I have an Apocalypse City-Chapter 20 - Surgical Treatment

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Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Surgical Treatment

Translator: 549690339

Seeing Wang Qi’s eager appearance, Song Jian gave a small smile, nodding and saying, “Indeed, we fought monsters all day and only got this piece of equipment. It wasn’t easy.”

“Oh, 1 wish I could go out and fight monsters like you, Jian!” Wang Qi looked a bit desolate as he glanced at his own legs.

After Wang Qi’s departure from the fight, his vitality slowly recovered, but his fractured condition couldn’t be quickly removed without some form of treatment or a potion to cure the fracture;

“How about 1 try to splint it for you?” Song Jian looked at Wang Qi’s legs and suddenly suggested.

This idea came to him while cooking. Generally, these simple skills, he could pick up as long as he performed them completely once.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he truly didn’t understand sewing or

potion-making skills, Song Jian would want to give all of these types of skills a try as well.

Concerning helping Wang Qi splint his legs, it should be quite a simple matter. All he needed to do was locate the place where the bones had fractured and then use a wooden board and some rope to secure it; freewe bnovel .com

“Really? Can it work?” Wang Qi seemed hesitant.

“Let’s just give it a try. If a broken bone isn’t stabilized, it can easily become displaced and get damaged further.” Song Jian rose to his feet and started to rummage through the villa for some suitable wooden boards.

After dismantling a wooden table and using his Tiger Fang Dagger to whittle out four suitable wooden pieces, he tore off some cloth strips to act as binding ropes. Song Jian came back beside Wang Qi’s legs and, while crouching, carefully felt where the fracture was;

One of the greatest challenges in treating a fracture is realigning the broken bones. If not properly aligned, no matter how good the splint is, the victim will still be crippled;

As Song Jian carefully felt the injured area, Wang Qi grit his teeth, gasping with pain;

“Alright, it should be here.” Feeling that he had put the broken bones back together, Song Jian immediately secured the wood pieces on both sides of the leg using cloths;

Song Jian felt a slight pang of disappointment when no system prompt sounded in his ears after a moment.

“How do you feel?” Song Jian asked.

“It hurts a little, and it’s kind of sore and swollen. And I can’t move my leg, it’s just weird.” Wang Qi looked rather odd;

“Alright, next one. Try moving your body up a bit.” Song Jian glanced at the other leg and instructed.

“Jian, let’s just forget it. In a few more hours, I’ll be able to exit the game. Maybe by then these injuries will be fully healed…” Wang Qi hesitated, the pain he experienced when Song Jian was fussing around with his leg was just too much. He had already broken out in a cold sweat.

“Let’s give it another go. I’ve some experience now, so it will be quicker.” Without saying a word, Song Jian gently lifted Wang Qi’s body and placed his hands on the latter’s other leg.

“All, Jian, Jian, be gentle, be gentle-” Wang Qi gritted his teeth, sweat seeping out from his forehead, his facial muscles contorting in pain.

“Heh, there we go. So, what do you think of my handiwork, huh? That butterfly knot looks pretty artistic, doesn’t it?” Song Jian dusted off his hands, rising to his feet.

System: You have successfully bandaged a wound and acquired the skill: Surgical Treatment (Active). Skill Description: This skill restores 1% of the target’s vitality points upon activation, and also has the chance to remove status ailments like bleeding, fractures, etc. Skill costs 3 vitality points;

“Heh, it worked!” Song Jian’s face lit up with joy.

This skill could only restore 1% vitality points, but the most practical effect of this skill was its ability to remove status ailments, which was extremely important. Moreover, Song Jian believed that as this skill levelled up, the vitality points it would recover would increase;

“It restores vitality points according to the percentage, after reaching high levels, this will undoubtedly be more potent than those recovery potions.” Song Jian thought to himself.

“Wow, Little Jian, you really are incredible.” Wang Qi suddenly looked surprised, then said, “The system message said that my legs have been treated. After resting for three hours, they will be fully healed.”

“Ha ha, do you think I’d trick you? So, do you trust me now?” Song Jian laughed heartily;

“I trust you, I trust you, Little Jian, can you treat this area too?” Wang Qi hurriedly shifted his body, lifting his shirt to reveal his ribs.

There was a large depression on the side of his ribcage, at least three ribs seemed to be broken.

“Come on, let’s give it another try.”

Now was the time to improve his skill proficiency, why shouldn’t he try? After all, he wasn’t the one in pain;

Song Jian’s hands pressed on the wounded area of Wang Qi’s ribs and he silently invoked Surgical Treatment. A milky-white glow emerged from his hands and entered Wang Qi’s ribs. This time, he didn’t even need to use a wooden board or cloth strip, he directly healed the broken ribs of Wang Qi.

However, this kind of healing only looked fine on the surface, Wang Qi still needed to rest for three hours for a complete recovery.

“Amazing, amazing, Little Jian, it didn’t hurt at all this time. And there’s a cool feeling, wow, this is incredible!” Wang Qi exclaimed in surprise.

“It’s alright.” Song Jian looked at his own vitality points and felt a bit of a headache.

“Why do these active skills have to consume vitality points? What’s the use of my spirit points, the blue energy bar? Is it just for show? Is there some kind of bug? Maybe I should report it.”

After treating Wang Qi, not long passed before his game time was up;

“Little Jian, my twelve-hour period is almost up. I really have to thank you this time. If it wasn’t for you, I might have died already.” Wang Qi gratefully said to Song Jian.

“That’s alright. This game is quite peculiar, you should avoid entering it if you can.” Song Jian shaking his head and replied.

“Actually, I think this game is quite interesting…” Wang Qi looked hesitant.

Song Jian gave Wang Qi a glance and smiled lightly, “It’s up to you. But if you really decide to play this game, you have to be careful. Remember, you only have one life in this game. If you die in the game, you die in the real world.”

“Right, Little Jian, you should also be careful. Safety first.” Wang Qi responded.

Song Jian nodded, watching as Wang Qi’s figure slowly faded until it vanished completely.

He glanced at his own interface. With less than an hour left, he would be able to exit the game. Song Jian took a deep breath and looked through the skylight;

By this time, it had grown dim outside, with only a small bit of the sun’s radiance remaining. In less than ten minutes, it would sink completely below the horizon.

Song Jian took a deep breath, patiently waiting. The Apocalyptic Supermarket disappeared at the moment the sun rises, he was curious to see if it would appear at the moment the sun sets.

Ten zombie cores were resting quietly in his bag: mission items without any properties. Aside from completing the task of obtaining a supermarket membership card, there were no other uses for them.

Song Jian climbed up to the rooftop of the villa on the lower floor and sat there, looking towards Camel Square.

In the instant that the last of the twilight disappeared, a multicolored light slowly blossomed in the middle of the Camel Square. Song Jian’s eyes shone with excitement, and he couldn’t help but stand up.

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