I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything-Chapter 44

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44 Rely on Oneself

As they were roaming around, the passerby couldn’t help but glance at the center of the village. The people had all sorts of reactions when glancing at them from time to time. Some looked with awe, some looked scared, some were filled with curiosity, while the majority were keeping their distance from them.

Because right there, there is a trio that had a weird combination. One was an old man who would look at the bear with scorching eyes now and then, one was a handsome young man with an elegant demeanor, and lastly, a big fucking bear that would roar at people every time an opportunity presents itself scaring them witless.

“Voli, you should stop playing around or the guards might kick us out.” Fein looked at his first beast companion helplessly.

Voli snorted, ignoring his master. After all, it was enjoying taunting the humans who would look at him with weird gazes. Voli hates it, that’s why it felt a kind of satisfaction. At the very least, it can vent the accumulated frustration inside him.

Albert stopped suddenly.

Fein and Voli followed, looking at Albert with an inquiry on both of their faces.

Albert, who was being stared at, pointed at the establishment that was now in front of them.

“This is the best inn available in this kingdom.”

Fein looked at the luxurious establishment in front of them. It had huge calligraphy on top of it. It has a fiery Rose Inn written on it, looking exquisite and noble. He estimates that this inn had at least eight floors.


Fein nodded with satisfaction. He had no issue with spending money if it would provide them with some convenience. After all, although money is important. What is more important is its purpose to improve the quality of life.

Fein jumped off from the back of Voli to the ground smoothly and says. “Let’s go, Voli, wait for us here, okay?”

Voli this time is surprisingly obedient. It only nodded and quietly made its way by the side, looking harmless to both animals and humans. Those who would see him would even want to pet him because of its cuteness. The picture of Voli that can put a deep hole in a mountain was nowhere to be seen.


“Boss, the targets had already entered the Inn.” A man with brown hair said excitedly.

He has piercings in his nose and ear and there is almost no available space.

The one who he called boss stood on his side while listening intently.

He has a bandana on top of his head and his left eye was covered with a black eye patch. He also has short brown hair. His face was full of indifference, but he gave people who looked at him a fierce vibe, as if he would stab anyone who gave him the slightest bit of provocation.

He licked his lips and looked at his subordinate straightly. “Describe the situation.” His voice was deep as an abyss.

The man looked nervous being stared at... But he decided to control himself or else it would be his last day and he still wants to see the beautiful sun tomorrow.

He started to describe their targets. “There is a man that looks the same age as me wearing all black. He looks pretty weak. There’s also a perverted old man on his side with muscles. I think he was already going senile. Finally, it seems that the target is a beast tamer because he has a bear at his side. But it doesn’t look fierce.”

Hearing his henchmen’s description, greed quickly replaced the eyes of the boss that were previously indifferent.

He looked at his subordinate for a minute...

Sweat drenched the back of the one being looked at because of the fear that his boss gave him. His feet were shivering. He tried to stop quickly but...

“Well, you did a good job.” The boss praised with a smile. 𝘧r𝑒𝘦𝒘𝘦𝙗novel.𝐜o𝒎

The man heard his boss finally sigh with relief. He feels happy because he managed to escape from the tense situation and he also successfully gave a good impression to his boss.


Then suddenly an arm flew up and blood splattered like tomato ketchup being squeezed with excessive force.

The man, who was just about to be happy, was now crumpled on the ground due to the immense pain he was currently experiencing. He immediately stops the bleeding on his now missing arm. His face was pale and his lips were dry.

The boss nonchalantly looked at the gruesome scene like nothing just happened.

“I don’t want any weaklings in my subordinates.”

After leaving this cold sentence, he walks out and gathered his goons to rob the targets.

Thinking about the benefits he would gain, his eye flashed a glint of coldness. Greediness was hiding within them, waiting to be unleashed.


Fiery Rose Inn

Room 136

Voli was lying on the ground, which was covered by a red carpet. This carpet’s quality was worth more than the yearly salary of an average family in the town. After all, they made it using the fur of an epic feline. This only shows how wealthy the owner of the Inn is.

In front of Voli was a king-sized bed where a teenage boy wearing a black suit was sleeping peacefully. His eyelids would tremble now and then.

Our protagonist was still quietly sleeping, unaware that they were being targeted and were being underestimated, just like that.

Even if Fein knows, he would just chuckle. Things like that don’t bother him anymore. Because his confidence stems from his strength. He was not being complacent.

But he knows that he can solve most problems with strength. If he can’t solve it, then he was just not strong enough. As long as one has strength... Power, Wealth, and Beauty can be reached just by lifting one’s hand. That’s why no matter what place. Relying upon oneself and being competent is the way that one can truly live in the world as a winner. Relying on others isn’t entirely bad. But unfortunately, it can subtly weaken a person’s will because only by taking responsibility can you grow and become someone who can confidently face the future without fear. Becoming strong is not only reflected by how much weight you can carry or how big your muscles are.

Character is also a big part of it. A weak-willed person with powerful strength was just like a child wielding a sword. But a strong-willed person, even with weak strength, can face difficulties and grow in the process.