I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witch-Chapter 63Vol 3 : The conspicuous effort of little healer

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The wheat in their bloom was like shining gold spread all over the surface of the grain-producing region where the dungeon had appeared.

A red-black mass of boulders could be seen in the dead center of such a soothing scene, which has mowed all the wheat in its surroundings.

Adventurers were guarding the dungeon to prevent monsters from coming out and a temporary healing camp-like facility had also been established near the entrance to cater to the adventurers injured in the dungeon.

Adventurers, seeing us coming down from the Magic Carpet at such a time, immediately put themselves on guard.

"We're B-rank Adventurers. We came here at the request of another adventurer’s guild to clear out the dungeon!"

I conveyed to them in a voice slightly blended with my mana and while they continued with their skeptical expression, they still checked the cards and recommendation letter we had taken out to show them.

"Let's head to the sub-branch of the adventure guild. You can confirm the whole situation there."


I walked with Teto and Selene in tow and when we arrived at the branch. An adventurer, apparently the guild master, had been assuming the leadership role but一一

"Haa? Hey, why are ya bringing the brats her一一!"

"Who the hell are you calling a brat?! Clarify the situation first before opening your damned mouth!"

I immediately sealed off the mouth of that person who judged me based on my outward appearance by releasing my mana and intimidating him.

It's annoying to deal with the customary ‘judging by looks’ one by one.

"We came here after receiving the request from the frontier town Yir's adventure’s guild. Look carefully at our guild card."

"Yes, look at them seriously-nanodesu!"

"O, Oh...... I'm sorr一 wait, 23!?"

I stopped aging from the age of 12 so the other party was gobsmacked seeing that my official age is 23.

"Besides, I didn't want to come here leaving my daughter all alone. That's why I brought her with me. And here's the recommendation letter for Selene from the guild."

"Huh? A parent with a child? Rather, I don't think this a place to bring chil....... What......?"

In the recommendation letter was written what Selene can do and her abilities etc.

It mostly states that she might be a 10-year-old but her proficiency in healing magic was quite high since she was taught by me, a B-rank adventurer. She also had the achievement of successfully healing the victims of a fire incident of their burn marks under her belt and while she's working as the guild's apprentice staff, it's not much different from the guild's exclusive healer.

The guild master alternatively looked at the letter and Selene who had a tense expression.

"I wish you could stop intensely staring at my daughter and not scare her."

"Well...... I showed ya lot of my embarrassing side but… fer real?"

"There should have been an injured person, right? You can judge her ability when Selene heals them. Selene."

"I am fine! I can do it!"

I had made Selene read the books about human anatomy, brought the corpses of humanoid shape monsters I had defeated, and showed her their internal organs when I taught Selene about magic.

Of course, I feel like I may have made her go through a bit too much spartan training but she has become used to the blood and entrails that she can now even help in dismantling the small monsters alone in the guild.

"It's fine if you give her the treatment as a trainee but aside from that, I expect you to arrange a safe inn for her and a same-gender adventurer as her escort. My word, if even a hair on her head is harmed一一"

I threatened the guild master again, releasing my mana and he nodded continuously like a broken doll.

After that, I took Selene to stop by the temporary treatment camp and immediately found the injured.

"Selene, do it as I have taught you."

"Yes, Okaa-san."

Selene headed for the most severely wounded person as I had told her.

The aforementioned adventurer had almost half of their body scalded, their leather armor had melted and was sticking to their skin.

Their breathing was rough, maybe because their lungs has become bleary from the burn, their hairs were all burned away and even their nose was charred and coming off.

Several Adventurers, apparently already giving up on any hope of the adventurer being saved, were sobbing nearby.

"一一«Search» «High Heal»!"

Selene held her hands in front of her chest and recited the church's sacred magic.

She looked up the main injuries of the adventurer with the no-attribute spell that searched for injured body parts and chanted the recovery magic.

A new layer of skin was born, replacing the burnt skin with the recovery magic, and the nose that was coming off of the bald head was once again restored.

"Amazing...... We thought that that adventurer was already a goner...... "

As the guild master muttered, it seemed like the burnt, bleary lungs had also been healed as the adventurer's breathing had stabilized.

"U, u, hn...... I am......"

「「「一一Big Sis!?」」」

It seemed that the severely wounded person was a female adventurer.

The leather armor that had been sticking to her skin came off alongside the old skin and sebum when she got up, exposing her beautiful chest.

"Y, your, Sis, your chest!"

"Huh, wha, what's going on?"

"Calm down, It's not good for young girls to show their skin in public."

I approached that female Adventurer, took out a big mantle from the magic bag, and quietly put it on her from her back.

"Selene, how's your mana?"

"Hmm. It took around 10% of my mana."

"Then don't force yourself too much. If you feel your mana running out, just drink a mana potion."

"Yes, I know. I am carrying them with me properly."

"Also, you're a child, so you mustn't overwork yourself. Have your dinner and sleep at the right time."

"You worry too much, Okaa-san."

"And, 一一 (Besides giving preference to those who are in mortal danger, leave the rest who can still move fine for the next day) 一一 you did well."

I ignored the surrounding crowd who were looking at the situation in dumbfoundedness and spoke to Selene.

"It's about time, so Teto and I will be heading for the dungeon. Do your best in the meantime."

"I will, and Okaa-san and Teto onee-chan too, good luck!"

Fufu, I guess I have no choice but to give it my all as a parent when I'm being cheered on by my child.

"Well, guild master, I'm leaving my daughter in your care. I hope you will only let her work at a reasonable limit."

"I will take care of her."

After asking the guild master to properly look after Selene, Teto and I moved to the entrance of the Dungeon.

SIDE: Selene

"Geez, Okaa-san is such a worrywart."

As I sighed saying that, the uncle Okaa-san addressed as gil-mas came to me.

"Good grief, just who in the world are you guys?"

"Okaa-san is an amazing witch! And I'm the girl who's aiming to become as amazing a witch as Okaa-san!"

"Witch...... Hmm, you're talking about a female who can use magic. Isn't calling her Magician just fine?"

The gil-mas’ face was completely that of someone who didn't understand anything at all, but as Okaa-san had always addressed herself as a witch, I also call myself such to become like her someday.

Ah, Okaa-san does say witch but it doesn't have any special meaning though.

The witches who appeared in all of the picture books brought by the Okaa-san were magic users dressed in the same outfit as Okaa-san, so I knew that should be the formal dress of a witch.

"Anyway, Gil-mas uncle. Who will be my escort that Okaa-san has asked you."

"Ah, right. Hey, you guys!"

The one Gil-mas uncle raised his voice after listening to me was the woman I saved earlier and her fellow adventurers.

"I'm leaving you guys to be the escort of this little healer benefactor of yours! Of course, take care of her properly!"

"You sure are okay leaving the escort to us when all of our equipment had been burnt away?"

It seems the adventurer I had saved was from the female Adventurer party that called themselves «Mountain Leopardess».

"Equipment will be loaned from the guild's side. Not only is she an excellent healer, but she's also the kid of a high-ranking adventurer from another region. There's also a recommendation letter. So please take care of her."

"I understand. Seeing such a little healer, I am sure there will be some malicious fellows aiming at her but don't worry, we will protect her with all our might!"

The chance of an adventurer suffering from concussion attacking the healer during the healing process was quite high so it's a lifesaver that someone would be there to hold them down.

Also, I can't use healing magic properly unless the target is made to sleep through magic or physical means.

Thus, I started focusing on healing the adventurers brought in under the escort of the Mountain Leopardess group. I mainly targeted the severely wounded among the adventurers leaving the rest to be treated by the other healers.

Among the fatally wounded ones, there was a group crowding around an injured person just like the time of Mountain Leopardess's Leader-san.

The injured beastkin in the center had their ears cut off, eyes crushed by beast claws and internal organs along with a large amount of blood flowing out from the gap of the slashed open wound on the stomach.

I approached them as they seemed to have already given up hope of saving the person and put off any kind of treatment.

"What! What have you come for!"

"I'm here to heal, don't crowd around the injured."

"With that again! I know you're just here to cheat money from us! Or you're going to give us hope and then deny us your healing skills because we're filthy beastkin!"

Mountain Leopardess' members panicked from the sudden bellow.

"This child isn't like that. I'm sorry, these people have come from the neighboring country that's why."

"You don't have to apologize. Things like this do happen, don't they?"

In the town I frequented, the population of humans and beastkin were almost equal but it seems humans seemed to have more voice in the place they have come from.

Besides, beastkins tend to have little to zero healers because of their paltry mana reserve.

Thus, they have to turn to people from other races to seek healing magic but as they had described in their shouts earlier, they're being discriminated against because they're beastkins.

Experiencing the discrimination, they were of course on guard against any such malicious person.

"S... top, you ....... guys, don't lash... at a child."

"Big brother!"

I approached the beastkin who was still conscious and crouched down.

"You're not dirty, everyone from the beast tribe are wonderful people. 一一«High Heal»."

After saying that, I grabbed his cold hand wet with his blood, and activated my healing magic.

I healed the biggest wound. In fact, I had wanted to heal the torn-off ears and crushed eyes too but my mana reserve was finite.

But I believe there would always be a chance to heal anything as long as the person was alive.

"Now you will be alright. See ya, I'm going to heal the other injured."

"Ehh, Aah......"

All Adventurers looked stunned but I continued on with my work. I must heal the fatally injured so that they don't die.

Soon, it was evening by the time I noticed.

"Selene-chan. It's about time for your bed."

"Ah, really."

"Your inn and meals have been prepared by the guild already. Let's call it a day."

"Thank you for everything."

It was then I noticed the number of injured adventurers lying in the temporary treatment camp had dwindled down.

Seeing that, I called it a day, leaving the rest to the healers from here. No dead count had come out today among the adventurers that had come here.

But those who were missing crushed eyes or torn ears or limbs were left for later to heal when Okaa-san and Teto onee-chan come back.

That's why, Okaa-san, Come back soon.