I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything-Chapter 48

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48 The Forest of Death

These past few days are really a surprise to Albert. He didn’t expect to meet a talented young man and a high-ranking beast. Which was also the Legendary Wind Bear that the degu society knew for its unparalleled domain that could affect nature.

There are only a few records of Wind Bears in the book. Specifically, there are only five since the appearance of Degu energy. The first one is the Legendary Flame Emperor Bear. The book mentioned that it takes five S-Rank Peak Degu users that are equipped with high-ranked equipment before they manage to defeat it. And all of them were severely injured.

The second one is a legendary bear that could manipulate wind. All of them only had a single element. This is the first time of their kind to manipulate two elements. Although other Mythical Species could manipulate three. Being able to manipulate two or more elements gave them the advantage of having high resistance to their elements or even immunity. People or monsters that could control two elements are called mutants. Thinking of a horrible four elemental S rankers that were guarding the King of Felmundia, Albert couldn’t help but shudder when he thought of this.

Comparing Voli to that monster is like comparing between a high school student to a college student.

Thinking of this... He wonders how strong Fein is. Being able to subdue a Legendary Beast that has two elemental domains. free𝚠𝚎𝚋𝒏𝚘ѵ𝐞l.𝑐om

He only knew that Fein was an A-Rank based on the aura he released earlier when they were facing the bandits. Albert could also deduce that his body is at least A rank because during the battle, He could sense that Fein can see him move even after using his Ghost-Move. Fein’s domineering aura even manages to put pressure on him. ‘His potential is limitless. I’m sure that it was only a matter of time before this continent would welcome another S rank.’

An image of an S rank warrior with an S rank legendary beast fighting side by side came to his mind. He’s really looking forward to their future feats.

Albert plans to impart his knowledge and experience to Fein. Fein already told him that he would go to the Monster World. Fein reminds him of himself when he was young. Confident and vigorous.

After spending a short time with Fein, with his years of experience in dealing with people.


Albert must say that Fein has a stable personality that he can only see in middle-aged people. But Albert knew at least that Fein was a kind person. He wonders what kind of experience that would be enough to make a young person like Fein to behave maturely. Being able to get a ticket. There should be an influential figure backing him. Thinking of the brat in their kingdom that would also go there. Albert chuckled slightly.

‘Their meeting would be pretty interesting. They had the same personality and ideals.’ This thought went through his mind.

“I’m back!” Fein was walking toward him with a happy smile fixed on his face.

Albert pointed his finger in the direction of Voli, who was lazily yawning due to fullness. “He’s also finished eating. You look happy. It seems you manage to fulfill your goal here?” Albert asked.

He’s happy that Fein finally found something that would be useful to him. Fein smirked after hearing Albert’s question. “I manage to get my hands on a treasure. I would show it to you in the forest later.”

Yeah, they will go to the famous “Death Forest” later. Because Albert would demonstrate some useful tips and knowledge to Fein using practical situations.

Two days later, Fein would already depart. Albert still wants to spend time with him and teach him a lot of things. But such a short time won’t allow it...


San Luebisto Kingdom


Death Forest

People know the Forest of Death as one of the most dangerous areas in the kingdom. Wild beasts run rampant here. A veteran warrior that has B-Rank strength would die here if not careful. Even within the circle of wild beasts. Hierarchy is strictly applied. Because, in nature, beasts are very territorial. Not to mention those stronger ones. In the outer area of this forest. F-D ranked beasts are abundant. In the middle area, C Ranked are as common as grass. While in the central area, B-A ranks can be found. Of course, like every other place. There would be always a fight for domination. A king title would be those monsters that reach the realm of S rank. Fortunately, there’s no S rank in the Death Forest. A-Rank Peak is the limit. ƒ𝘳𝗲𝑒𝒘𝐞𝚋𝚗𝐨v𝘦l.𝒄o𝐦

That’s why the San Luebisto Kingdom would send a party of A-Rank mercenaries here to reduce their population. If not, it would become an immense problem.

Three shadows can be seen walking in the outer area of the forest.

“So this forest is that famous!?” a young man with a red tie on his suit exclaimed while looking at the old man with a shocked expression. “So, that’s the reason why someone is guarding on the entrance??”

Albert looked contented, seeing the reaction of the always calm young man in front of him. He pointed at the trees that has a black leaves in the surroundings. “You always had to pay attention to the tree. When the leaves are messy, it means that it was being frequently visited by flying beasts.”

“You had to inspect the fruits. Don’t just eat anything you see, because some are poisonous.”

“Always be vigilant when you are near the bushes. Because some beast likes to hide on Bush and sneak attack on their prey.”

While they were walking, Albert would explain some practical tips to Fein. Sometimes he would demonstrate it. He also explains some strange facts that would surprise Fein from time to time.

Even though the outer areas of the forest are abundant with Wild Beast, no one dares to approach them because of Voli. Their instincts were picking up a dangerous signal. After all, Voli, as a legendary beast, that is standing at the top of the food chain. Just Voli standing near them would intimidate any monster that wants approach them. Albert and Fein were also deliberately releasing a bit of their aura to prevent being disturbed.

The goal they had was to teach Fein how to survive in the middle area and fight against high-ranking beasts.

Albert would list numerous weaknesses of every monster he knew from time to time.