I am the Entertainment Tycoon-Chapter 295 Party At The 9th Club

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9th Club, West District, Elffire City.

This club was famous around the neighborhood for the parties that usually happened there.

And that Saturday morning was no different from the others.

A truck parked in front of the club and some people started unloading all types of equipment carrying them into the club.

A party was indeed going to happen in the 9th Club, but it would be different from everything the club saw before.

A music video would be filmed there!

Arthur and his crew unloaded the truck and started the preparations for the shooting.

"Come on, guys! Each one of you knows what to do!" Arthur shouted as they unloaded the last material into the club.

They nodded and started doing their assignments.

Bobby started setting up the lights.

Kaitlyn took care of all the electrical equipment to make sure everything was safe. 𝐟𝚛e𝐞𝙬𝗲𝒃𝓷𝒐𝘃e𝒍.c𝑜m

Niwa, Arabella, Kanna, and Obara were setting up the decorations.

Helena and Ishii were rehearsing their parts.

Kate was starting the preparations to work on all the actors.

Arthur, Nomura, and Buddy were setting up the cameras.

They were deeply involved in work when a sports car parked in front of the club.

Two stunning beautiful girls exited the car and looked around the place.

"Is this the place?" Ayia asked as her golden eyes scanned the place.

"I believe so." Shizuka replied as her red eyes also scanned all around.

"Let's go then." Ayia said as she started walking toward the club.

Shizuka nodded and followed Ayia into the club.

When they entered the place, they saw a big hall large enough to house 100 people, a bar by the side, and a DJ booth at the back.

It was the typical setting that every party place should have.

The two girls also noticed 12 people working diligently.

"Hey, it's Ayia-san and Shizuka-san!" Kate exclaimed loudly when she saw the two girls entering the club.

The others immediately turned their heads and saw Ayia and Shizuka too.

"Hey, girls!"

"Good morning!"

"How are you doing?"

They greeted the girls with amiable and grateful smiles.

After three weeks of working together, they were as grateful toward these girls as they were toward Moonlight.

After all, it was only through Ayia's suggestion that Moonlight hired them.

And throughout the production of the three music videos they did, Ayia and Shizuka were their guardian angels.

Everything they asked for was delivered to them.

A big part of the reason why they did such a good job was that they had Ayia and Shizuka helping them behind the scenes.

So, it was no surprise their enthusiasm for seeing the girls.

Ayia and Shizuka greeted everyone amiably.

Ayia's eyes were shining as she saw all the party settings, she was very curious about this party music video.

While Shizuka only came here to accompany Ayia.

They talked for a while, until Ayia asked, "What can we help you with?"

Her voice showed the excitement she was feeling.

"How about you two help us set up the decorations? With more hands, we can finish way faster." Niwa suggested.

"Sure, we can do that!" Ayia replied with a smile.

The others agreed with Niwa's suggestion too.

If they finished setting up the decorations earlier, they could start filming the scenes earlier, which meant they would have more time to shoot.

Like that, Ayia and Shizuka helped Niwa set up the decorations.

Everything was a wonder to them.

Ayia constantly asked Niwa about things she saw.

The cameras, the lights, the decorations, and so on.

She was very interested in everything she saw because this music video was from her crush.

And she wanted to tell him everything she saw during the production of his music video, she was certain that he would be interested in the story.

As they continued setting up the equipment and the party, people started to arrive at the club.

There were 5 people outside the club.

"I believe it's here." One of them said out loud.

"Yeah, the message they sent to me says that this is indeed the place."

They checked the address once again, and when they saw it was indeed the right place, they entered the club.

When the five of them entered the club, they saw something they have never seen when they performed in a theater.

Cameras were being set up and strange lights gave the place a party vibe.

Only now do they believe what they heard in the audition two days ago.

When they passed the audition, they heard that they would participate in a shooting.

But in Elffire City, actors only performed in the theaters, so they found it hard to believe someone was filming something here.

As soon as they entered the place, they attracted the attention of everyone.

"Hey, you are the actors who passed the audition two days ago, right?" Arthur walked over and said with a smile.

"Yes, we are." One of them replied nervously.

"Great! We can start preparing you for the shooting right away." Arthur said with a happy smile.

"Kate! I think you can start working on these!" He called the girl.

Kate happily trotted toward the 5 newcomers, she finally could start working!

Even though she could start preparing Helena and Ishii right away, that would be a dumb decision.

That was because if she did their makeup and hair too early, it might fall off during the shooting.

Plus, Helena and Ishii would be the only ones who be focused on by the cameras, so their makeup and hair needed to be perfect.

That's why Kate would prepare all the background actors before she started with Helena and Ishii.

Kate dragged the five newcomers to the side and started doing their makeup.

Her heavy workload of the day had just started.

Throughout the next hours, more and more actors arrived, and Kate became even busier.

But on another hand, the preparations were almost done for the shooting.

Bobby was able to set up all the lights as they planned before.

Arthur, Nomura, and Bobby finished setting up the cameras.

And finally, Niwa and the others finished setting up the party decorations.

The place finally looked like a party place.

Niwa was inspired by the New Year's theme to design the decorations.

The place looked amazing, and the only different thing that was different from a normal party were the cameras and lighting sets placed around the place.

Ayia and Shizuka looked at the set with shining eyes, they had to admit it was a little fun to participate in this project.

By now all the background actors already arrived, and Kate finished their makeup and hair too.

As soon as Niwa finished setting up the decorations, she started giving each background actor, the clothes she designed for each one of them.

A while later, Kate also finished Helena and Ishii's makeup and hair.

The two of them dressed in the clothes Niwa designed for them, and just like that, the two lead actors were ready to start working!

The two of them looked beautiful.

Ishii was wearing black pants, black sneakers, a white shirt, and a red jacket.

While Helena wore a shiny red dress that made her look absolutely stunning.

All pieces were in place, and the shooting was ready to start.

Arthur started instructing the background actors, and just like that the shooting of the 'Save Your Tears' music video started.

Everyone assumed their positions.

And Arthur shouted once again, "Lights! Camera! Action!"