I Became A Hit After My Divorce!-Chapter 813 - : Elder Hai

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Chapter 813: Elder Hai ๐“ฏ๐™ง๐’†๐’†๐”€๐’†๐“ซ๐“ท๐“ธ๐“ฟ๐’†๐“ต.๐™˜๐“ธ๐“ถ

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

โ€œYouโ€™re welcome, youโ€™re welcome. Itโ€™s what I should do. The snacks you make are super delicious.โ€ Hai Dongyang chuckled. โ€œAnd your danceโ€ฆ Can I invite you to be an ambassador for our brand?โ€

Nangong Jue was speechless.

โ€˜Is he treating me like Iโ€™m dead?โ€™

Then, he went forward and pulled her into his arms.

Le Yao was stunned. She turned to look at the man and couldnโ€™t help but smile. This guy was jealous. Then, she smiled at Hai Dongyang. โ€œThank you for your invitation, but Iโ€™m not suitable for the entertainment industry.โ€

Hai Dongyang was about to say something else when a voice came from the hall. โ€œDongyang, please let the guests in.โ€

Only then did Hai Dongyang realize that everyone was still standing at the door. He hurriedly smiled apologetically and let them in.

In the luxuriously decorated hall, a hale and hearty old man was sitting on the sofa, but his body was upright and his hands were holding a walking stick.

โ€œElder Hai.โ€ Nangong Jue bowed respectfully to the tide.

Le Yao also bowed.

โ€œSir Jue, Iโ€™ve long heard of your name. Sit.โ€ Hai Chao nodded slightly. Le Yao blinked. They knew each other? That made things easier.

Nangong Jue pulled Le Yao to sit down on the sofa.

Soon, a Filipino maid served some snacks. Then, she quickly left. There was no sound during the entire process. Clearly, they were well-trained.

Hai Dongyang sat down opposite Nangong Jue and the others.

โ€œI heard that you want to ask about Master Ba?โ€ Hai Chao did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point. Nangong Jue nodded. โ€œYes.โ€


Le Yao frowned. Did he have to know the reason?

โ€œIt might have something to do with my wifeโ€™s background, โ€ Nangong Jue said directly.

Hai Chaoโ€™s gaze landed on Le Yaoโ€™s face and he frowned slightly. Then, he suddenly stood up and walked up to Le Yao in a few steps. He reached out and pressed her head.

โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€ Le Yao exclaimed.

โ€œElder Hai, youโ€ฆโ€ Nangong Jue stood up and was about to attack.

Hai Dongyang also stood up in fear. What was Grandpa doing?

โ€œDonโ€™t move,โ€ Hai Chao said sternly. He even glared at Nangong Jue. Then, he pressed Le Yaoโ€™s head down and pried open her hair. He let go after taking a look. Then, he suddenly knelt on one knee on the ground. โ€œMiss.โ€

Le Yao had been quite angry just now and was about to curse, but now she was stunned and subconsciously took a few steps back. โ€œElder Hai, whatโ€ฆ do you mean?โ€ When Hai Chao looked up again, tears were already streaming down his face. fr eeweb novel

Le Yao could only look at Nangong Jue for help.

Nangong Jue took a step forward and helped him up. โ€œElder Hai, please get up and talk.โ€

โ€œOkay.โ€ The way Elder Hai looked at Le Yao changed. โ€œHowever, letโ€™s go to my study.โ€ Then, he took the initiative to bring the two of them to the second floor. โ€œDongyang, you come too.โ€

The study on the second floor was simple and elegant. It had a Chinese style and was completely different from the dazzling decoration in the hall.

Le Yao was immediately attracted by the set of rosewood table and chairs inside. This chair could cost the same as a house. This person was too extravagant.

However, she did not show it because they were going to talk business after all.

After Hai Chao gestured for everyone to sit down, he turned around and went to the ancient shelf beside him. No one knew what he touched, but the ancient shelf turned away, revealing a safe embedded in the wall behind. Then, he opened the safe openly..

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