I am the Entertainment Tycoon-Chapter 264 Network Security - Country Level

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Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City.

Wednesday.? π™›π‘Ÿπ‘’eπ˜Έπ‘’π—―π˜―π—Όπ˜ƒel.𝒄𝒐m

The day that marked the middle of the week.

Not far away from the weekend, but at the same too far away from the weekend.

It seems a paradoxical statement, but that was what most felt about Wednesdays.

A day that everyone wanted to pass as soon as possible.

And it was in the middle of the afternoon of the particular weekday that a silver-haired young man looked at his computer with shining eyes.

"Finally!" He exclaimed loudly with a brilliant smile on his face.

Theo was happy as he looked at his computer because after working on the song for days, he finally was able to finish producing it!

The song was still called 'bad guy'.

But he changed the lyrics.

But that was the only thing that he changed.

The beat and rhythm of the song were kept the same way the original was produced.

Now if someone compared the original version with Theo's version, they would notice that it was basically the same song.

The only thing different was the lyrics.

"After working for more than three days, I finally finished. Now I can start the production of the rest of the songs." Theo commented out loud as he forward the file to Ayia for her to start the copyright procedures of this song.

At first, Theo predicted that he would only expend three days working on this song.

But because he had to edit his music video and talk with the filming crew, things got delayed.

But that did not matter, Theo still thought that he could finish before the end of the month.

After all, he only had four songs left to produce.

And it was only December 9th yet.

Theo looked at the clock, he wanted to see if he had time before he had to go to the restaurant.

'3:14 PM... Hmm, it's a little early, but I guess I could arrive earlier today.' He thought.

He was about to get up from his seat when he heard his cellphone ringing.

Theo picked up his phone to see who was the caller.


When he saw who it was, he lifted his eyebrows a little.

Ryoko only called him when she needed his help with something or when she needed to ask his opinion on something.

Ryoko was very serious about her job.

So, she was extra careful with everything she did.

And when Theo saw her name, he had an idea why she was calling.

"Hello?" Theo answered the call.

"Hey, boss! I have great news!" Ryoko exclaimed with a happy voice.

"Hey! What's up?" Theo replied with a smile.

"I called the Grotto Sound Studio to make a proposition for them to come here to do a test. I called in the morning, and I just received their answer. They accepted!" Ryoko said with an excited voice.

She could contain her happiness.

She was able to hire an awesome team to work in the studio.

The task that Theo gave her was close to completion.

"Really? That's indeed great news!" Theo replied with an equally excited voice.

As the person who founded the studio, no one would be happier than Theo with the advancement of the studio.

And hiring a good sound engineering team was a huge step forward.

Most of the talented engineers and designers had some sort of commitment to follow.

Or the price to take them from their existing jobs was too high.

But now, the studio was about to hire 30 super talented sound engineers and designers.

And they would only have to pay 800k dollars.

If Ryoko wanted to hire the same 30 people with the same amount of skill and knowledge, she would have to pay much more money.

Things like termination fines, higher salaries, accommodations, and so on.

Termination fines to take the employees from other studios.

Higher salaries to attract these people to come to Elffire City to work at the Tokyo Studios.

Provide them with good houses in Elffire City.

And many other things to attract these people.

After all, who would want to live in Sakura City, the holy city for animation, to come to Elffire City?

Ryoko would have to give them incentives.

Ryoko predicted that the studio would have to pay at least 2 million dollars to hire employees from other studios.

Now they would pay much less.

The salaries of these new employees would be a normal salary.

And the best thing was that these 30 people would not demand anything from Ryoko.

They would be just happy that they would be able to still work with what they liked.

Theo was very satisfied with Ryoko's vision and work.

She had the vision to notice something strange with their situation and with Theo's help, they were able to attract talented sound engineers and designers to Elffire City.

"Right? I told them to be here by Friday. We can test them then, and if they pass. They can start working by next Monday." Ryoko declared with a calmer voice.

Theo and Ryoko agreed that even though all pointed to the fact that these 30 people were talented sound engineers and designers, they still have to test them to be sure.

What if there were some awful people between them?

Therefore, Theo and Ryoko did not let go of the test.

"You did an amazing job, Ryoko! I knew I could trust in you." Theo complimented the girl with a sincere voice.

Theo could not see it, but Ryoko blushed when she heard his compliment.

She could sense that Theo did not have any second intentions with her and that he was genuinely happy with her work.

Ryoko was a little proud as she heard that.

"I will leave their test with you. You can lead this test by yourself, right?" Theo asked.

"Hmm, I can do it, boss. But I don't know anything about sound effects." Ryoko replied with a hesitant voice.

"Don't worry about it. I will send you how the test should go and the parameters. You just have to watch over it. And when they finish the test, you send it to me and I can evaluate them. By Saturday I can send you the results." Theo said with a gentle voice as he smiled a little.

"Oh, that's much better. Then I can do it, boss. Leave it with me." Ryoko said with a lively voice.

"Oh, boss, can I ask you a question?" Ryoko asked hesitantly.

"Sure, fire away." Theo chuckled as he heard her antics.

"Hmm, we're going to hire people who suffered a hacking attack. Isn't dangerous? What if the people who attacked them come after us?" Ryoko asked the question that has been in her mind since she heard the other side's reply when she told them about her proposition.

"That's an excellent question, Ryoko!" Theo exclaimed with a chuckle.

"But let me just ask you another question. Why do you think that the studio doesn't have any IT Security personnel?" He asked with a mysterious voice.

"Hmm, I don't know." Ryoko replied with a puzzled face.

That was something that made her puzzled for a while.

In a big studio like the one that Theo opened, it was needed people to take care of the security of the studio's network.

But the Tkyo Studios didn't have people like that.

"That's because the studio network is being watched 24/7. It is impossible for a hacker to intrude into our system." Theo said with a confident voice.

Ryoko had a look of understanding when she heard that, but she was still a little confused, but she thought it was better to stop asking questions.

She trusted Theo completely.

What she didn't know was that every company that Theo owned had a security system comparable with the ones that countries had to keep their secrets safe.

The only difference was that the security system in Theo's companies was stronger.

That was the source of Theo's confidence.

Theo and Ryoko talked for a while longer before they hung up the phone.

They both had satisfied smiles as they did that.

The studio was one step further to become a big studio in the anime industry.

They could not wait for the sound engineers to arrive.

What would they think about Theo's studio?