I have an Apocalypse City-Chapter 323 - Debts

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Chapter 323 Debts

Translator: 549690339

“Tai Chi Sword Skill? Is it really that amazing? It’s actually Tai Chi Sword Skill?” Song Jian looked at the skill scroll in his hand with a surprised expression on his face.

Without hesitation, he unfolded the skill scroll and started learning it. Soon, Song Jian received a system prompt informing him that his main quest was ’ completed, and he could exit the game or continue playing without any time restraints.

Now, the game’s time had changed compared to the real world. One month in the game was equivalent to eight hours in the real world, or one night.

If Song Jian exited the game now, it would be around 5 or 6 a.m. in the real world.

After some hesitation, Song Jian decided to stay in the game, at least until he completed the Silver Moon Trading Company’s task.

As he looked at the description of the Tai Chi Sword Skill in his skill bar, Song Jian felt a slight movement in his heart.

“Tai Chi Sword Skill (Active), Level 1, Skill Effect: After casting, it can block 90% of damage, immune to all negative effects, and has a certain chance to reflect the enemy’s attack back, lasting for 5 seconds; Skill cooldown: 5 minutes; Skill consumption: 10 Spirit Points; Equipment requirement: One-handed Sword;”

“This sword skill seems to be a combination of the talent ‘Thick-Faced’ and Sacred Parry, but the duration is a bit short. I wonder if it will change as the level increases,” Song Jian thought to himself.

During the battle with the Imperial Dragon Demon Lord, Song Jian had used the Sacred Parry skill to block several high-damage attacks. However, the skill only gained proficiency when successfully parrying, so he couldn’t practice it like other skills during normal times. So far, he had only increased his proficiency by five or six points, making leveling up quite slow.

‘By the way, Miss Annie, do you know if your trading company has these materials?” Song Jian suddenly had an idea and sent Annie the material list for making the T-X high-explosive hand grenade, the Transmission Array, as well as the rubies and Dragon Bloodstones.

“These materials you’re asking for are quite high-level. Let me see…” Annie laughed lightly. After Song Jian had mailed her the two silver-quality items, the two had established an initial trust, and their conversation became a bit more relaxed.

“Huh, why are there materials for building a Transmission Array here?” Annie furrowed her brow slightly, thinking to herself, “Could it be that he’s already preparing to build a city-level Transmission Array? How is that possible?” Transmission Arrays were strategic structures, and not just the materials but even the blueprints for constructing them were top-secret. Although the Silver Moon Trading Company also had materials for building Transmission Arrays, every piece was registered and prohibited from trade.

“Sorry, most of the materials are available at our company, but these few are prohibited items for constructing Transmission Arrays and cannot be traded. I apologize!” After some hesitation, Annie spoke honestly to Song Jian, also subtly indicating the importance of the Transmission Array, hoping the favored one would understand her meaning.

After hearing Annie’s words, Song Jian was taken aback. He had been a bit reckless, revealing important information about his ability to construct a Transmission Array through these materials. It seemed that he would have to collect the materials for building the Transmission Array himself, or else he risked exposing himself to potential danger if others found out.

Song Jian didn’t expect the Transmission Array to be so crucial, otherwise, he would never have casually shared the material list with Annie.

“Ah, I just wanted to hoard some materials to resell them later, but I didn’t realize they were prohibited. Oh well, as for the rest of the materials…” Song Jian hurriedly laughed.

Annie also smiled slightly, not minding Song Jian’s clumsy excuse, and continued, “Sure, our trading company has the rest of the materials you require. However, the prices aren’t cheap. I’ll send you a quote.”

Soon, a quotation was sent to Song Jian. Upon glancing at it, he couldn’t help but gasp at the high prices.

Each ruby cost 150 Doomsday Coins, and Dragon Bloodstone was even more expensive at 200 Doomsday Coins each. Just gathering these two items would cost almost 30,000 Doomsday Coins. Although the remaining materials were only several tens of Doomsday Coins each, Song Jian needed a large quantity of them. After roughly calculating, the manufacturing cost of a single T-X high-explosive hand grenade, excluding labor costs, would amount to 1,500 Doomsday Coins.

He had initially planned to use them to upgrade, but it seemed like a costly endeavor now!

“Uh, can I get a discount?” Song Jian asked somewhat sheepishly.

“Sorry, you’re not a member of our trading company yet. You need to spend 100,000 Doomsday Coins in our company to become a first-level member and enjoy a 5% discount,” Annie replied apologetically.

“Alright then. Please prepare 35 rubies, 100 Dragon Bloodstones, and as for the remaining materials, please prepare them according to the quantities listed!” Song Jian scratched his head, finally deciding to make the purchase.

However, he only bought enough materials to make ten T-X high-explosive hand grenades, as purchasing more would be too burdensome for him.

After concluding the business, Song Jian found himself nearly 40,000 Doomsday Coins in debt. However, as long as he could complete the task assigned by Annie, the loot dropped from the Zombie Demon Boss alone would likely pay off more than half of the debt.

The materials were quickly mailed to Song Jian, who immediately upgraded the Blood Pool. After consuming all of the Dragon Bloodstones and rubies, the water level in the Blood Pool began to drop slowly until only a thin layer remained at the bottom.

Upgrading the Blood Pool would take twelve hours. Glancing at it, Song Jian proceeded towards Dr. Ebsiting’s room.

Giving all of the T-X high-explosive hand grenade materials to Dr. Ebsiting, Song Jian returned to his room three hours later, holding eight T-X high-explosive hand grenades.

The T-X high-explosive hand grenade had enormous power, capable of instantly killing a Level 10 player with a single grenade. It also had area-of-effect damage, making it a game-changer at this stage of the game.

However, for these materials, Song Jian had incurred a debt of more than 30,000 Doomsday Coins, nearly reaching 40,000. If he couldn’t pay it off within three days, his relationship with the Silver Moon Trading Company would become hostile, and he would be hunted down mercilessly.

It was clear to see that the Silver Moon Trading Company had a vast influence. Song Jian didn’t plan to oppose them over a mere tens of thousands of Doomsday Coins. The debt had to be repaid as soon as possible.

With this in mind, Song Jian immediately set off, leaving his Manor Castle and heading north.

He would first complete the task Annie had assigned him. Killing a boss that treated Level 20 monsters as food would definitely yield plenty of valuable loot He could then sell it to the Silver Moon Trading Company. This way of leveraging resources was something Song Jian wouldn’t have dared to think about before, but now, he was playing the game skillfully.