I Fabricated the Techniques, but my disciple really mastered them?-Chapter 6 - : Spurious Fabrication of Bone-refinement Ranks_1

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6 Chapter 6: Spurious Fabrication of Bone-refinement Ranks_1

Translator: 549690339

ā€œThe method of bone refinement has its particulars, it varies in stagesā€¦ā€

Even though Xu Yanā€™s question about bone refinement was unexpected, Li Xuan remained composed.

Having been an online novelist in his past life, he was good at making up stories. These days, consuming chicken soup stewed with Nine Leaves Yuan Mushroom had enhanced his memory and sharpened his mind, so he quickly figured out how to fabricate an explanation.

ā€œToday, your master will explain in detail the knowledge about bone refinement.ā€

ā€œBone refinement is an extremely important foundation, it cannot be treated lightly. It determines the strength of your martial arts. If the bone isnā€™t strong, the body canā€™t be strongā€¦ā€

Li Xuanā€™s mind spun rapidly as he began weaving tales in an orderly manner.

His theories fascinated Xu Yan who was nodding frequently, sometimes appearing as though heā€™s having sudden realizations.

ā€œSo bone refinement has so many considerations. Luckily, my master often instructs me to be calm and patient, otherwise I would rush to refine my bones without understanding its principles. Wouldnā€™t that ruin my martial arts future?ā€

Xu Yan sighed inwardly.

ā€œIndeed, I must heed my Masterā€™s teachings. I must not be impatient, but calm and insightful!ā€

The more he listened, the more he realized the depth of the bone refining stage, and once the bone refinement was complete, his strength would surely increase several times over.

ā€œIā€™m close to mastering skin refinement. After completing it, I must calm down and carefully contemplate the path of bone refinement before I start. I mustnā€™t rush!ā€

Xu Yan made up his mind.

Li Xuan concocted a story while watching Xu Yanā€™s expressions. Seeing his disciple attentive and serious, he nodded with satisfaction and said, ā€œMy child, remember, just because you start training slowly doesnā€™t mean your training will always be slow.ā€

ā€œJust like building a tower, the foundation is extremely important. If the foundation isnā€™t solid, it isnā€™t steady, it canā€™t withstand wind and rain, and itā€™s easy for it to collapse. Itā€™s the same with cultivation. Pursuing speed in the early stages might limit your potential and hinder your martial arts progress.ā€

ā€œMany in the past have rushed their initial training, appearing gifted, but later on, with weak foundations, they progress slowly, sometimes even reaching their limits, unable to advance further.ā€

Li Xuan shared these words to comfort Xu Yan, even though he hadnā€™t sensed qi and blood yet, he neednā€™t pursue speed in the foundational stage, ensuring a solid foundation was the key.

However, when Xu Yan heard this, it invigorated him. He thought to himself, ā€œMaster is warning me. Although my training speed doesnā€™t compare to the gifted individuals of the past, as long as I have a solid foundation, I will surely surpass them in the end!ā€ freewebnov el.com

ā€œMy Master has high hopes for me, I canā€™t let him down!ā€

ā€œI must lay a solid foundation and surpass those legendary individuals!ā€

Xu Yan felt an overwhelming wave of gratitude and said respectfully, ā€œMaster, donā€™t worry. I will remember your teachings, be patient, lay a firm foundation, and will not let you down!ā€

Li Xuan nodded with satisfaction, saying, ā€œIā€™m relieved to know that you understand my intentions.ā€

He sighed inwardly: ā€œFinally, Iā€™ve managed to fool him again. Even if it takes him a month, or two months to feel the qi and blood, he should be able to stay calm right? Besides, having consumed the chicken soup stewed with Nine Leaves Yuan Mushroom, Iā€™ve grown stronger and his body should be getting stronger as well. He must think that itā€™s due to his training.ā€

ā€œHowever, deceiving someone can only last for so long, especially when it comes to cultivation. Xu Yan may be a bit slow to the uptake, so I should come up with an exit strategy. This guy has a powerful background.ā€

Having steadied Xu Yanā€™s mentality, the rest is easy. He just needs to let him continue his training.

Thereā€™s still plenty of time for that one-year deadline.

ā€œMaster, you mentioned bone refinement has stages, could you explain this?ā€

Xu Yan asked respectfully.

ā€œYes, indeed, bone refinement has different stages.ā€

Li Xuan paused, nearly forgetting that he had to construct the stages of bone refinement.

ā€œIf I make the difficulty for refining bone high, Xu Yan hasnā€™t even sensed his qi and blood and couldnā€™t even do skin refinement, the more difficult bone refinement would be even more of a stretch.

ā€œOnce he canā€™t cultivate successfully for a long time, he will acknowledge the difficulties and think his talent isnā€™t enough, he would then suggest leaving and feels guilty for the masterā€™s wasted efforts in training himā€¦

ā€œIf I give him another chance, like allowing his children to enter, and let him see a glimmer of hope, even if he canā€™t cultivate himself, let his children cultivate insteadā€¦ š™›š’“š“®š“®š’˜š“®š™—š’š“øš“暝“®š’.š“¬š™¤š™¢

ā€œThis way, the chances of being exposed become even smaller, I can also earn a bonus from his future childrenā€™s initiation ceremoniesā€¦ā€

He had already deceived him once, so he doesnā€™t mind doing it a second time.

Li Xuan decided that once everything was over, he would escape this small mountain village and hide in Wu Country. This way, the chances of running into Xu Yan again would be minuscule.

With Xu Yanā€™s initiation ceremony gift, he could live a better life in Wu Country.

He composed himself, putting on a serious expression and said, ā€œThe path of Bone refinement comprises four stages: refining the bone to Iron, refining the bone to Bronze, refining the bone to Gold, and refining the bone to Jadeā€¦ā€

Xu Yan, looking excited, asked, ā€œIron Bone, Bronze Bone, Gold Bone, Jade Bone, are these the four stages of bone refinement?ā€

Li Xuan shook his head and answered, ā€œNo! These are the four bone refinement stages that represent the potential limits of martial arts and the individualā€™s strength.ā€

ā€œIron Bone is the most common stage of bone refinement for martial artists. Qi and blood temper the bones to be hard as iron, resistant to ordinary sword strikes. Of course, Iron Bone is just ordinary, the potential for martial arts isnā€™t high.ā€

ā€œBronze Bone is stronger than Iron Bone, and its bones are like bronze. Even after death, it wonā€™t decay for a thousand years. Once Bronze Bone is cultivated, the foundation is deep, and martial arts potential is higher, it is considered above average.ā€

ā€œOnly upon reaching the Gold Bone stage, are you considered truly outstanding!ā€

Li Xuan became solemn, ā€œAll the legendaries of the past, without exception, have reached the Gold Bone stage!ā€

Xu Yanā€™s excitement reached a peak, his eyes gleaming as he asked, ā€œMaster, how can one cultivate to the Gold Bone stage?ā€

Seeing Xu Yanā€™s enthusiastic expression, Li Xuan was a bit speechless. This fool, did he really think he could cultivate to the Gold Bone stage?

This is just something I made up!

So, he said seriously, ā€œBe patient, donā€™t rush!ā€

ā€œYes, Master!ā€

Xu Yan quickly reined in his enthusiasm and sat up straight.

ā€œOnce Gold Bone is achieved, even after death and burial for ten thousand years, it remains golden with hardness surpassing steel. But among the prodigies, only one in ten thousand can achieve Gold Bone.ā€

Li Xuan spoke with a heavy tone, ā€œWhen I said one in ten thousand, I was referring to one among many prodigies.ā€

ā€œMaster, are there also different ranks among prodigies?ā€

Xu Yan asked curiously.

ā€œOf course!ā€

Li Xuan nodded, ā€œItā€™s the same as with beautiful women. Even if theyā€™re considered beautiful, thereā€™s still a difference in levels. Itā€™s the same with prodigies!ā€

Xu Yan comprehended, ā€œI see, just like the top showgirls in Chunxiang Building in the Eastern River County, while they are all considered beautiful, the Oiran is even more beautiful!ā€

Li Xuan gave him a strange look, inwardly cursing him, as expected of a rich young man, heā€™s been to a few shady places! I want to go too!

ā€œMaster, as your disciple, I was just making a comparison, I havenā€™t been there!ā€

Upon noticing Li Xuanā€™s strange look, Xu Yan immediately explained embarrassedly.

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