Hell's Handbook-Chapter 404

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Chapter 404

In the end, the two grown men simply couldn’t do anything to persuade the Nine-tailed Fox to change her mind. Since she insisted on joining a talent show, they decided to let her have her way. Situ Jin went ahead to call a big shot from the entertainment industry and got him to fly all the way to S City immediately.

The man whom Situ Jin had called was famous not only in China but in the rest of Asia as well. But when he saw the Nine-tailed Fox, he just stared at her in disbelief. He had seen all sorts of pretty women in his line of work, but when he saw the Nine-tailed Fox, he felt as though his very soul had been seduced out from his body.

She really hadn’t used any technique on him either. In reality, no ordinary person could possibly resist her beauty, unless they were exceptionally resilient mentally. And that was assuming she didn’t use her technique on the other party.

“Wake up!” Situ Jin snapped his fingers loudly. The other party shuddered violently in shock as though an explosion just went off next to him and nearly peed himself.

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freёnovelkiss.com.

“This lady… she’s the one who wants to join a talent show?” asked the man in a bewildered voice.

Situ Jin nodded and said, “What do you think, Lu Hang? You can get that arranged for her, right?”

Lu Hang was a veteran in the entertainment industry and he preferred to go by his English name. Anyone who still called him by his Chinese name would get a lashing from him, unless you were a big shot in the country. Situ Jin was definitely a big shot.

The Department of Supernatural Affairs held tremendous influence. If Situ Jin was the type to use his position for his own benefit, he would certainly have been everyone’s favorite government official. Nobody would dare to turn him down, besides those in the highest positions in the land.

Lu Hang first got acquainted with Situ Jin after a supernatural incident, and from then on, he discovered that the young man held an extremely high position in the government. And so, when Situ Jin gave him a call, he took the first flight to S City.

On the way to S City, Lu Hang was still wondering what Situ Jin could possibly need from him. He didn’t expect Situ Jin to bring a beautiful woman to him, and crazier still, Situ Jin was telling him to sign this woman up for one of those talent competition programs.

“Are you sure you’re not just trolling me?” asked Lu Hang. fгeewebnovёl.com

Situ Jin shrugged and said, “You think I would get you to fly all the way from Australia and introduce you to this pretty lady just to troll you?”

Lu Hang realized that Situ Jin couldn’t be trying to be funny, but the more he thought about it, the more questions he had. “But a beautiful woman like her wouldn’t need to join a competition. If you entrust her to me, I guarantee that within one year, she’d become the most famous female star in all of China… no wait, in all of Asia!”

“No! I want to join a competition!” the Nine-tailed Fox continued to insist.

“What? Why?” Lu Hang couldn’t understand.

Situ Jin could only sigh as he said, “I think it’s best to just go with what she wants. If she wants to join one of those competitions, let her be. She’ll become a celebrity either way, anyway.”

“While that’s true, wouldn’t it be pointless?” said Lu Hang with a wry smile.

“That’s fine with us. I’ll count on you to provide the necessary resources then. If you need anything or run into any issues, let me know and I’ll resolve them for you,” promised Situ Jin.

Lu Hang was shocked. How important must this woman be in order to make the head of the Department of Supernatural Affairs make such a huge promise? Could she be the daughter of the president or something?

“In any case, I’m entrusting her to you. You’d better make sure she doesn’t face any of the usual ugliness of the entertainment industry, otherwise… I might just wipe the entire industry out,” threatened Situ Jin.

Lu Hang’s lips twitched in fear, because he knew that Situ Jin was capable of doing such a thing. He sighed and said, “Mr. Situ, you have to understand that while I’m able to control what goes on in the entertainment industry, there’s very little I can do about the gangsters and politicians. I can’t afford to offend some of these people.”

“If those people dare to try and touch her, tell me who they are and I’ll chop their hands off,” said Situ Jin without missing a beat.

“But sometimes… your help might come too late?” said Lu Hang.

“You don’t have to worry about that. There is nothing in this world that’s too much for this lady to handle,” said Situ Jin with a smile. He was sure that anyone who tried to make trouble for the Nine-tailed Fox was probably doomed.

“In that case… alright then! I’ll take care of her. How should I address you?” said Lu Hang politely to the Nine-tailed Fox.

Situ Jin tensed up. Surely she wasn’t going to introduce herself as the Nine-tailed Fox, right? If she did that, Lu Hang was going to think that he was about to take care of someone with a few screws loose.

Thankfully, the Nine-tailed Fox knew what to do. She flashed Lu Hang a charming smile and said, “Just call me Su Mei.”

She had chosen this name because Mei meant attractive, so that was referring to herself. The surname Su was referring to Su Jin, so that was meant as a compliment to Su Jin.

“Su Mei, you said? That’s a good name,” Lu Hang complimented her.

Since all the demons were settled, Situ Jin said, “Alright then, I’ll leave her to you, take care of her for me. As for Miss Su… I hope we can all work well together.” He stretched a hand toward the Nine-tailed Fox.

She shook his hand and smiled as she replied, “Don’t worry, I’m not the type to create trouble.”

Situ Jin could only smile awkwardly. “I hope that’s really the case.”

After he had settled the Nine-tailed Fox and sent her off with Lu Hang, he gave Su Jin a call to update him and Su Jin thanked him.

Now that the three demons had gone elsewhere, Su Jin suddenly felt like the house was very empty.

Kano Mai wasn’t around, Ye Yun wasn’t around, the Demon Lord had left, and now, he had sent the three demons away. He was the only person left in the house.

When was the last time he felt this lonely? It was probably during the time before he became a Handbook owner. That was the time he had worked tirelessly in order to make ends meet.

Hell’s Handbook had given Su Jin a different sort of life. It had brought him pain and despair, but it had also brought him heartwarming times and precious friendships.

There were always two sides to everything, including the Handbook. But most people only received death and despair from the Handbook. Few were as lucky as Su Jin.

He had rested all by himself in his house for about two weeks when his Handbook suddenly started glowing. Someone was trying to contact him. Su Jin thought it was Chu Yi, but when he flipped the book open, he realized it was Natasha.

“Natasha?” Su Jin was surprised for a moment, but he remembered that even though the team they had formed for the Grave of the Gods Challenge was disbanded, they had added each other to their friends list.

“Su Jin! Thank goodness, I thought you died!” After returning from the Grave of the Gods, Natasha had isolated herself in order to train and reach the next level. The rest of the members had done the same thing, so none of them had tried contacting each other yet. Su Jin had caused a huge commotion in the Grave of the Gods, so Natasha wasn’t sure if Su Jin had survived that.

“Yeah, I was pretty lucky, so I’m still alive,” said Su Jin as he burst out laughing. “You’re not calling me just to check if I’m alive, right?”

“It’s true that I’m calling you for something else. I’m about to reach the next level, but… the Handbook notified me that just before I reach the next level, creatures within the Handbook’s universe will try to stop me from doing so. I’ve got my own army, but I don’t have a lot of formidable people in it. So… I was hoping that you could help to protect me from these attacks,” said Natasha.

“Protect you?” Su Jin frowned. Any Handbook owner was now his enemy, but he quickly sorted his thinking out. The ones who would really stand in the way of his goal would not be Handbook owners. Not even the top tier gods would be able to stand in his way once he had grown powerful enough. His real enemies were the Handbook and the will of the universe.

Also, if he did Natasha a favor this time, she might be willing to help him in the future. After all, before he started his actual war against the Handbook, he had to continue pretending to be an ordinary owner and use the Handbook to strengthen himself.

“What do I get out of this? Besides… why don’t you contact Oscar and the rest?” asked Su Jin, even though he had already decided to help her.

“I’ve contacted them, already, and both Oscar and Durand are willing to help me. But you can never have too many highly skilled fighters, can you? Also, even though your situation is a strange one, you’re a very good fighter, that’s for sure. If I manage to really become a god, I’ll owe you one and I’ll repay you in the future,” said Natasha.