I Became a 6★ Gacha Character-Chapter 316: The Carriage of Madness 1

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Chapter 316: The Carriage of Madness 1

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Even while I was struggling in the terrifying depths of the internet, there were those who worked tirelessly day and night.

One group was the cyber ghosts, producing all kinds of derivative works, and the other group was the knights seeking the glory of the royal family and the Goddess.

The Royal Knights and the Temple Knights.

At first glance, these two groups of knights might seem similar or different, but they share an undeniable common trait: loyalty bordering on madness.

The Temple Knights often foamed at the mouth in front of the viewers, shared camaraderie through muscles, and smashed the heads of heretics, so it's exhausting to talk about them.

But the viewers still don't know much about the Royal Knights.

They aren't some obscure knights, but knights of the Royal Order. The royal family, being the special leader appointed by the Goddess, has a Royal Order of Knights who are no less loyal than the Temple Knights.

This means they are a group of mad superhumans who would crawl naked into a monster's den and start hunting barehanded if ordered. That's the Royal Order of Knights.

“...The knights are joining the battle?”

“So they say? It seems the guild members heard about it last night and were surprised.”

In other words, once an order is given, they don't look back.

It was just yesterday that we decided to infiltrate the Harpy Empire. Adventurers who had been hiding quickly cooperated in a strange way to rescue the stone dwarves yesterday evening.

Although the timing wasn't planned, with Han Se-ah's login and stream, the operation inside the tower began in the morning and ended in the evening.

And this morning, it was confirmed that the knights would participate, and there was news that the Royal Order of Knights would soon arrive at the tower and come up.

This means one thing: the Royal Knights ran all the way to the City of Adventurers overnight.

They aren't some noble's private soldiers but knights sent directly from the royal family, so the guild was understandably flustered.

Ignoring the ceremonial etiquette to greet the royal dispatches and the inevitable cooperation with the temple, and issuing cooperation orders to the guilds in the name of the royal family, they just dashed in and stormed into the tower.

“Hey, Roland! It's been a while!”

“Already inside?”

Correction, they didn't just say they were coming; they were already inside.

We were trying to have a morning meeting on the first floor of the inn when a man recognized us while passing by. The problem was that this medieval inn looked like a fancy cafe with an open terrace on the first floor.

James Sullivan, my knightly contact, opened the door naturally while walking by. We met last time during the blessed forest request. He’s a 4★ knight, and because he's a burly man, most viewers don't remember him.

“Even the upper ranks are in an uproar because of that. Even though they usually overlook orcs running wild and disturbing the royal forest, why now?”

“Because the half-breeds dared to call themselves empress and Goddess. The Royal Knights' legitimacy comes from the pride of protecting the royal lineage chosen by the goddess… so they’ve been properly provoked.”

Approaching the table naturally, James, true to his hot-blooded macho character, freely shared the knights' meeting details. Thanks to him, not only our party but also many viewers understood the situation.

In short, it was a time attack on the 50th-floor boss.

Since the opponent isn't just a simple monster but a boss who has built an empire, the advance speed would undoubtedly be slower. However, it was undeniable that a competition between the Royal Knights and the Harpy Empress to cut off her head had begun.

“So this time, it’s not just a few of us who came, but most of our 2nd Order Knights were dispatched to the tower. I heard our commander won a drinking bet with the 1st Order commander―”

“Sullivan, you crazy bastard! Are you hitting on women during a mission?”


As James was chatting away, sharing near-gossip about the Order with me, my companions, and the viewers, a heavy hand grabbed his head.

Because of the open terrace, if James could see my face and come in, other knights could see James and come in too. Unfortunately, he was standing next to me, exposing his face to the street.

Both James and I were tall, muscular, and large. But the man who burst through the door and grabbed James's head was so big he made even us look small. He looked more like a gorilla from creative media than a human.

“Commander! Commander, wait! I wasn’t hitting on women, ahh!”

“Then were you hitting on men? You fool, really.”

James was dragged away by his head as if Bigfoot had abducted a human, rather than a person dragging another person.

Whether he didn’t recognize Han Se-ah's face or pretended not to, I didn't know. But that man was probably the 2nd Order commander. I knew some knights from requests but had no acquaintance with the commander.

If he didn't know our party's faces, it might look like he was hitting on women sitting at the table from the morning. It doesn’t matter if the Royal Knight Commander doesn’t recognize the hero party’s faces.


Raei Translations


James Sullivan, who came and went like the wind, disappeared this time like an extra in a horror movie. Fortunately, other guests, whether adventurers or mages, didn’t seem particularly interested.

“Even if the Royal Knights are joining, how do they plan to move?”

“Maybe they’ll hire adventurers to avoid destroying the city? For now, even we were able to cause some chaos safely because of other adventurers.”

“Even if they’re knights, they won’t think of solving it alone. They’ll have to go all the way up to the 50th floor, not just end at the 46th.”

Thanks to the sudden information, we had plenty to discuss while waiting for the morning. James being dragged off for hitting on women was almost like a short skit, but the information he babbled in a short time was important.

Though it had a comedic tone, the participation of the Royal Knights was not something to be taken lightly. It’s a place teeming with guys like James Sullivan, a born 4★.

The suddenly appearing princess was a born 6★, and it was similar to having stars on spies, bodyguards, gardeners, and stable keepers.

It’s natural that the royal capital has higher levels than a rural estate, so it’s common sense that the Royal Order of Knights is also full of stars.

“The guild seems to have received the information late and hasn't decided on a policy yet. Should we visit again?”

“Let’s do that. From seeing that James, it looks like they just arrived.”

A situation where wild knights were released into the limited field of the tower. As adventurers and gamers, it was time to grasp the situation.

Thinking that, I used bread to clean up the remaining soup in the bowl, like doing the dishes. Irene’s eyes adorably curved. True to her nickname, ‘Mommy,’ she seemed to think our having a good breakfast was more important than participating in the meeting.

-Judging by his face alone, that commander could single-handedly ruin a city.

-Lol, can we see some female knights now? There are too few adventurers, it’s boring.

-After orcs and female knights, is it tentacles and female knights next? These guys always send knights at suspicious timings.

-Forbes names this game company as the best for female knight fetish.

“How come whenever there’s talk about knights, the story shifts to female knights? How full of dirty thoughts are these people?”

"I don't want to know how long your tissue rolls are."

We were on our way to the guild, after organizing the dishes and pots. The party was chatting about the knights' participation, and Han Se-ah was disgusted by the viewers' lust while figuring out how to collect money.

Around us, the underground city was bustling with stone dwarves preparing for business and people with eyes wide open thinking about making money. Mixed in this scene were some unfamiliar sights.

"…The knights' squires? Even the squires came?"

"What's wrong, Roland?"

The first thing that caught my eye was the knights' squires. They were lightly armored with the royal knight emblem on their shoulders, carrying bags and boxes.

The young men were smiling brightly even though their faces were covered in dust and they were carrying heavy loads, probably because they felt they had secured a place in a heroic tale. After all, they had crossed the kingdom to reach the tower in just one night, so they had a lot to do, but there were a lot of them.

It looked almost like SCVs[1] mining minerals.

"They look like the knights' squires. It seems the royal family is getting more seriously involved than I thought."

"Don't knights usually take squires with them?"

Irene, curious about my muttering, asked, and Grace nodded slightly. Glancing over, I saw Katie rolling her eyes as if wondering what the problem was.

It's common for knights to take squires to manage their armor, weapons, and horses, but that's for regular knights. The ones in the tower now were the Royal Order of Knights, which is a different story.

"What comes to mind when you think of the royal family?"

"Um, the princess?"

"Perhaps the Goddess's blessing?"

"A monster extermination decree?"

Their innocent answers made my heart ache, but reality was a bit different.

The Royal Order of Knights isn't an institution that advocates for equality; most of the knights are from noble families. Even the easy-going James is the second son of the Sullivan family.

Although his job dealing with mercenaries and adventurers means he isn’t overbearing to commoners, it doesn’t change the fact that my connections are nobles.

If the knights are nobles, they wouldn't pick some random commoner as a squire.

They are second or third sons from somewhere who can't inherit the family title but are trained as squires for the glory of the royal family from a young age.

If the Royal Order of Knights is made up of elite zealots, thoroughly trained in loyalty to the royal family from their squire days, then these squires were still naive and full of hot air. They have noble blood but are easily influenced and excited, making them perfect prey for political schemers.

"…So, it's unusual for the Royal Order of Knights' squires to go on deployments. They usually don’t go on large-scale missions where they have to move in groups like this, instead of just a small deployment with their knights."

"Well, if there's a lot of grunt work, they'd use soldiers instead of squires."

"It was a political thing? I had no idea…."

James once mentioned that to prevent dirty tricks, it's a rule that squires don’t go on large-scale deployments like this.

James isn’t one to spout nonsense about such things, so something was definitely off.

There's no way the royal family is so short on manpower that they need to borrow squires' hands for the harpy extermination.

There was a suspicious smell wafting through the streets.


[1. raei: SCV stands for Space Construction Vehicle. Worker units in starcraft.]

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