I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witch-Chapter 11Vol 1 .2: Part 2

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Chapter 11 [The number of travelers to the town has increased.] Part 2

“Come to think of it, we haven’t properly introduced ourselves to Jou-chan yet. We form the party called the [The Falcon Riding Upon the Winds]. I’m Lyle. I’m a C-rank adventurer and a vanguard swordsman.”

“I’m the younger brother John. I’m also a C-rank adventurer and a scout that scouts out and disarm traps.”

“I’m Anna. A C-rank and a bow-user.”

[The Falcon Riding Upon the Winds]–in town it seems like they’re called [Wind Falcon]–is how they introduced themselves.

“Tet is Tet! Also, Majo-sama!”

“Hey, Tet!”

Tet introduced us as she pleased, but their gazes gathered onto me, who was introduced as ‘Majo-sama’.

Witch, etc. isn’t my name, but currently I have no name.

Since it’s come to this, I can only decide on my name right here.

“My name is—-Chise. The witch Chise.”

I decided by feeling, but I felt like I calmed down inside me.

“I see, Chise and Tet right? Once again, we’ll be in your care.”

“Yes, nice to meet you.”

Even a chance acquaintance is preordained by destiny, was it?

It feels like a layer between us was broken after we introduced ourselves to each other, and the Wind Falcon explained their situation to me.

“Actually, we came here on a request to investigate this forest.”

“Investigate the forest?”

“Ahh, there were a lot of orcs being spotted. We came to investigate the unusual events of the forest.”

Deeper inside the forest—-it seems there was an orc colony inhabiting deeper in the forest from the spot where we met them.

Also, that colony had many high class species such as the black-skinned orc warrior and the magic using orc wizard that we saw. Additionally, it seems like they were lead by an orc king.

“Then, is it not better for you to quickly gather some knights or many adventurers and subjugate them?”

“Ahh, in order for that, we have to return to the town and report this. At that time, if Chise wasn’t there, we might have not been able to report back and have died. Thank you.”

When embellished like that, it feels uncomfortable for some reason. I wish I could hide my face as I clutched the edge of my hood.

While inserting numerous breaks, we headed for the town.

Then, as we went down along the river, out of the forest, we came across a road from the plain. We finally arrived at the town in the evening before the castle gates closed.

“There’s a castle gate on the east and west side. The forest that we came out from is on the north side.”

“We came from the plains on the other side of the forest.”

“If that’s the case, then it’s the route where you detour around the mountains. Over there is the border area of the Empire and a place where it’s easy to become a battlefield.”

I wonder if he knew the surrounding geography well, or so I thought as Lyle-san taught me.

Perhaps, if I reincarnated at a different time, I might have started in this other world right in the center of the battlefield.

Furthermore, if I advanced east of the plains, it was the Garudo Therianthrope Country. If I advanced northwest, it seems like I’d enter the Mubado Empire.

And now, I am currently in the Ischia Kingdom which was in the east direction of the plains where I started.

“Well then, we’ll line up at the adventurers spot.”

“Does that mean me and Tet should line up traveller’s line?”

“Hey hey, Chise is our benefactor. Let’s negotiate with the gatekeeper so that we can enter together.”

At the castle gate, it was split into merchant-use line, traveller-use line, adventurer and others. We lined up in their line.

Then, then the gatekeepers receives the adventurers who’ve returned to town after finishing their request, but stopped us when they spotted Lyle-san and crew.

“Lyle… what happened! The baggage that you had the day before yesterday is gone, and John’s equipment is worn-out and his clothes are cut apart!”

“We screwed up a bit in our request. These travelling Jou-chans saved us.”

“Haa~, well, I don’t really know what happened, but it’s good that you’re safe. I also understand Jou-chans’ side too.”

As we received a light inquiry when entering the town, they demanded a toll when entering the town.

I paid Tet’s and my toll with the silver coin that I received from Lyle-san for the treatment cost.

“This isn’t refundable, but if you get a guild card identification at the guild. you won’t have to pay the next time. Here, large eight copper coins.”

As he said that, he handed over eight large copper coins as change to me.

“Large copper coin?”

“Is this your first time seeing it? 10 copper coins is a large copper coin, and 10 of that is a silver coin.”

Additionally, 10 silver coins is a small gold coin, furthermore, above that is a large gold coin. In a national settlement, it seems like there’s also coins made out of magic metal.

Also, he taught me a brief prince indicator: one meal at a food stall of a restaurant is around five copper coins, and the bread at a bakery is two copper coins.

“Is that so? Thank you for teaching me.”

I put away the change in my pouch, and passed through the castle gate.

Then, I advanced through the downtown’s main street while grasping a rough price of commodities. When I noticed, we finally arrived at a building with a crest with swords intersecting hung up.

“This our home, the Adventurers’ Guild.”

Usually I have a TL note in footnotes, but this one requires a lot of explaining for those who are interested. The phrase used is 袖振り合うも多生の縁. This literally means ‘sleeves touching each other is reincarnation’s fate. I used the translation for 袖振り合うも他生の縁 which is slightly different in meaning, but the meaning is complex. When even something as trifling as your sleeves touching someone else occurs, this was due to destiny or fate controlling it. Note that sleeves in ancient times were long, so it was easier (than now) for sleeve to touch, The usage of this phrase is to say that meeting someone might be predestined by fate due to your previous lives that you’ve lived. This is related to Buddhism (which was more popular than Shinto in ancient times) and the concept of karma between two people being tied together even in future lives. Once tied, karma is hard (and almost impossible) to break. That’s why in Chinese cultivation novels, breaking karma is often a major and difficult event, as it’s like breaking the natural laws of the universe. This is quite unique how Chise uses this phrase, as she has just been reincarnated into this world recently, and this Buddhist concept of reincarnation and encounter with her first meeting. She’s being a bit melodramatic, but she’s saying that meeting this group of people in this new world, might not be by chance, but something determined by fate.