them the ‘ Ecstasy Heart Sutra’, from beginning to end.

Now, he had shown the Four-winged Thunder Tiger bloody and violent horror films, especially the thrilling and shocking scenes of Cultivators dissecting their own kind. The psychological impact couldn’t be underestimated.

“But as long as it solves the problem, it’s a good video, no matter what the type.

I doubt other types of videos would have been as effective anyway!”

Lu Xuan thought to himself.

The effect was very noticeable after showing the Four-winged Thunder Tiger the two Water Mirror Talismans.

In the following training process, it no longer displayed any violent behavior and completed each task that Lu Xuan assigned in an obedient manner. You could even say its performance was exceptional, potentially making it a contender for top-ranked among the Sky Sword Sect Spirit Beasts.

The adolescent beasts were being trained as a group. Instead of going back to their own homes after each training session, they stayed in the Stone Hall.

The Stone Hall had many animal pens, and the outside was set up with simple Formation Restrictions. Lu Xuan activated these during the nights when the young beasts were resting, so they wouldn’t get out and cause trouble.

Late at night, the Lion Bird Beast stayed in its pen, leaving its eyes open, and its mind worked hard to recall the knowledge that Lu Xuan had taught it during the day.

As it thought, it felt its mind grow hazy and chaotic.


It felt its head growing increasingly heavy and couldn’t help but let out a low growl before charging at the wall.

“Patience is a virtue. There’s no need to be in such a rush.”

Suddenly, a gentle voice reached the Lion Bird Beast’s ears. The voice was imbued with immense power, instantly calming down the beast.

The speaker was Lu Xuan. Seeing that the Lion Bird Beast was increasingly becoming self-deprecating, he decided to enter the animal pen in the middle of the night to help it overcome this problem.

He stepped out from the shadows with a smile on his face, looking at the Lion Bird Beast.

“Throughout the past few days that I’ve been training you, I’ve noticed that you’ve been emotionally burdened and unable to invest yourself fully in the practice. Hence, I’ve decided to come and see if I can help you sort out this problem.”

Lu Xuan said softly, his voice filled with calming energy.

The Lion Bird Beast’s eyes suddenly lit up, and it looked at Lu Xuan with gratitude, nodding heavily in acknowledgment.

“Let me get straight to the point: do you feel inferior because of your mixed heritage and impure bloodline?”

Lu Xuan asked directly, having sensed this from the Lion Bird Beast’s state of mind.

The Lion Bird Beast paused for a moment. Lu Xuan’s words had struck right to the core of its heart, exposing its most raw and vulnerable feelings.

Ever since it was sentient, it noticed the differences between itself and other beasts. Its appearance was strange, its Spiritual Intelligence was noticeably lower compared to the same age Spirit Beasts, and the Sky Sword Sect Cultivators who raised it all referred to it as a hybrid.

These experiences led to an increasing sense of inferiority as it grew up. “Your body carries the blood of two different High-Ranked Magical Beasts.” “Have you ever considered this? While the combination of two bloodlines may seem to result in a hybrid on the surface, it’s a blend of blood in essence.” “The difference between the two is that the former doesn’t reflect any unique traits, whereas the latter brings together the strengths of both.” “So, you can definitely be more confident. After all, you have combined the advantages of two bloodlines, not just their deficiencies.

Lu Xuan paused for a moment before continuing.

“I noticed you may not fully understand the intention behind my words, and your memory and comprehension skills seem to be somewhat lacking in comparison to the other Spirit Beasts.

“But I did notice a great trait about you — you are simple-minded, diligent, and focused.”

Lu Xuan put the Lion Bird Beast’s lower Spiritual Intelligence in a different perspective.

“I observed that among all the juvenile beasts, you are the most hard-working one. Diligence makes up for lack of skill, and the slow bird can be the first to fly. As long as you keep this up, you won’t be worse than any other Spirit Beast.

“And of course, there’s the most important point: your strength should be the strongest among all these Spirit Beasts. You should be more confident.”

“Trust me, you will be the best!”

Lu Xuan gave the Lion Bird Beast a big serving of hearty chicken soup for encouragement.

He focused his attention on the young beast and noticed its mindset change from’I can’t’ to’Can I do it?’

He could not help but smile, feeling as if he had transformed into a caring grandfather taking meticulous care of a protagonist with a rough start. “Alright, let’s reinforce today’s training content. If there’s enough time left, we’ll explore the hidden power in your blood.” The Lion Bird Beast nodded heavily, its eyes filled with determination. And so, every now and then, Lu Xuan would make a night visit to the animal pen to help the Lion Bird Beast catch up. The beast did not disappoint him. Despite its lower spiritual intelligence, it persisted and didn’t fall too far behind the other beasts.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Lu Xuan hovered in the air, scanning over the many Spirit Beasts below. “The results of your training over the past period have been quite impressive. I’m very satisfied.” “Today we’re going to do a small in-class test. It’s primarily divided into two sections: first, we’ll check the level of mastery you have over the previous training content; second, we’ll see how capable you are in actual combat situations.”

Spirit Beasts, whether stationed at the Sect’s vital locations or traveling outside, all needed strong combat power to prevent various unexpected situations.

Considering this, all selected young beasts were of the fourth-grade, equivalent to the Foundation Establishment Mid to Late stage once they grow up.

Lu Xuan divided the young beasts into four groups, first selecting the top eight before deciding the first place.

The Four-winged Thunder Tiger, Lion Bird Beast, and Seven-Colored Pheasant Demon, whom he was particularly interested in, successfully advanced to the top eight.

The Thunder Tiger had an advantage in the sky and excelled in Thunder- Electricity Techniques. Coupled with its unrivaled speed, it quickly advanced past its competitors.

The Lion Bird Beast, on the other hand, relied on its strong flesh body to overcome one opponent after another.

As for the Seven-Colored Pheasant Demon, its Illusion Technique was incredibly powerful. During combat, it hid itself using the technique and drew its opponent into an endless loop of illusions, easily defeating them.

In the semi-finals, the Four-winged Thunder Tiger fought against the Seven- Colored Pheasant Demon.

The Thunder Tiger cub was caught off-guard and got trapped in the illusion, unable to escape.

This triggered its demonic nature. Using its remaining sanity, it summoned ceaseless thunderbolts onto its body, showering in all directions, and directly revealing the hidden Seven-Colored Pheasant Demon.

Following that was Lion Bird Beast versus the Black Horned Spirit Rhinoceros. Both had strong physical bodies, one was an attacker and the other a great defender. It was a battle between spear and shield, but in the end, the Lion Bird Beast won by a slight margin.

The final showdown was between the Four-winged Thunder Tiger and Lion Bird Beast!