Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System-Chapter 1227 Build Back Bigger

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Chapter 1227 1227 Build Back Bigger

?Max started to sort through the applications to stay on the World Ships, and passed Sylvie the task of renovating the Creeping Darkness for occupancy with a new standard of comfort and luxury. She had already started on the changes, but if they were going to make the World Ship into a standard Reaver trade vessel, with an excess of both luxury and military capacity to go with the cargo space, it was going to take a fairly extensive redesign.

That wouldn't be a problem for her, though. The ship was designed to be easily modified for different uses, and the plans for the new interior were available from Felicity, who had already adapted some for her use. freew ebnov el

"How long do you need to get the ship ready to start receiving new permanent occupants? Including the transfer of the Alliance troops to their own vessels." Max asked.

"We can start receiving them tomorrow morning, as long as the Alliance troops get their people on time." She replied.

"That's a good enough timeline. I will stay here with you until there is a crew ready to take over. Perhaps longer, if there is still more fighting to be done in the immediate future. It looks like the situation is mostly under control, but we all know that the best of plans never survive the first engagement with the enemy."

Sylvie computed the accuracy of the statement, then realized that it was a euphemism. It still had an accuracy rate over ninety percent, though.

"If there are no objections, I will remake the rooms in my traditional style, but to the standard set by Felicity." Sylvie suggested.

"That is a good idea. It will give the ship its own personality, instead of being a copy of something else. The finest of Reaver Ships all have their own style, based on when they were made, and the generations that have lived aboard since then. You might not have had the chance to have generations of residents, but you certainly have a unique vintage." Max agreed.

The happy AI began to work, turning the World Ship into the peak of luxury from the time of her construction, while also ushering the Alliance troops home to their own vessels. That alone was a big task, as there was no organization to where everyone ended up.

Nico sent a message while Max was working on the arrangements for the last of the Shin to get transferred to Absolution, where their vessels would be staying for a longer retrofit. Their technology was a bit different from the Alliance standard, and they had taken some damage from the influence of the Myceloid God's intervention.

The Valkia were already almost gone, they just needed to get a cargo vessel to move all the light attack vessels between World Ships.

Max considered inviting them to stay on Creeping Darkness, but they were Shin, and Absolution had a World Tree on board, as well as numerous natural features, including massive forests, for them to relax in.

Even after the renovation, Creeping Darkness wasn't going to be that sort of vessel, it was being renovated more like a single massive city than a floating nation. It would hold close to fifty times as many people in the end, while still having more cargo space, but Absolution was the undisputed leader in green space, thanks to its long and flat design, as opposed to the spherical standard.

[The first batch of the Reaver transfers are coming with the cargo vessel. You can get them settled whenever the rooms are ready, but it will save us all a lot of hassle if I send them now.] Nico informed Max as the transfer arrangements were finalized.

[Who are you sending over?] He asked.

[Mostly independents. Most of them are from ships that lost their Commanders and all the named officers, so there is no inheritance path for the Company. They've got whatever they could salvage, but they're looking for a new home.] Nico replied.

[And the others?]

[I found a few Independent Commanders that are way down the priority list for a new ship. They were willing to make a deal to work under the Terminus Trading Company, in exchange for a guarantee that they'll get a new Cutter Class or larger cargo vessel this year to return to their trade routes.

Everything is on hold right now anyhow, with the military situation being what it is. Until the production lines shift back to general goods instead of military supplies, there is no need for trade vessels, so they're willing to wait a bit while they sort out a new crew and get settled into a bay aboard Creeping Darkness.] Nico explained.

That made good sense to Max. He could also do them one better. A World Ship was a lot like a Space Station, in that you could have noncombatant family members living there full time. So, if they designated a permanent bay and living area for the independents, they could make the World Ship their permanent home base.

That was a huge improvement for a lot of the small trading companies. When you were all on one ship, anything that happened was a threat to everyone. But when you could leave the children somewhere safe, you could work with a lot less stress.

It would be a change for them, though, being away from family, so it was possible that some of them would prefer just to use the space on the World Ship for storage and a vacation residence. They wouldn't be the first ones with that idea, either. Plenty of Companies would lease space to visitors on their space stations, either for repairs or for rest away from a minimally equipped freighter.

[All Shin, prepare for transfer to Absolution. Your ride will be here within the hour, and then returning as soon as you are loaded.] Max broadcast to the ship, along with the docking bay for their transport.

"I've got three zones near the cargo bay prepared for residency. The new arrivals can start moving in as soon as they arrive, and then I will allow them to spread out once they are assigned crew duties or vessels." Sylvie informed Max. 𝐟𝗿đ—Čđ—Č𝘄đ—Č𝐛𝐧𝐹𝘃đ—Čđ—č.𝗰𝐹𝐩

"Good work. I'll be counting on you."

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